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A place to meet - informal education in rural Guatemala

The education system in Guatemala is facing a lot of difficulties with low educational standards, a lack of teachers and facilities and a curriculum not equal or adjusted to the needs of all students. The largest problem occurs outside the system - children who don’t get access to education due to poverty. The largest group out of school is represented by Guatemala’s indigenous population in rura

Vi och dom i svensk integrationspolicy: en postkolonial diskursanalys av fyra kommunala integrationspolicys.

This thesis analyses integration policies from four different Swedish municipalities; Bromölla, Hässleholm, Svedala and Vellinge. The method used was Carol Bacchi’s ​What’s the problem represented to be​, which is a form of discourse analysis commonly used to analyse policy. Postcolonial feminist theory and critical theory concerning neoliberalism were used as a framework for the analysis. The aim

”Att sprida frågetecken runt det normativa” - möjliga meningsinnebörder av särskild kunskap om hbtq-personer i psykoterapi

Trots att betydelsen och vikten av att kunskap om hbtq-frågor för psykologisk praktik och psykoterapeutiskt behandlingsarbete länge påvisats, finns det knapphändigt med forskning ur behandlarperspektiv rörande vad den kunskapen består av och hur den omsätts i psykoterapeutisk behandlingspraktik. Denna studie undersökte hur ett antal svenska behandlare med självdefinierad specifik kunskap om hbtq-pAlthough the importance of having knowledge of LGBTQ-issues for psychological practice and psychotherapeutic treatment has long been demonstrated, there is scarcely any research from the practitioner perspective regarding what that knowledge consists of and how it is translated into psychotherapeutic treatment practice. This study investigated how a number of Swedish therapists with self-defined s

Skolsköterskans erfarenhet av arbete inom elevhälsan i samband med vaccination mot humant papillomvirus

Bakgrund: Vaccination mot humant papillomvirus (HPV), som kan orsaka livmoderhalscancer, ingår i det svenska vaccinationsprogrammet och erbjuds till flickor i årskurs fem och sex inom grundskolan. Elevhälsan ansvarar för arbetet kring/med HPV-vaccinationer. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa skolsköterskornas erfarenheter av arbetet inom elevhälsan kring vaccinationen mot humant papillomviru

Vi måste också lita på att vi som medmänniskor gör skillnad genom att bara lyssna

Varje år tar 1 500 människor sitt liv i Sverige vilket gör självmord till en av de vanligaste dödsorsakerna bland unga. Trots att nollvisionen för suicid kom under 1990-talet och nationella rådet publicerade ett program med nio förebyggande åtgärdspunkter, förblir siffran oförändrad. Syftet med studien är att undersöka preventionsarbetet i den ideella organisationen Suicide Zero och lyfta fram der

Fair Game: En studie om att lära sig förstå arbetsvillkoren som modell i modebranschens känsloladdade repertoar

Abstrakt Arbetets art: Masteruppsats, 30 hp Sidantal: 44 Titel: #fairgame: En studie om att lära sig förstå arbetsvillkoren som modell i modebranschens känsloladdade repertoar Författare: Daniel Larsson Handledare Maria Löfgren Martinsson Datum: 2019-08-20 Sammanfattning: Den här studien problematiserar arbetssituationen och arbetsvillkoren för modeller i modeindustrin utifrån ett interaktivt pers

Agil organisationsstruktur i ett globalt storbolag under förändring

Agil organisering blir allt vanligare i arbetslivet och bland organisationer i varierade branscher i takt med ökad tilltro till och användning av informations- och kommunikationsteknologi. Dock saknas kunskap om hur medarbetarna upplever den agila organisationsstrukturen. Syftet med denna intervjustudie var att bidra med ny, fördjupad kunskap om hur agil organisationsstruktur upplevs genom att belAgile principles are increasingly adopted by organizations in various industries as information and communication technologies evolve. However, little is known about aspects of the employee experience within the agile organizational structure. The aim of this study was to contribute with an in-depth understanding of how agile organizational structure can be experienced. Semi-structured interviews

Father Involvement and Father-Child Attachment Security and Its Relation to Self-Beliefs, Sense of School Belongingness and Academic Achievement Among Turkish University Students

