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Laser and synchrotron radiation pump-probe x-ray diffraction experiments

Recent developments have allowed x-ray diffraction techniques at synchrotron radiation facilities to be employed with a temporal resolution of around 1 ps. These developments are the availability of firstly, high brightness third-generation x-ray sources, secondly, passively mode-locked lasers with 100 fs temporal duration and thirdly, averaging streak cameras with sub-picosecond temporal resoluti

Does exercise during growth prevent fractures in later life?

Regular weight-bearing exercise, especially during the pre- or early peripubertal years, leads to substantial benefits in bone mass and skeletal structure, enhancing bone strength at loaded sites. However, few fragility fractures occur in young adulthood, and only if the exercise-induced skeletal benefits are retained into older age, a time when the incidence of fragility fractures rises exponenti

Harmonic morphisms, Hermitian structures and symmetric spaces

Popular Abstract in Swedish En harmonisk morfism är en funktion mellan två Riemannmångfalder, med den egenskapen att dess sammansättning med en lokal harmonisk funktion på bildmängden ånyo är en lokal harmonisk funktion på definitionsmängden. En sådan funktion är automatiskt en harmonisk avbildning, som dessutom är (svagt) horisontellt konform. I lokala koordinater betyder detta att funktionen måsA harmonic morphism is a map between two Riemannian manifolds with the property that its composition with a local harmonic function on the codomain is a local harmonic function on the domain. Such a map is automatically a harmonic map, satisfying an additional partial conformality condition called horizontal (weak) conformality. In local coordinates, this amounts to a non-linear, over-determined s

Ett kungahus i dialog med tiden

Recension av "Ett kungahus i tiden". Familjen Bernadottes väg mot legitimitet under förra delen av 1800-talet undersöks via hovceremonier, bostäder, engagemang i medborgarsamhället med dess föreningsväsen samt analys av prinsarnas uppfostran och utbildning.

Christian Anarchism

This review article sums up the key points in the 2011 book on Christian anarchism by Alexandre Christoyannopoulos. His innovative project here was to draw from a long lineage of Christian anarchist thinker in order to weave together a generic theory of Christian anarchism wherein pacifist anarchism is regarded to be the logical political consequence derived from the teachings of Jesus.

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A frequency synthesizer applied to a 10/100Base-T ethernet transceiver is described. It can work adaptively in either a 10Mbps or 100Mbps mode and convert freely from on mode to another. Cascode current sources and differential delay cells are adopted to guarantee good performance. The circuit meets the requirements of both transmitter on rising/falling time and receiver on CDR so that additional

Hemiparasitic litter additions alter gross nitrogen turnover in temperate semi-natural grassland soils

Hemiparasitic plants accumulate nutrients in their leaves and therefore produce high-quality litter with faster decomposition and nutrient release rates compared to non-parasitic litter. Higher levels of plant-available nitrogen (N) in the presence of hemiparasitic plants have been attributed to this 'litter effect', but effects on N dynamics in the soil remain unstudied. We tested the hypothesis

Exploring Processor and Memory Architectures for Multimedia

Popular Abstract in English Consumption of multimedia content is one of the main tasks we perform in our day-to- day lives, such as listening to music on an iPod or watching the news from an online steaming service. As technology has evolved and enabled easier access to different content (basically access anything anywhere), our consumption has grown. In only the last decades we have evolved from Multimedia has become one of the cornerstones of our 21st century society and, when combined with mobility, has enabled a tremendous evolution of our society. However, joining these two concepts introduces many technical challenges. These range from having sufficient performance for handling multimedia content to having the battery stamina for acceptable mobile usage. When taking a projection of w

Comparison between specific surface complexation and Donnan ion-exchange models for describing the adsorption of cations on kraft fibres - literature evidence and EXAFS study of Cu(II) binding

A compilation of the applied experimental conditions when studying metal ion adsorption onto kraft fibres, and the resulting conclusion, revealed that the ionic strength conditions used during the experiments were an important dividing factor. At low ionic strengths, the conclusion has regularly been that the Donnan ion-exchange model could correctly predict the adsorption while, at higher ionic s