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Your search for "*" yielded 532463 hits

Soil heterogeneity effects on acid flushing of lead-contaminated soil

A compact model for evaluation of acid flushing of heavy-metal-contaminated soil in a small-scale on-site treatment plant is proposed. The model assumes that the soil was re-packed in a container after excavation resulting in a soil structure with heterogeneous and random physical and chemical properties. To evaluate the effects of heterogeneity on the efficiency of contaminant removal by acid flu

Alveolar albumin leakage during large tidal volume ventilation and surfactant dysfunction

Detergent given as an aerosol and large tidal volume ventilation (LTVV) have been observed, by us, to promote lung injury by an additive effect on alveolocapillary barrier function. The surfactant system may be further damaged if protein leakage occurs into the alveoli. The aim was to study the effect of detergent and LTVV on the alveolar leakage of albumin and also the effect of detergent on surf

Genetic variability and robustness of host odor preference in Drosophila melanogaster

Chemosensory stimuli play a crucial role for host selection in insects, including the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster[1]. Drosophila has been instrumental in unraveling the neurological basis of olfactory processing in insects [2]. Basic knowledge regarding chemical ecology and thorough studies of olfactory preferences are still lacking to a great extent in D. melanogaster, however. We have char

Exercise limb blood flow response to acute and chronic hypoxia in Danish lowlanders and Aymara natives

Aim: The femoral artery blood flow response to submaximal, one-legged, dynamic, knee-extensor exercise was determined in acute and chronic hypoxia to investigate the hypotheses that with adaptation to chronic hypoxia blood haemoglobin increases, allowing preservation of blood flow as in normoxia. Methods: Sixteen Danish lowlanders participated, in groups of six to eight, in the experiments at sea

Determination of hexahydrophthalic anhydride adducts to human serum albumin

Hexahydrophthalic anhydride (HHPA) is a highly sensitizing industrial chemical that is known to covalently bind to endogenous proteins. The aim of this study was to determine the binding sites of HHPA to human serum albumin (HSA). Conjugates between HSA and HHPA, at two different molar ratios, were synthesized under physiological conditions. The conjugates were digested with trypsin and Pronase E

Potential for Innovativeness: a tale of the Swiss watch industry

This conceptual paper investigates the way in which some Swiss watch firms respond to innovativeness, their capacity to innovate, and their engagement in the innovation process. A purposeful (judgmental) stratified sampling method was employed, where in-depth interviews with thirteen marketing managers and owners, was carried out over a three-month period. Meaning units (MUs) were abstracted, to c

Reading information graphics: The Role of Spatial Proximity and Dual Attentional Guidance.

In a naturalistic newspaper reading study, two pairs of information graphics have been designed to study the effects of a) the spatial contiguity principle and b) the dual scripting principle by means of eye tracking measurements. Our data clearly show that different spatial layouts have a significant effect on readers’ eye movement behaviour. An integrated format with spatial contiguity between t

Nanoimprint lithography for the fabrication of interdigitated cantilever arrays

We report on the realization of a novel interdigitated cantilever array with electrostatic control of the shape of the interdigitated array. It consists of an array of SiO2/metal double-finger cantilevers in a grating configuration together with an electrical connection part. The complete grating structure is fabricated with nanoimprint lithography, UV lithography and reactive ion etching. The pat

Bounding Volume Hierarchies of Slab Cut Balls

We introduce a bounding volume hierarchy based on the Slab Cut Ball. This novel type of enclosing shape provides an attractive balance between tightness of fit, cost of overlap testing, and memory requirement. The hierarchy construction algorithm includes a new method for the construction of tight bounding volumes in worst case O(n) time, which means our tree data structure is constructed in O(n l

Air sampling of its pheromone to monitor the occurrence of Osmoderma eremita, a threatened beetle inhabiting hollow trees

