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Perceptions of Rodrigo Duterte among his Filipino supporters living in Sweden and the Philippines

This thesis draws on eleven semi-structured interviews with Duterte supporters. It analyses how the president is perceived by Filipinos, more specifically by those who support him and live in Sweden and the Philippines, in order to provide an in-depth understanding of the appeal of Duterte to his supporters. The thesis focuses on the main reasons for Duterte’s popularity, the war against drugs and

Kommunikatörens roll och förhållning: En kvalitativ studie om kommunikatörens förhållningssätt till dagens medielandskap och val av kanal

Studiens titel: Kommunikatörens roll och förhållning - En kvalitativ studie om kommunikatörens förhållningssätt till dagens medielandskap och val av kanal. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap kring kommunikatörers synsätt på utvecklingen av kommunikatörsrollen och deras förhållningssätt till samtida kommunikation, förändringen av medielandskapet och kanalval i relation till interpTitle of study: The communicator’s role and attitude. A qualitative study of the communicator's approach to today's media landscape and their choice of channels. Syfte: The purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge about communicators' views on the development of the communicator role and their attitude toward contemporary communication, the change of the media landscape and c

Use of DISCO optical tissue clearing technologies for studying glymphatic function and CSF efflux in a mouse model

What transparent brains teach us about how our brain cleans itself? The brain has a high rate of metabolic activity but paradoxically it lacks lymphatic vessels. Instead, clearance of waste products is taken care of by the glial-lymphatic (glymphatic) system. The Glymphatic system works by circulating cerebrospinal fluid through and out of the brain. We have developed a new way to study the glymp

The Role of Cities in Global Climate Governance – The Case of Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich

This thesis investigates the role of cities in climate governance. Its starting point is the popular narrative according to which cities are leading national governments in the fight against climate change, challenging their authority and disrupting the political order. This narrative is named the strong cities in climate governance argument. Cities in the US currently behave according to the narr

Skolsköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta och ge stöd till barn och ungdomar med psykisk ohälsa - En intervjustudie

I Sverige har den psykiska ohälsan ökat och år 2016 var det närmre 190 000 barn och unga vuxna som led av psykisk ohälsa. Tidigare forskning visar att identifieras psykisk ohälsa tidigt kan psykisk ohälsa i vuxen ålder förebyggas och skolsköterskor har en viktig roll i det arbetet. Studiens syfte var att undersöka skolsköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta och ge stöd till barn och ungdomar med psy


In the bachelor studio Samtid (Architecture in the Contemporary), ROOTS was created during 10 weeks. The course has focused on spatial experiments and 3D modeling, in programs like Rhinoceros and Grasshopper, which therefor has been big parts of the project. The main task was to design a crematory in Limhamns lime quarry in Malmö. Since a crematory is a very special building that deals both with p

Nurse-led geriatric clinics –The older persons perspective

Objective: The Aim of this study was to investigate older persons experience of nurse-led geriatric clinics. Design: The study was based on a qualitative method. Sample: 12 older persons (75+) were interviewed about their experience of nurse-led geriatric clinics. All participants were Swedish-speaking, varied in age and were patients from five different geriatric clinics within primary healthcare

The function of ferredoxin in chlorophyll biosynthesis studied with barley

Klorofyllsyntes i korn Växter skapar sin energi genom fotosyntesen där vatten och koldioxid omvandlas till kolhydrater och syre med hjälp av ljusenergi. För en fungerande fotosyntes behöver växter pigmentet klorofyll som fångar in ljusenergin. Det är även det pigmentet som ger växter dess gröna färg. Klorofyll produceras genom flera steg varav de flesta är väl kända men några frågor kvarstår. Jag

Land cover changes in Southern Sweden from the mid-Holocene to present day: insights for ecosystem service assessments

Climate change and human impact play a huge role in the sustainability and development of ecosystems and the services they offer to societies over temporal and spatial scales. Fossil pollen-based estimates provide unique information on past land cover change, but to date there are not many methods able to create spatially continuous maps and have a fine scale of land cover changes inferred from po

