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Your search for "*" yielded 526138 hits

Translational control of the spliceosome under oncogenic stress

Splicing in cancer Proteins are functional molecules responsible for every biochemical process that sustain living organisms. However, how genetic information is expanded to generate amazing diversity of proteins during development and in cancer remains still mostly unresolved. The mechanism we have to account for this diversity is known as splicing. Information-containing RNA molecules, copies

Exposure of zinc oxide nanoparticles on lung epithelium: A comparison between submerged and air-liquid interface cultures

Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) are often used in sunscreen and other cosmetic products with sun protection. They are also candidate to be used for various biological applications such as drug delivery, or in material science in for example solar cells. ZnO NPs are produced as liquid suspensions but also as dry powders, which increases the risk of exposure via the air. In this master’s thesis,

An Introduction to Dirichlet Series

En funktion som har fått mycket uppmärksamhet bland matematiker är den så kallade Riemanns zeta-funktion, som definieras med hjälp av en summa av oändligt antal termer, en så kallad serie: zeta(s) = 1 + 1/2^s + 1/3^s + 1/4^s + ... Här är s=a+ib en komplex variabel med en reell del a och en imaginär del, där i har egenskapen i^2=-1. Värdet på den här serien kommer givetvis bero på vilket värde pWe establish the central convergence properties of ordinary Dirichlet series, including the classical result by Bohr, providing uniform convergence of the series where it has a bounded analytic continuation. We also derive a lower bound for the supremum of Dirichlet polynomials using Kronecker's theorem, of which we see one proof. With this knowledge and some probability theory we can follow t

Evaluating the effects of an orally administered novel probiotic in mice

A new probiotic for the cure of diabetes Metabolic diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes are becoming increasingly common worldwide and are major causes of disability and death indicating an urgent need for interventions. Emerging evidence points to a central role of gut microbiota in metabolism, for example blood glucose metabolism and appetite regulation. Furthermore, intervention with

Crime and Development

Mexico has experienced the dramatic escalation of crime and violence in an organized form since the 1990s, and have also witnessed the highest number of homicides in the last ten years. It has adversely affected the national security, economic growth and social development with an especially detrimental effect on youth in Mexico. This study examines the direct and indirect impacts of drug trade-re

The Day the Endowment Effect Went Missing

The endowment effect, that people tend to value goods higher if owning them than if not, conflicts central economic principles. A new theory explains this price disparity by uncertain sellers’ and buyers’ strategic reliance on opposite borders of a spectrum of possible utilities of a good. Through a review of concurrent theories, this paper highlights the superiority of the new uncertain utilities

Det komplexa offerskapet: en litteraturstudie om stereotypiseringen av offer för människohandel för sexuella ändamål

The purpose of this qualitative secondary analysis is to study how victims of sex trafficking are illustrated in previous research. 16 peer reviewed articles have been analysed based on a hermeneutic approach. The results of previous research are consistent: The society has a narrow view of victims, and a more complex, intersectional understanding of the victimhood is required. The victims` storie

Karaktärisering av 8-kanals transmitsystem

Ultra high magnetic field (UHF) MR-systems is an interesting research area, the systems offer images with higher spatial resolution than its lower field counterpart. One of the disadvantages with UHF MR is that they lead to a worsened B1-field homogenity, a homogentity essential for the creation of MR-images. In the project an 8 independent channel transmit system is charachterised. The transmit s

Arbetslivscoachernas utsatthet

Coachning har blivit en av otaliga livlinor som personer, organisationer och institutioner har vänt sig till för att hitta en väg till självförfyllelse, produktivitet och mål. Men coachningsindustrin är dock fortfarande i ett tillstånd av tillväxt och förändring. Det finns inga regler eller restriktioner som är enhetligt accepterade av alla. Farhågor angående denna brist har lyfts fram ur klientpe

Flooding at Karlshamnsverket - Analysis and Recommendations

Karlshamnsverket är ett kraftverk som ligger vid Östersjön i södra Sverige. På grund av placeringen vid kusten har denna viktiga infrastruktur redan tidigare varit utsatt för översvämningar i källaren. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att genomföra en första analys för att fastställa de bakomliggande orsakerna till översvämningarna och att föreslå lämpliga åtgärder för att öka kraftverkets motstKarlshamnsverket is a power plant located at the Baltic Sea in southern Sweden. Due to the coastal location this important infrastructure already experienced flooding in its basement in the past. The objective of this study is to conduct an initial analysis to determine the underlying reasons for the flooding and to provide suitable measures to increase the resilience of the power plant, also with

Hållbar dagvattenhantering med blågrön infrastruktur - En studie baserad på en uppbyggd hydrologisk modell för Miatorp, Helsingborg

När städer växer och fler hårdgjorda ytor implementeras ökar ytavrinningen vilket leder till en högre belastning på ledningsnätet. På alla Sveriges avloppsnät finns bräddningspunkter där orenat spillvatten släpps ut när belastningen på ledningsnätet blir för stor. Bräddningar kan t.ex. orsaka försämrad badvattenkvalité. Examensarbetet fokuserar på ett avrinningsområde i stadsdelen Miatorp som är b

Market Definition and Market Power in Big Data

There is still heated debate on the issue of big data and its implications for competition policy. While many scholars argue that data can have serious implications which need to be addressed, others disagree, claiming data in fact has little to no impact on competition law. The purpose of this thesis is to research and analyse big data’s implications for the standard competition law assessment wh

Does Health Aid Improve Child Health? Micro Evidence from Uganda

In 2017, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) estimated that more than $10 billion worth of foreign aid commitments to developing countries were directed at the health sector. A large share of this health aid targets Sub-Saharan African countries that continue to display some of the lowest levels of development worldwide. Yet, the evidence on the effectiveness of healt

Linking Climate Change, Migration Patterns and Vulnerability: The case of Ndem, Senegal

Projections estimate that by 2050 hundreds of millions to a billion people will migrate elsewhere due to environmental reasons. The increasing frequency and intensity of natural hazards posed by climate change, as well as the slow-onset degradation of habitats all over the planet, will drive more and more species to migrate towards more habitable and safe environments. While much of the literature

The Lonely Leader: The effect of Creative and Innovative Leadership on Workplace Loneliness.

The main objectives of this research reported were to investigate the relationship between creative and innovative leadership, amongst males and females. One hundred and twenty-three leaders in various organisations around the world, participated in this study. The relationships were tested using the Creative and innovative Leadership Scale, Innovative performance scale and Loneliness in the workp

Nätcasino: en kritisk diskursanalys av marknadsföring av nätcasinon

In Sweden marketing of tobacco and alcohol is regulated by law not for inviting, outreaching nor intrusive to the consumer. These types of products are addictive and so is gambling. We can see that the exploitation and the marketing strategies of the online casinos is problematic and that the law of Sweden regarding marketing of gambling is not sufficient. So, why is the law different for gambling