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The 2005 Chios Ancient Shipwreck Survey : New Methods for Underwater Archaeology

In 2005 a Greek and American interdisciplinary team investigated two shipwrecks off the coast of Chios dating to the 4th-century b.c. and the 2nd/1st century. The project pioneered archaeological methods of precision acoustic, digital image, and chemical survey using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) and in-situ sensors, increasing the speed of data acquisition while decreasing costs. The AUV

Sociological imagination and our uncertain future

C.W. Mills suggests that having sociological imagination entails having ability to both distinguish between and connect personal troubles and public issues. This has been a guiding principle for much sociology in the last fifty years, but is never simple and continues to challenge the discipline. Especially the increasing number of sociologists engaging in endeavours to explain, understand, and im

Katastrofriskreducering: ett mång­vetenskapligt forskningsfält och ett tvärsektoriellt politikområde

Varför bosätter sig människor på riskfyllda platser? Hur beter sig människor i en katastrof och vilken betydelse har religion, hushåll och försörjning för återhämtning? Lär vi oss av våra kriserfarenheter och vilken roll spelar motivation och kollektiva minnen för detta? Är kapacitetsutveckling, multisektoriell samverkan och övning en hållbar väg mot reducerad katastrofrisk? Dessa är några av de m

The Discovery of Ancient History in the Deep Sea Using Advanced Deep Submergence Technology

The Skerki Bank Project was the first interdisciplinary e!ort to determine the importance of the deep sea to the field of archaeology. Over a nine year period from 1988 to 1997, its various field programs resulted in the discovery of the largest concentration of ancient ships ever found in the deep sea. In all, eight ships were located in an area of 210 km2, including five of the Roman era spannin

In vitro digestibility of edible films from various starch sources

Banana, maize, potato and sagu starches were boiled in the presence or absence of plasticizer (glycerol), producing edible films. In vitro digestibility features, amylose content and amylopectin gel filtration behavior of films and parent starches were evaluated. Available starch contents were lower in glycerol-containing films, due to dilution by the plasticizer. Total resistant starch increased

Internationell investeringsgarantirätt : Det multilaterala investeringsgarantiorganet MIGA

Avhandlingens analyserar de folkrättsliga reglerna om skydd av utländska investeringar mot icke-kommersiella, d v s politiska risker (i synnerhet valutaöverföringsrisker, risker för expropriering och liknande åtgärder, risker för kontraktsbrott, krigsrisker och risker för inre oroligheter) genom investeringsgarantier i och med tillkomsten av det Multilaterala investeringsgarantiorganet MIGA.

Neutralization of interleukin-1beta modifies the inflammatory response and improves histological and cognitive outcome following traumatic brain injury in mice

Interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) may play a central role in the inflammatory response following traumatic brain injury (TBI). We subjected 91 mice to controlled cortical impact (CCI) brain injury or sham injury. Beginning 5 min post-injury, the IL-1beta neutralizing antibody IgG2a/k (1.5 microg/mL) or control antibody was infused at a rate of 0.25 microL/h into the contralateral ventricle for up to 14

Investigation of Different Valve Geometries and Valve Timing Strategies and their Effect on Regenerative Efficiency for a Pneumatic Hybrid with Variable Valve Actuation

In the study presented in this paper a single-cylinder Scania D12 diesel engine has been converted to work as a pneumatic hybrid. During pneumatic hybrid operation the engine can be used as a 2-stroke compressor for generation of compressed air during vehicle deceleration and during vehicle acceleration the engine can be operated as an air-motor driven by the previously stored pressurized air.The

N1-methylnicotinamide is a signalling molecule produced in skeletal muscle coordinating energy metabolism

Obesity is a major health problem, and although caloric restriction and exercise are successful strategies to lose adipose tissue in obese individuals, a simultaneous decrease in skeletal muscle mass, negatively effects metabolism and muscle function. To deeper understand molecular events occurring in muscle during weight-loss, we measured the expressional change in human skeletal muscle following

Evaluation of pharmacological treatment strategies in traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a devastating disease, predominately affecting young people. Although the prognosis for TBI victims has improved in recent years, many survivors of TBI suffer from emotional, cognitive and motor disturbances and a decreased quality of life. In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in the number of pharmacological targets evaluated in clinically-relevant expe

Ibuprofen attenuates the inflammatory response and allows formation of migratory neuroblasts from grafted stem cells after traumatic brain injury

PURPOSE: There is hope for neural stem and progenitor cells (NSPC) to enhance regeneration when transplanted to the injured brain after traumatic brain injury (TBI). So far, the therapeutic effects of NSPC transplantation have been hampered mainly by the notable death of the transplanted cells. Neuroinflammation may lead to additional cell death after TBI and we hypothesized that survival of graft

Harvesting the decay energy of 26 Al to drive lightning discharge in protoplanetary discs

Chondrules in primitive meteorites likely formed by recrystallisation of dust aggregates that were flash-heated to nearly complete melting. Chondrules may represent the building blocks of rocky planetesimals and protoplanets in the inner regions of protoplanetary discs, but the source of ubiquitous thermal processing of their dust aggregate precursors remains elusive. Here we demonstrate that esca

Plasma C4d as marker for lupus nephritis in systemic lupus erythematosus

Background: In the present study, we sought to evaluate the complement activation product C4d as a marker for lupus nephritis in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods: C4d levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in plasma samples of patients with established SLE using a novel approach based on detection of a short linear cleavage neoepitope. Cross-sectional associations w