Osmoderma eremita is a threatened scarab beetle living in the hollows of old deciduous trees and is regarded as an umbrella species of the beetle fauna associated with this habitat. Several methods like pitfall trapping and wood mould sampling have been used to monitor the occurrence of O. eremita, but these methods cannot be applied for trees with certain characteristics. Recently, (R)-(+)--decal

Enzymatic route to alkyl glycosides having oligomeric head groups

Cyclodextrin glycosyl transferase (CGTase) from Bacillus macerans was used to catalyse the coupling of alpha-cyclodextrin to alkyl beta-glycosides. The acceptor substrate dodecyl beta-maltoside was thus converted to dodecyl beta-D-maltooctaoside. Further coupling steps and disproportionation reactions occurred, but by optimisation of the reaction time, a yield of 50% of the primary coupling produc

Self-respect, dignity and confidence: conceptions of integrity among male patients

Background. Integrity is a complex and important concept in ethical reasoning and in nursing care. Integrity is part of being a human being, a wholeness, and in this sense it also refers to health. Preserving patients' integrity is an important aspect of nursing care, as a number of situations arise in which they can feel threatened or violated. Integrity can also refer to acting according to gene

Mechanisms of adaptation to nitrosative stress in Bacillus subtilis

Bacteria use a number of mechanisms for coping with the toxic effects exerted by nitric oxide (NO) and its derivatives. Here we show that the flavohemoglobin encoded by the hmp gene has a vital role in an adaptive response to protect the soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis from nitrosative stress. We further show that nitrosative stress induced by the nitrosonium cation donor sodium nitroprusside (SN

Effects of the pyrethroid insecticide cypermethrin on a freshwater community studied under field conditions. II. Direct and indirect effects on the species composition

The effects of cypermethrin, a commonly used pyrethroid insecticide, were studied in small in situ enclosures situated in an eutrophic lake over an 11-day period. The experimental design used a regression principle that included three untreated controls and a gradient of six unreplicated cypermethrin concentrations, ranging from 0.01 to 6 mug/l. This paper is the second in a series of two and desc

The evaluation of characters in lichenized families, exemplified with the alectorioid and some parmelioid genera

Important characters in the classification of the lichenized familyAlectoriaceae (Lecanorales) are discussed and evaluated. A few associated genera presently accommodated in the familyParmeliaceae (Lecanorales) are also discussed. Characters in the asci and hamathecium are of major importance, but structural characters such as general thallus organization and anatomy of cortical layers must also b

Experiences of coercion during investigation and treatment.

According to Swedish legislation (LVM) compulsory treatment shall be decided on if someone, due to ongoing abuse of alcohol, drugs or volatile solvents, is in need of care to overcome abuse and if a voluntary intervention is not possible. Very little research has been conducted in Sweden on this particular legislation with regard to the clients' experiences of entire process from assessment to aft

IL-1 beta induces murine airway 5-HT2A receptor hyperresponsiveness via a non-transcriptional MAPK-dependent mechanism

Background: Interleukin 1 beta ( IL- I beta) is found in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids from asthmatic patients and plays an important role in normal immunoregulatory processes but also in pathophysiological inflammatory responses. The present study was designed to investigate if IL- I beta could be involved in the development of airway hyperresponsiveness and if transcriptional mechanisms, epithel

Comparison of overlap-based models for approximating the exchange-repulsion energy

Different ways of approximating the exchange-repulsion energy with a classical potential function have been investigated by fitting various expressions to the exact exchange-repulsion energy for a large set of molecular dimers. The expressions involve either the orbital overlap or the electron-density overlap. For comparison, the parameter-free exchange-repulsion model of the effective fragment po

IL6 and IL1B Polymorphisms are associated with fat mass in older men: The MrOS study Sweden

There is growing evidence that immune functions are linked to the regulation of body fat. Our studies of knockout mice indicate that both endogenous interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-1 can suppress mature-onset obesity. We now investigated whether four common polymorphisms of the IL6 and IL1 systems are associated with the fat mass measured with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in elderly men (n = 3