Produktionstekniska aspekter på återbruk av betongelement

EU har antagit mål att till år 2030 minska koldioxidutsläppen med 40%, Sverige har gått steget längre och beslutat att år 2045 ska nettoutsläppen av koldioxid i landet vara noll. Av världens totala utsläpp står betongtillverkningen för 7% vilket innebär att det är ett område med stor potential till förbättring. Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att bidra med kunskapsutveckling kring återanvändThe EU has established a binding target to reduce CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030, Sweden has taken one step further and has decided to be carbon neutral by 2045. 7 % of the world´s total CO2 emissions comes from concrete production which makes it a field with great potential to improvement. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the requirements for reusing concrete elements in practice in the c

Leadership and Brand Alignment

The purpose of this journal is to describe and analyse both the corporate leader's and the brand’s visibility in order to understand the different types of alignment between corporate leaders and brands. The research has a qualitative and inductive approach and is conducted through a multiple-case study where four leaders and their respective brands were described and analysed. The four cases

Kinetic Modelling of Fluidised Bed Drying of Enzyme Granules and Effect on Enzyme Stability

In the production of solid enzyme products, the granules are dried in a fluidised bed dryer prior to being coated with a protective salt coating. The coating exhibits a low mass diffusivity, which essentially encapsulates any present moisture inside. During the coating process moisture is inevitably added to the granules. It has prior been shown that moisture content in the final product has a neg

Exploring waste prevention possibilities through public procurement in public institutions -A case study from Bornholm, Denmark

The thesis explored how waste could be prevented through public procurement in the public institutions on the Danish island, Bornholm. The island has set an ambitious vision, ‘Bornholm showing the way – without waste 2032’, aiming for 100 % waste recycling and reuse by 2032. To reach the vision, it is essential to include waste prevention, particularly dematerialisation before goods are procured o

Distriktssköterskans arbete på vårdcentral för att främja hälsosamma levnadsvanor hos äldre patienter En intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Befolkningens ålder ökar vilket har lett till att Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) har utarbetat en plan för “Hälsosamt Åldrande”. I planen ingår det att medvetandegöra äldre personer om sin hälsa och främja hälsosamma levnadsvanor som motion, hälsosam kost, inget tobaks- eller alkoholbruk. Dessa åtgärder främjar äldres hälsa vilket minskar både personligt lidande och samhällskostnader. S

Development of a vitamin C-rich baobab beverage

It is challenging for the food industry to deliver products that satisfy consumers changing desires and needs. Baobab is a fruit that holds potential for the development of trendy food products due to its rich nutritional profile and unique rheology. Unlike most fruits, it contains a dry pulp with a moisture content of 11-12 % (Phytotrade, 2008). Despite these features, baobab has been overlooked

"No Oil Wells in Şingal": Representing a History of Violence through Êzîdî Poetry

The 2014 Êzîdî Genocide caused a rupture in the social fabric of the Iraqi religious Êzîdî minority. A search for meaning in the aftermath of violence has caused a group of Şingali poets to reconstruct memories of the past through their narration in Arabic prose poetry. A narrative analysis has been used on a selection of poems written and interviews conducted with five poets. I investigate their

Thinking things in German versus Swedish

Against the backdrop of universality proposals claiming that all the world’s languages share the way they conceptualise and express THINKING, this study investigates verbs of thinking in German and Swedish in a comparative perspective. In particular, it examines semantic specificity in verbs of thinking (the restricted availability of only one specific verb in a certain context), and the potential

En motsägelsefull livshistoria om social distinktion - ett antropologiskt möte med en arbetarklassens adelsman

This essay explores the traditional elite of Sweden - the nobility, and how a social and traditional privilege reproduces in a modern western society. The House of Nobility in Sweden – Riddarhuset - gives their members a sense of identity, historical anchorage in present time and an economic advantage. During an interview, a noble man from present-time shares his view on the traditional way of liv

Investigate Redundancy In Sounding Reference Signal Based Channel Estimates

5G supports enormous increase in data rate. Massive antenna beamforming is expected to play a key role in increasing capacity in case of multi-user MIMO and coverage in case of single-user MIMO. The large number of antennas in massive MIMO system will lead to enormous amount of channel state information being stored in the memory and this necessitates the use of compression techniques for efficien

Reinforcement Learning for Real Time Bidding

When an internet user opens a web page containing an advertising slot, how is it determined which ad is shown? Today, the most common software-based approach to trading advertising slots is real time bidding: as soon as the user begins to load the web page, an auction for the slot is held in real time, and the highest bidder gets to display their advertisement of choice. Auction bidding is perform