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Frälse och kungamakt i medeltidens Blekinge.
Mental health first aid for the elderly: A pilot study of a training program adapted for helping elderly people.
Epidemiological studies have shown a high prevalence of mental illness among the elderly. Clinical data however indicate both insufficient detection and treatment of illnesses. Suggested barriers to treatment include conceptions that mental health symptoms belong to normal aging and lack of competence among staff in elderly care in detecting mental illness. A Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) trainin
Transfer Function Parameter Identification by Modified Relay Feedback
This paper proposes a transfer function parameter identification method, applicable to SISO systems of any order. Parameter identification is posed as a (non-convex) squared output error minimization problem, numerically solved utilizing Newton-Raphson iteration with back tracking line search. Focus lies on computing the cost function gradient and Hessian with respect to the parameter vector and o
A fully Integrated Standard-Cell Digital PLL
A fully integrated digital phase-locked loop (PLL) used as a clock multiplying circuit is designed. The PLL is made from standard cells found in almost any commercial standard cell library and therefore portable between processes in netlist format. Using a 0.35 μm standard complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor CMOS process and a 3.0 V supply voltage, the PLL is designed for a locking range of 17
Postspionaget 1700-talets FRA-skandal
När gamla texter talar. Om att tolka det förgångna
This article is based on the author’s inaugural lecture as professor of New Testament studies at Lund University and articulates his view of the hermeneutics of text and history by reference to the notion of memory. The old veneration of Mnēmosynē and her daughters Clio and Polyhymnia indicates the close and yet complex relationship between historical truth and persuasion and points to the decisiv
A New Numerical Characterization of DNA Sequences
The main contribution of this work is a novel numerical characterization of a DNA sequence based on the 2-D graphical representation of DNA introduced by Yau et al. [12]. We construct a 3-tuple of the normalized leading eigenvalues of the Q matrices associated with the three characteristic curves of a DNA sequence. The approach is illustrated with an examination of dissimilarities of exon-1 of bet
Effect of Varying Glucose Concentrations during In Vitro Maturation and Embryo Culture on Efficiency of In Vitro Embryo Production in Buffalo.
This study was aimed to optimize glucose level at different stages of buffalo in vitro embryo production procedure. Three glucose levels (1.5, 5.6 and 10 mm) along with a control (0 mm) were used at three phases of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) procedure viz. in vitro maturation (IVM), in vitro culture (IVC-I) (12-72 hpi) and IVC-II (72 hpi to 7 dpi). Maturation rate of oocytes was found different
On demand-garanti och fullmaktsfrågor
Physics-Based Model Predictive Control of HCCI Combustion Phasing Using Fast Thermal Management and VVA
Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) is a promising internal combustion engine concept. It holds promise of combining low emission levels with high efficiency. However, as ignition timing in HCCI operation lacks direct actuation and is highly sensitive to operating conditions and disturbances, robust closed-loop control is necessary. To facilitate control design and allow for porting of
Theologische Linien im Codex Bodmer Miscellani?
Hemligheterna i Access 97
Dementia, Design and Technology. Time to get involved.
The interest for the design of life environments for persons with dementia is growing stronger among architects, engineers, social scientists and those responsible for housing and health care planning. This development is connected to the enlarged group of people that become afflicted by this disease and to the fact that a safe environment is proved to be very important for their well-being as wel
Hovrätt i söder: om Skånska hovrättens 175-åriga historia
Vackert väder (1996)
Geografiska Informationssystem - Tillämpningsexempel
Arkeologi här och nu
This article discusses the role of archaeology in our society as well as the epistemological outlook within archaeology. In order to illustrate the relevance of archaeology in our own age three topics are formulated - landscape archaeology, the long-term perspectives of archaeology and the norms and values of our particular system. It is underlines that archaeologists are interpreters of fragments
Wine, Women, and Song. An Analysis of a Newly Found Painted Wall Hanging.
Measurements of excited state lifetimes and oscillator strengths in Pt II
We report on radiative lifetime measurements of short-lived states in singly ionized platinum by excitation with pico-second laser pulses and subsequent time-resolved detection. The upper levels were populated from metastable ion levels in a laser-generated plasma using radiation in the UV/VUV spectral range. The following lifetimes were obtained: tau(5d(8)(F-3(4))6p(1/2), J = 7/2) = 3.9(3) ns, ta