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How an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domain binds calcium. High resolution NMR structure of the calcium form of the NH2-terminal EGF-like domain in coagulation factor X

Domains homologous to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) are important building blocks for extracellular proteins. Proteins containing these domains have been shown to function in such diverse biological processes as blood coagulation, complement activation, and the developmental determination of embryonic cell fates. Many of these proteins require calcium for their biological function. In the case

Enviro-organizational rift in Swedish flood risk governance

Floods tend not to be bounded by geopolitical or administrative borders, and involve various sectors in society. Flood risk must thus be jointly governed by a web of actors (Renn, 2008), who are not independent of each other but dependent on various resources and affected by the decisions and actions others are making (Becker, 2014). The patterns of social relations among these actors are therefor

Imaging for Underwater Archaeology

In this paper we examine underwater imaging for archaeology and especially the use of multiple acoustic and optical sensors at varying degrees of resolution for reconnaissance and mapping sites on the seafloor. Specifically, we look at the role of side-scan sonar for locating suitable sites of interest, which may then be mapped quantitatively with bathymetric sonars. We also discuss the role of co

Estimating Uncertainty in Time-difference and Doppler Estimates

Sound and radio can be used to estimate the distance between a transmitter and a sender by correlating the emitted and received signal. Alternatively by correlating two received signals it is possible to estimate distance difference. Such methods can be divided into methods that are robust to noise and reverberation, but give limited precision and sub-sample refinements that are sensitive to noiseSound and radio can be used to estimate the distance between a transmitter and a sender by correlating the emitted and received signal. Alternatively by correlating two received signals it is possible to estimate distance difference. Such methods can be divided into methods that are robust to noise and reverberation, but give limited precision and sub-sample refinements that are sensitive to noise

Sb Incorporation in Wurtzite and Zinc Blende InAs1-xSbx Branches on InAs Template Nanowires

The physical properties of material largely depend on their crystal structure. Nanowire growth is an important method for attaining metastable crystal structures in III-V semiconductors, giving access to advantageous electronic and surface properties. Antimonides are an exception, as growing metastable wurtzite structure has proven to be challenging. As a result, the properties of these materials

Bacterial-host interactions : Physiology and pathophysiology of respiratory infection

It has long been thought that respiratory infections are the direct result of acquisition of pathogenic viruses or bacteria, followed by their overgrowth, dissemination, and in some instances tissue invasion. In the last decades, it has become apparent that in contrast to this classical view, the majority of microorganisms associated with respiratory infections and inflammation are actually common

Dizziness in Europe : from licensed fitness to drive to licence without fitness to drive

A common European Community driving licence was established in 1980. However, there are major differences among the countries as regards medical conditions that legally affect driving ability. This article discusses various assessment guidelines for dizzy patients. These range from a total absence of specified binding requirements in Finland or regulations open to clinical interpretation in Switze

The 2005 Chios Ancient Shipwreck Survey : New Methods for Underwater Archaeology

In 2005 a Greek and American interdisciplinary team investigated two shipwrecks off the coast of Chios dating to the 4th-century b.c. and the 2nd/1st century. The project pioneered archaeological methods of precision acoustic, digital image, and chemical survey using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) and in-situ sensors, increasing the speed of data acquisition while decreasing costs. The AUV

Sociological imagination and our uncertain future

C.W. Mills suggests that having sociological imagination entails having ability to both distinguish between and connect personal troubles and public issues. This has been a guiding principle for much sociology in the last fifty years, but is never simple and continues to challenge the discipline. Especially the increasing number of sociologists engaging in endeavours to explain, understand, and im

Katastrofriskreducering: ett mång­vetenskapligt forskningsfält och ett tvärsektoriellt politikområde

Varför bosätter sig människor på riskfyllda platser? Hur beter sig människor i en katastrof och vilken betydelse har religion, hushåll och försörjning för återhämtning? Lär vi oss av våra kriserfarenheter och vilken roll spelar motivation och kollektiva minnen för detta? Är kapacitetsutveckling, multisektoriell samverkan och övning en hållbar väg mot reducerad katastrofrisk? Dessa är några av de m