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Your search for "*" yielded 535977 hits

Is Treaty Interpretation an Art or a Science? International Law and Rational Decision Making

Although treaty interpretation is undoubtedly an activity governed by international law, and by Articles 31-33 of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) in particular, some commentators continue repeating the pre-Vienna adage that treaty interpretation is a matter of art and not science, the implication of which is that no understanding of a treaty provision can ever be explained

Glutamate dehydrogenase, insulin secretion and Type 2 Diabetes. A new means to protect the pancreatic β-cell?

In this issue of Journal of Endocrinology, Dr Han and colleagues report a protective effect of the glutamate dehydrogenase-activator BCH under diabetes-like conditions that impair β-cell function in both a pancreatic β-cell line and in db/db mice. Based on these observations, the authors suggest that BCH could serve as novel treatment modality in Type 2 Diabetes. The present commentary discusses t

From circulating biomarkers to genomics and imaging in the prediction of cardiovascular events in the general population.

Abstract Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death and disability worldwide. In the last decades numerous markers have been considered and investigated for the prediction of CV events, but only a few of them resulted in improved global risk assessment beyond traditional risk factors when incorporated into coronary evaluation scores. Recent genetic studies have pointed out a few bu

On max-min fair flow optimization in wireless mesh networks

The paper is devoted to modeling wireless mesh networks (WMN) through mixed-integer programming (MIP) formulations that allow to precisely characterize the link data rate capacity and transmission scheduling using the notion of time slots. Such MIP models are formulated for several cases of the modulation and coding schemes (MCS) assignment. We present a general way of solving the max–min fairness

Population differences in the structure and coloration of great tit contour feathers

Contour feathers cover most of the avian body and play critical roles in insulation, social communication, aerodynamics, and water repellency. Feather production is costly and the development of the optimum characteristics for each function may be constrained by limited resources or time, and possibly also lead to trade-offs among the different characteristics. Populations exposed to different env

The nutritional situation in Swedish nursing homes - A longitudinal study.

Poor nutritional status is widespread among the elderly and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to longitudinally describe the nutritional status in elderly people living in nursing homes. Nutritional status was recorded longitudinally in elderly people living in 11 different nursing homes in Sweden. Participants were examined at baseline by specially tr

Warmer climates boost cyanobacterial dominance in shallow lakes

Dominance by cyanobacteria hampers human use of lakes and reservoirs worldwide. Previous studies indicate that excessive nutrient loading and warmer conditions promote dominance by cyanobacteria, but evidence from global scale field data has so far been scarce. Our analysis, based on a study of 143 lakes along a latitudinal transect ranging from subarctic Europe to southern South America, shows th

Anatomic suitability for endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms and possible benefits of low profile delivery systems.

The aim of the study was to evaluate the anatomic suitability for endovascular abdominal aneurysm repair (EVAR) according to instructions for use (IFUs) of three commercially available bifurcated stent graft devices and explore the possible benefits of low-profile delivery systems. Computed tomography scans of 241 patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) were evaluated for suitability of Zeni

How scientists may ‘benefit from the mess’: A resource dependence perspective on individual organizing in contemporary science

There is general consensus in the study of science, and especially research policy studies, that a wave of profound change has struck academic science in the past decades. Central parts of this change are increased competition, growing demands of relevance and excellence, and managerialism reforms in institutions and policy systems. The underpinning thesis of this article is that, if seen from the

CspA from Borrelia burgdorferi Inhibits the Terminal Complement Pathway

In order to survive and persist in an immunocompetent human host, Borrelia burgdorferi controls the human immune attack and blocks the damaging effects of the activated complement system. These Gram-negative spirochetes use CspA (CRASP-1) and four additional immune evasion proteins to bind combinations of human plasma regulators, including factor H, factor H-like protein 1 (FHL-1), complement fact

Modelling burned area in Africa

The simulation of current and projected wildfires is essential for predicting crucial aspects of vegetation patterns, biogeochemical cycling as well as pyrogenic emissions across the African continent. This study uses a data-driven approach to parameterize two burned area models applicable to dynamic vegetation models (DVMs) and Earth system models (ESMs). We restricted our analysis to variables f

Integrating evidence for managing asthma in patients who smoke.

Cigarette smoking among asthma patients is associated with worsening symptoms and accelerated decline in lung function. Smoking asthma is also characterized by increased levels of neutrophils and macrophages, and greater small airway remodeling, resulting in increased airflow obstruction and impaired response to corticosteroid therapy. As a result, smokers are typically excluded from asthma random

Mesenchymal stromal cells from primary osteosarcoma are non-malignant and strikingly similar to their bone marrow counterparts.

Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) are multipotent cells that can be isolated from a number of human tissues. In cancer, MSC have been implicated with tumor growth, invasion, metastasis, drug resistance and were even suggested as possible tumor-initiating cells in osteosarcoma (OS). However, MSC from OS and their possible tumor origin have not yet been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, primary OS m

Ultrafast photoinduced dynamics in quantum dot-based systems for light harvesting

Colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals, referred to as quantum dots, offer simple low-temperature solution-based methods for constructing optoelectronic devices such as light emitting diodes and solar cells. We review recent progress in the understanding of photoinduced processes in key components of a certain type of quantum dot solar cells where the dots sensitize a suitable metal oxide, such as Z

International Federation of Nurse Anesthetists' Anesthesia Program Approval Process.

The International Federation of Nurse Anesthetists is improving anaesthesia patient care through a voluntary Anesthesia Program Approval Process (APAP) for schools and programmes. It is the result of a coordinated effort by anaesthesia leaders from many nations to implement a voluntary quality improvement system for education. These leaders firmly believe that meeting international education stand