Despite some evidence that the father’s role is particularly crucial for the child’s academic experiences and performance, only a few studies have examined influences of father involvement and the child’s attachment security on the child’s self-beliefs, sense of school belongingness and academic achievement, and the focus has been mostly on Western cultures. The present study investigated these li

Fysikhistoriens plats i svensk utbildning

Integrering av historia i fysikundervisningen har undersökts länge och i stor omfattning internationellt. Det finns ett brett stöd för att det kan ha många önskvärda effekter på elevers lärande och motivation. Denna positiva bild verkar inte delas helt av fysiklärare och det framkommer att det finns många utmaningar med att integrera fysikhistoria i undervisningen. Syftet med denna uppsats var attIntegration of history of physics (HOP) in the teaching of physics has been studied for a long time and to a great extent. There is a widespread support of the fact that history of physics can have many desirable effects on students learning and motivation. This positive picture is seemingly not shared completely among physic teachers and to implement history to the physics classroom has been show

Oligodendrocyte differentiation in development and disease

Mukund Kabbe Oligodendrocyte differentiation in development and disease Oligodendrocytes (OLs) are cells that reside in the brain and spinal cord (collectively called the central nervous system (CNS)). They wrap the axons of neurons with a lipid-rich substance called myelin. Functionally, the myelin sheath around the axon is similar to the insulation around wires for electrical devices. It prov

In Search Of The Missing Place

My research thesis is a search for a place to be, a place that would make the city an easier place to live and experience, when we are either constantly surrounded by a tumultuous public or isolated at home. My search has led me to define a place that could provide simultaneously Space and Time to bridge what is missing in both the public and the private. What is there left, not linked to commerc

Adapting Cancer Cell Lines to a Fully Defined Medium

Lately, there has been a world-wide increase in the awareness of animal cruelty e.g. in the entertainment business, meat industry, in the scientific community, and among people in general. This has called for a scrutiny of how we treat animals and in the scientific community it has stimulated research to reduce animal experiment. Experimental systems usually considered animal cruelty free, like ce

Gender, Drugs and Techno music: Investigation of the motivation of drug consumption among raving communities in Skåne region

Rave parties are referring to legal, illegal and semi-legal dance parties organized in various venues with the main focus on electronic dance music (EDM) performed by the DJ. These types of parties are typically described through strong community ties, which form the rave culture, and demolition of hierarchal structures among the participants, which allows the transgressive force to exist in this

Translation tools and retention of word knowledge: A comparison of traditional and modern translation tools

This thesis compares digital and physical dictionaries with each other. Whether digital dictionaries were faster to use and if words were better retained when using a physical dictionary were the specific points of comparison. Based on previous studies It was predicted that physical dictionaries would indeed be better to use if the user wanted to retain knowledge of a word, and that digital dictio

Worst Credible Process Fire: Experiences from the Norwegian Petroleum Industry

The term Worst Credible Process Fire (WCPF) was introduced to the Norwegian Petroleum Industry as a complement to the probabilistic approach to define design loads for offshore facilities. Currently there are mainly two documents about the WCPF being the SINTEF report (2017) and the definition in NORSOK S-001 (2018). The WCPF concept have only been used within the industry for a few years and comb

Development, Education, and Female Labour Force Participation; A Study of India

With the development and structural transformation of an economy the dynamics of labour force participation change. The female experience of development and labour force participation is different to that of the male. Different levels of development and educational attainment, compounded by social expectations, correspond differently in effecting the likelihood for a woman to participate in the la

Regionala målbilder för hållbara transporter

Målbilder och berättelsers betydelse för integreringen av målbilder för hållbara transporter Sveriges klimatmål inom transportsektorn innebär att mängden koldioxidutsläpp inom transporter ska minska drastiskt de kommande åren. Utsläppen från inrikes transporter, exklusive inrikes flyg, ska minska med minst 70% senast år 2030 jämfört med 2010 (Naturvårdsverket, 2018). Som klimatstrategiskt verktyAs a climate tool, investments in pedestrian, bicycle and public transport can be important for reducing climate emissions while investments in these sustainable modes of transport can have more effects to achieve other sustainability goals such as public health, reduced noise, greener outdoor environments, reduced particle emissions and space for creative urban planning. How does a selection of S