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Growth mechanisms for GaAs nanowires grown in CBE
Besvärliga relationer mellan personal och vårdtagare inom hemtjänsten
Traffic Safety and Mobility. How to use empirical data for design of the traffic environment
Video compression controlled by viewers' gazes
Japan – en spännande musikvärld
Återbruk av byggmaterial
Att använda återbruksmaterial är ett naturligt inslag i ett resurssnålt samhälle. I denna rapport diskuteras möjligheterna att välja återbrukade byggmaterial utifrån ekologiska, estetiska och ekonomiska aspekter. Till grund för studien ligger ett bostadsprojekt på Kvarteret Gränden i Värpinge i Lund. I projektet finns inslag av återbrukade material i form av fasadtegel, taktegel och fönster.
Time-Resolved Biomass Combustion Emissions – Impacts of Burn Rate and Atmospheric Processing
Void growth in cyclic loaded porous plastic solid
In low-cycle fatigue, where plastic strains are of great importance, final ductile fracture depends upon the mechanisms of void growth and coalescence of voids. A cell model is used to simulate a periodic array of initial spherical voids and this model is subjected to different loads that include cyclic loading. Three different types of matrix material are simulated: elastic-perfectly plastic, iso
Disability after a stroke and the influence of long-term pain on everyday life.
Fracture epidemiology in male elite football players from 2001 to 2013: 'How long will this fracture keep me out?'
BACKGROUND: Determining fracture risk and rehabilitation periods after specific fractures in professional football is essential for team planning.AIM: To identify fracture epidemiology and absences after different types of fractures in male professional football players.METHODS: 2439 players from 41 professional male teams in 10 countries were followed prospectively from 2001 to 2013. Team medical
Examplifying a novel generation of educational software
The importance of the owner-relationship and the business-relationship for the outcome of the corporatization of public services
Corporatization of public services is a phenomenon that has emerged in the wake of New Public Management. The aims with corporatization on behalf of the local government tend to be to increase efficiency, budget control and managerial responsibility. This study shows that in order to achieve these goals it is not enough to focus on the corporation and the operations. Equally important is it to foc
Optimization of administrative weights in IP networks using branch-and-cut approach
to be added
Från rättens betjänt till TV:s hjälte
Cost and benefits of diversity of corporate boards
Individual Belief Revision Dynamics in a Group Context
Jitterbug and TrueTime: Analysis Tools for Real-Time Control Systems
The paper presents two recently developed, Matlab-based analysis tools for realtime control systems. The first tool, called Jitterbug, is used to compute a performance criterion for a control loop under various timing conditions. The tool makes it easy to quickly judge how sensitive a controller is to implementation effects such as slow sampling, delays, jitter, etc. The second tool, called TrueTi