Chetham's Summer Festival for Pianists
Årlig pianofestival i Manchester, konserter, master classes, networking
Årlig pianofestival i Manchester, konserter, master classes, networking
Årlig pianofestival i Manchester. Konserter, master classes, networking.
This book gives a critical account of various methods used in music analysis. In the first chapter, a number of current approaches such as semiotics, musical implications, Schenkerian analysis, and generative theory are demonstrated on Mozart’s K. 331 theme. Five essays deal with important concepts in music analysis: ambiguity, formal proportions, and similarity within and between works. A further
Understanding the initial steps during ultrafast molecular reactions involving large spin state changes is a vital goal in structural dynamics research. These involve knowledge of the geometric structure of the system. Ultrafast X-ray absorption spectroscopy with 50-100 picosecond time resolution establishes the geometric structure of the short-lived (τ = 0:6 ns) high spin state. Here we focus on
We have observed ultraviolet-induced visible absorption and performed two-color holographic recording at green, red, and near-infrared light in thulium doped near-stoichiometric LiNbO 3 crystal. The diffraction efficiency and sensitivity of the recording process at all wavelengths are increased by ultraviolet gating light. Characteristics of recording in the visible are explained by a two-center
Acquired mutations in TP53 as well as immunohistochemically detectable protein expression have been implicated as prognostic factors for breast cancer. We have evaluated the relationship between mutations detected in 119 breast tumours and various clinicohistopathological indices, stratifying the mutations according to the functional domains as defined by the recent elucidation of the crystal stru
In this paper, I give a short description of a language change that can be viewedas an instance of grammaticalization, namely the transition of the two adjectivesmycken/t and liten/t into quantifiers. Data from the corpus of Swedish drama dialogue reveal that liten/t became a quantifier as early as the 1700s, whereas mycken/t seems to have gone through the same change roughly 150 years later. Inhe
Phase modulation and phase cycling schemes have been commonly used in electronic two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopy where the observables are incoherent signals such as fluorescence or photocurrent. Although the methods have distinct advantages compared to the coherent signal-detected 2D spectroscopy in sensitivity, possibility to measure spectra from isolated quantum systems and direct visualizati
Although significant improvements have been achieved for organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs), the top-performing devices still show power conversion efficiencies far behind those of commercialized solar cells. One of the main reasons is the large driving force required for separating electron-hole pairs. Here, we demonstrate an efficiency of 14.7% in the single-junction OPV by using a new polymer do
The Øresund Basin in the transnational area between Sweden and Denmark forms a marginal part of the Danish Basin. The structural outline and stratigraphy of the Mesozoic succession is described, and a novel interpretation and description of the subsurface geology and geothermal potential in the North Sjælland Half-graben is presented. The subsurface bedrock in the basin includes several Mesozoic i
Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a class of RNAs that is under increasing scrutiny, although their functional roles are debated. We analyzed RNA-seq data of 348 primary breast cancers and developed a method to identify circRNAs that does not rely on unmapped reads or known splice junctions. We identified 95,843 circRNAs, of which 20,441 were found recurrently. Of the circRNAs that match exon boundarie
Increased knowledge on familial melanoma and the underlying genetics Approximately 5-10 % of all melanoma patients have close relatives with melanoma. 5-20% of melanoma families have germline mutations in the CDKN2A gene. Swedish CDKN2A mutation carriers have a young median age of onset of melanoma, increased risks of multiple primary melanoma and of tobacco-associated cancers in respiratory and u
Two groups of normal subjects were submitted to repeated automated static threshold perimetry. Perimetric results were strongly affected by the level of experience in some subjects; in the majority, however, the effect of experience was small. Initial field tests often showed high numbers of depressed points. Sensitivity increased with perimetric training, particularly between the first sessions.
Small eye movements in the direction of the disappearing stimulus can be observed at kinetic perimetry when the test object enters a scotomatous area. These may be responsible for the fact that several field defects, missed at routine manual perimetry, are spotted at automatic perimetry. In the latter case the patient cannot predict the position of next test light, since these are illuminated at r
Automatic computerized perimetry was compared to careful manual selective perimetry (a variant of that proposed by Armaly) in 181 eyes of 100 patients from a glaucoma open-care unit. The results of the two methods were very similar. Thus all defects found were identified by the automatic perimeter, and one pathologic field was missed by the manual selective perimetry. The automatic examination gav
Detta är den sjunde årsrapporten från Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning, ett nationellt miljöövervakningsprogram som koordineras av Lunds universitet på uppdrag av Naturvårdsverket sedan 2010. Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning är ett samarbete mellan Sveriges Entomologiska Förening, Naturvårdsverket, Lunds universitet, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet och Länsstyrelserna. Verksamheten möjliggörs av frivilliga