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The balance between sex and asex: evolutionary genetic studies of reproductive variation in Allium vineale

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kloning är inte enbart ett sätt för genetiska ingenjörer att framställa identiskt lika får. Det är framför allt ett naturligt förökningssätt för många djur och växter. Bladlöss, björnbär och backlök är tre exempel på vanliga organismer som förökar sig genom kloning. Enligt gängse evolutionär teori är kloning – eller asexuell reproduktion – ett effektivare sätt att produEvolutionary theory predicts a disadvantage to sexual reproduction. This manifests itself either by the higher growth rate of asexual females in a dioecious species, or by the higher transmission rate of a gene conferring asexual female function to its carriers in a hermaphrodite species. The disadvantage to sexual reproduction may be as high as two-fold provided all else is equal. This phenomenon

The Blurred Line Between Failure and Success in Student–Industry Projects

Student–industry activities are often heralded as win–win–win activities in which students gain knowledge of their future professional fields, companies access student knowledge, and universities both offer students stimulating learning opportunities and strengthen ties with industry. Student–industry projects can be defined as an active learning methodology characterized by pedagogical values suc

Many-valued hybrid logic.

In this paper we define a many-valued semantics for hybrid logic and we give a sound and complete tableau system which is proof theoretically well-behaved, in particular, it gives rise to a decision procedure for the logic. This shows that many-valued hybrid logics is a natural enterprise and opens up the way for future applications.

Pre-PCR processing strategies

A review describes the sample prepn. for biochem. methods, enrichment methods, immunol. methods, and phys. methods. The pretreatment of a complex biol. sample is crucial, and for successful PCR the following requirements have to be fulfilled: complete lack or low concn. of PCR-inhibitory components in the sample and sufficient concn. of target DNA. The aim of the pre-PCR treatment is to convert a

2nd and 3rd generation electrodes for biosensors and biofuel cells

Popular Abstract in English The catalytic and electrochemical properties of tryptophan repressor-binding protein (WrbA), pyranose dehydrogenase (PDH), cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) and glucose dehydrogenase (GDH) on carbon electrodes were investigated using cyclic voltammetry and flow injection amperometry to construct biosensors and biofuel cell (BFC) anodes. WrbA has a catalytic FMN-containing The catalytic and electrochemical properties of tryptophan repressor-binding protein (WrbA), pyranose dehydrogenase (PDH), cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) and glucose dehydrogenase (GDH) on carbon electrodes were investigated using cyclic voltammetry and flow injection amperometry to construct biosensors and biofuel cell (BFC) anodes. WrbA has a catalytic FMN-containing domain whereas both PDH and

Birger Sjöbergs bilder och Tegnérs

The metaphors in the works of Birger Sjöberg is compared to those of Esaias Tegnér. The comparison is made in the theoretical frame of Riffaterre´s concept of hypogram (clichés, descriptive system) and the tradition of domesticating metaphors. Sjöberg is clearly developing Tegnér's metaphorical technique, thus shaping new ways of expressing the depths of mans psyche and his fate, understood within

Comparison of vulnerability and reliability analysis of technical infrastructures

The society depends on reliable and robust services provided by technical infrastructures for its function. The impact of large-scale outages due to the inherent vulnerabilities of technical infrastructures has been demonstrated, for example, by the power outage in the U.S. in 2003 and the power outages in Sweden due to the storms Gudrun in January 2005 and Per in January 2007. Two of the main app

Interdisciplinarity, group responsibility and conflict as resources for learning

In the autumn of 2011, the course “The City: Boundary Transgressions and Visual Expressions” was given for the first time. Formally placed at the Division of Art History and Visual Studies, the course was a collaboration with the Division of Social Anthropology and was directed towards students from a range of disciplines within the fields of the humanities and social sciences. The course include