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Your search for "*" yielded 535716 hits

Homophily in the Career mobility of China's Political Elite

We argue that leadership promotion in China’s political elite relies on homophily for signals of trustworthiness and future cooperative behavior more than on economic performance. We first point to the limitation of the economic performance argument from within the framework of China’s specific M-form state structure, and then we proffer a sociological explanation for why higher-level elites in Ch

STrengthening the reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology-Molecular Epidemiology (STROBE-ME): an extension of the STROBE statement

Advances in laboratory techniques have led to a rapidly increasing use of biomarkers in epidemiological studies. Biomarkers of internal dose, early biological change, susceptibility, and clinical outcomes are used as proxies for investigating the interactions between external and/or endogenous agents and the body components or processes. The need for improved reporting of scientific research led t

On the Shift Semigroup on the Hardy Space of Dirichlet Series

We develop a Wold decomposition for the shift semigroup on the Hardy space H-2 of square summable Dirichlet series convergent in the half-plane R(s) > 1/2. As an application we have that a shift invariant subspace of H-2 is unitarily equivalent to H-2 if and only if it has the form phi H-2 for some H-2-inner function phi.

Search for long-lived, weakly interacting particles that decay to displaced hadronic jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

A search for the decay of neutral, weakly interacting, long-lived particles using data collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented. This analysis uses the full data set recorded in 2012: 20.3 fb(-1) of proton-proton collision data at root s = 8 TeV. The search employs techniques for reconstructing decay vertices of long-lived particles decaying to jets in the inner tracking detector an

Influence of hydrogen content on fracture toughness of CWSR Zr-2.5Nb pressure tube alloy

In this work, influence of hydrogen and temperature on the fracture toughness parameters of unirradiated, cold worked and stress relieved (CWSR) Zr-2.5Nb pressure tube alloys used in Indian Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor is reported. The fracture toughness tests were carried out using 17 mm width curved compact tension specimens machined from gaseously hydrogen charged tube-sections. Metallograph

Nanoscale 3-D (E, k(x), k(y)) band structure imaging on graphene and intercalated graphene

An x-ray photoemission electron microscope (X-PEEM) equipped with a hemispherical energy analyzer is capable of fast acquisition of momentum-resolved photoelectron angular distribution patterns in a complete cone. We have applied this technique to observe the 3-D (E, k(x), k(y)) electronic band structure of zero-, one-, and two-monolayer (ML) graphene grown ex situ on 6H-SiC(0001) substrates where

Phase-coherent transport and spin relaxation in InAs nanowires grown by molecule beam epitaxy

We report low-temperature magnetotransport studies of individual InAs nanowires grown by molecule beam epitaxy. At low magnetic fields, the magnetoconductance characteristics exhibit a crossover between weak antilocalization and weak localization by changing either the gate voltage or the temperature. The observed crossover behavior can be well described in terms of relative scales of the transpor

First evidence of Anaplasma platys and Hepatozoon canis co-infection in a dog from Romania - A case report.

Anaplasma platys was first identified and described in North America as a Rickettsia-like, platelet-specific organism in dogs with infectious canine cyclic thrombocytopenia. In Europe, A. platys has so far mainly been described for some Mediterranean countries. Here, we describe a case of A. platys infection in a dog from Romania, confirmed by PCR. Additionally, the dog had a co-infection with Hep

On the K-theory of the C*-algebra associated with a one-sided shift space

One-sided shift spaces are a special kind of non-invertible topological dynamical system with which one can associate a C*-algebra. We show how to construct the C*-algebra associated with a one-sided shift space as the Cuntz-Pimsner C*-algebra of a C*-correspondence and use this to compute its K-theory.

Determining the impactor of the Ordovician Lockne crater: Oxygen and neon isotopes in chromite versus sedimentary PGE signatures

Abundant chromite grains with L-chondritic composition in the resurge deposits of the Lockne impact crater (458 Myr old: dia. similar to 10 km) in Sweden have been inferred to represent relict fragments of an impactor from the break-up of the L-chondrite parent body at 470 Ma. This view has been challenged based on It/Cr and platinum group element (PGE) patterns of the same resurge deposits, and a

Pristine Perspectives on Logic, Language and Computation : ESSLLI 2012 and ESSLLI 2013 Student Sessions, Selected Papers

The European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) is organized every year by the Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI) in different sites around Europe. The main focus of ESSLLI is on the interface between linguistics, logic and computation. ESSLLI offers foundational, introductory and advanced courses, as well as workshops, covering a wide variety of topics

Bexarotene prodrugs: Targeting through cleavage by NQO1 (DT-diaphorase).

Bexarotene, a retinoid X receptor (RXR) agonist, is being tested as a potential disease modifying treatment for neurodegenerative conditions. To limit the peripheral exposure of bexarotene and release it only in the affected areas of the brain, we designed a prodrug strategy based on the enzyme NAD(P)H/quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) that is elevated in neurodegenerative diseases. A series of indole

Increased cancer risks among arthroplasty patients: 30year follow-up of the Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Register.

BACKGROUND: An increasing number of young patients are undergoing knee arthroplasties. Thus, the long-term risks of having a knee prosthesis must be evaluated. This study focuses on the potential carcinogenic effects of the prosthesis; it is a long-term follow-up of all patients in Sweden between 1975 and 2006. METHODS: The incidence of cancer in a total population of operated individuals was comp

Establishment of exotic parasites: the origins and characteristics of an avian malaria community in an isolated island avifauna

Knowledge of the processes favouring the establishment of exotic parasites is poor. Herein, we test the characteristics of successful exotic parasites that have co-established in the remote island archipelago of New Zealand, due to the introduction of numerous avian host species. Our results show that avian malaria parasites (AM; parasites of the genus Plasmodium) that successfully invaded are mor

A reconfigurable OFDM inner receiver implemented in the CAL dataflow language

This paper presents a reconfigurable inner receiver for the LTE, DVB-H, and IEEE802.11n (WLAN) radio systems, all of which are based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). The receiver is implemented in the CAL language. An FPGA-based hardware implementation is synthesized from RTL generated from the CAL description. The purpose of our work is to investigate the feasibility of dataf

Alcohol Consumption Has a Protective Effect against Hematological Malignancies: a Population-Based Study in Sweden Including 420,489 Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorders.

It has been suggested that alcohol consumption is associated with increased risk of a few solid cancers, although studies that examined the association with hematological malignancies have shown inconsistent results. In this study, we examined the risk of hematological malignancies among individuals who had alcohol use disorders (AUDs) in Sweden.

Characterization of probe contact effects on diffuse reflectance spectroscopy measurements

Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) is a rapid, non-invasive optical method widely adopted to gain diagnostic information of tissue. The most flexible approach to this method is a fiber-optic contact-probe used with a spectroscopy system. A challenge of this method is that the external pressure brought by the probe can significantly affect the tissue optical properties as well as the light coup