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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Expression of scavenger receptor MARCO defines a targetable tumor-associated macrophage subset in non-small cell lung cancer

Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are attractive targets for immunotherapy. Recently, studies in animal models showed that treatment with an anti-TAM antibody directed against the scavenger receptor MARCO resulted in suppression of tumor growth and metastatic dissemination. Here we investigated the expression of MARCO in relation to other macrophage markers and immune pathways in a non-small cel

Probing the transition from hydrophilic to hydrophobic solvation with atomic scale resolution

Picosecond and femtosecond X-ray absorption spectroscopy is used to probe the changes of the solvent shell structure upon electron abstraction of aqueous iodide using an ultrashort laser pulse. The transient L 1,3 edge EXAFS at 50 ps time delay points to the formation of an expanded water cavity around the iodine atom, in good agreement with classical and quantum mechanical/molecular mechanics (

Structural analysis of ultrafast extended x-ray absorption fine structure with subpicometer spatial resolution : Application to spin crossover complexes

We present a novel analysis of time-resolved extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra based on the fitting of the experimental transients obtained from optical pump/x-ray probe experiments. We apply it to the analysis of picosecond EXAFS data on aqueous [FeII (bpy)3] 2+, which undergoes a light induced conversion from its low-spin (LS) ground state to the short-lived (τ≈650 ps) exc

Challenges in wildlife governance - different ways forward

Increasing numbers of wildlife species in human populated landscapes create challenges to people’s daily life and livelihoods as well as to governance. One of these challenges is the current misfit between environmental and social systems. This misfit in spatial, temporal and functional scales constitutes a source of stress to individuals and institutions and calls for new solutions. Coping, adapt

MadGraph/MadEvent v4 : The new web generation

We present the latest developments of the MadGraph/MadEvent Monte Carlo event generator and several applications to hadron collider physics. In the current version events at the parton, hadron and detector level can be generated directly from a web interface, for arbitrary processes in the Standard Model and in several physics scenarios beyond it (HEFT, MSSM, 2HDM). The most important additions ar

Barbiturate receptor sites are coupled to benzodiazepine receptors

Barbiturates enhance the binding of [3H]diazepam to benzodiazepine receptor sites in rat brain. This effect occurs at pharmacologically relevant concentrations of barbiturates, and the relative activity of a series of compounds correlates highly with anesthetic activity of the barbiturates and with their ability to enhance postsynaptic inhibitory responses to the neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric ac

Kain, Abel, boys will be boys

Det är inte fråga om hur det kommer sluta. Vi vet redan hur det kommer sluta, vi känner till det slutet, "det våldsamma slutet, då hjärnan rinner ut efter upprepat våld mot skallbenet och likstelheten inträder". Det handlar inte om hur det slutar, har slutat, kommer sluta. Det är redan känt, det är redan skrivet, att "när de voro ute på marken överföll Kain sin broder Abel och dödade honom".

Monitoring finer-scale population density in urban functional zones : A remote sensing data fusion approach

Spatial distribution information on population density is essential for understanding urban dynamics. In recent decades, remote sensing techniques have often been applied to assess population density, particularly night-time light data (NTL). However, such attempts have resulted in mapped population density at coarse/medium resolution, which often limits the applicability of such data for fine-sca

Analyses of activated sludge processes consisting of a plug-flow reactor and a non-ideal settler

An activated sludge process (ASP) consisting of a plug-flow reactor (PFR) and a non-ideal settler is modelled and analysed. One soluble substrate component and one particulate biomass are assumed. The biomass growth rate is described by a Monod function. The settler model includes hindered settling and compression. A model describing the steady-state behaviour of the ASP is derived which constrain

Receptor-mediated internalization of bradykinin : DDT1 MF-2 smooth muscle cells process internalized bradykinin via multiple degradative pathways

This study was undertaken to evaluate the role of internalization in the action of the peptide autacoid bradykinin (BK). At 4°C [3H]BK binds to an apparently single class of B2 kinin receptors on DDT1 MF-2 smooth muscle cells (C. M. Munoz, S. Cotecchia, and L. M. F. Leeb-Lundberg, manuscript submitted). At this temperature the [3H]BK binding was confined exclusively to the cell surface. On the oth

Directing human attention with pointing

Pointing is a typical means of directing a human's attention to a specific object or event. Robot pointing behaviours that direct the attention of humans are critical for human-robot interaction, communication and collaboration. In this paper, we describe an experiment undertaken to investigate human comprehension of a humanoid robot's pointing behaviour. We programmed a NAO robot to point to mark