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Boken innehåller en tvåspråkig samling av 58 traktater och internationella dokument avseende humanitär folkrätt. Samtliga texter återges på tyska och på engelska, anordnade i en parallell uppställning som medger att samma bestämmelse eller avsnitt kan läsas på båda språken.

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Boken innehåller en tvåspråkig samling av 66 traktater och internationella dokument avseende humanitär folkrätt. Samtliga texter återges på tyska och på engelska, anordnade i en parallell uppställning som medger att samma bestämmelse eller avsnitt kan läsas på båda språken.

Why do physicians prescribe dialysis? A prospective questionnaire study

Introduction The incidence of unplanned dialysis initiation (DI) with consequent increased comorbidity, mortality and reduced modality choice remains high, but the optimal timing of dialysis initiation (DI) remains controversial, and there is a lack of studies of specific reasons for DI. We investigated why and when physicians prescribe dialysis and hypothesized that physician motivation for DI is

TIA in the Swedish Stroke Register (Riksstroke). Aspects on diagnostic validation, risk factors, investigations, and therapies

Background: Transient ischemic attacks (TIA) indicate an increased risk of stroke, one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. In order to prevent stroke, our knowledge of diagnosis, demographics, risk factors, investigations, and treatment of patients with TIA needs to be improved.Aims: The aims of this thesis were to validate data and diagnoses in the Riksstroke TIA module (Riks

Automation of audio descriptions of large bar charts for persons with visual impairment – prototyping and proof of concept

BACKGROUND: Current guidelines for accessing graphs non-visually are based on giving access to underlying tabular data and reading the values one by one. When data sets are large, it becomes impossible to get an overview.OBJECTIVE: This work presents a proof-of-concept of automated audio description of data sets up to 100 data points that can be used by persons with visual impairment or persons wh

TrkB gene transfer does not alter hippocampal neuronal loss and cognitive deficits following traumatic brain injury in mice

PURPOSE: The ability of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) to attenuate secondary damage and influence behavioral outcome after experimental traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains controversial. Because TBI can result in decreased expression of the trkB receptor, thereby preventing BDNF from exerting potential neuroprotective effects, the contribution of both BDNF and its receptor trkB to hipp

A cross-country comparison of accommodation manager perspectives on online review manipulation

Accommodation businesses are increasingly dependent on a limited number of reservation platforms. A significant feature of these platforms is guest evaluations, which are transformed into ratings and rankings. As the positioning of the business in comparison to competitors determines customer demand, accommodation managers have considerable interest in maintaining or improving their online reputat

Choose Your Own Adventure Music : On the Emergence of Voice in Musical Collaboration

The practices of collaborating composers and performers have been receiving increasing attention within academic discourse. Such collaborations are often presented from two complementary perspectives: pre-compositional joint invention and post-compositional negotiations in the realisation of a score and its notation. This article attempts to bridge the gap between the two perspectives through a di

Screening of stationary phase selectivities for global lipid profiling by ultrahigh performance supercritical fluid chromatography

The performance of seven sub-2-μm particle packed columns (2-picolylamine, 2-PIC; charged surface hybrid fluoro-phenyl, CSH-FP; high strength silica C18 SB, HSS-C18; diethylamine, DEA; 1-aminoanthracene, 1-AA; high density diol and ethylene bridged hybrid; BEH) was examined for lipid separation in ultra-high performance supercritical fluid chromatography (UHPSFC) coupled to quadrupole time-of-flig

Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, and lysosomes are disorganized in lung fibroblasts from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is often caused by smoking and other stressors. This causes oxidative stress, which induces numerous changes on both the transcriptome and proteome of the cell. We aimed to examine if the endomembrane pathway, including the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi, and lysosomes, was disrupted in fibroblasts from COPD patients as opposed to healthy ever-smoker

Responses of plant cells and tissues to pulsed electric field treatments

Cell membrane electroporation/permeabilization may be achieved without affecting cell viability through strict control of the electric pulse parameters. This process is referred to as reversible permeabilization. Even if the cells survive the electric field treatment, they are subjected to stress due to the opening of pores and the struggle of the cells to recover their normal functionality. Very

Nucleation-limited composition of ternary III-V nanowires forming from quaternary gold based liquid alloys

We derive an analytic expression for the composition of a ternary solid material nucleating from a quaternary liquid melt. The calculations are based on the two-component nucleation theory with realistic descriptions of the liquid and solid phases. We apply this theory to gold-catalyzed, nucleation limited vapor-liquid-solid growth of ternary III-V nanowires. We consider ternary gallium, indium, a