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Your search for "*" yielded 531636 hits

The lichen flora of Stora Karlsö and Lilla Karlsö

In 1993-1998 the lichen flora of Stora Karlso and Lilla Karlso was surveyed. These two nearby islands are situated outside the west coast of Gotland, Sweden, in the Baltic Sea. In all, 355 species were found, including three lichenicolous fungi. Two species are new to Sweden, viz. Lepraria flavescens and Placynthium lismorense. Both were found on limestone. The number of species according to habit

Interference elimination in glutamate monitoring with chip integrated enzyme microreactors

On-chip enzyme reactors are often used in medical/pharmaceutical analysis due to their inherent advantages, such as high sample throughput, low reagent consumption, stability, reproducibility and low cost. The present work describes a different application of such microreactors, namely, elimination of interfering ascorbate signals in glutamate monitoring using ascorbate oxidase modified silicon ch

Barnavårdsutredningar på nya grunder

Since 1999 the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) has been piloting a project entitled “Children’s Needs in Focus” (BBIC). The aim of this development project is to develop a uniform system of assessing, planning and reviewing in social work with children. It is inspired by the Integrated Children’s System (ICS) in Great Britain and the Swedish Dartingtonproject. The Br

Herbivore-induced responses in alfalfa (Medicago sativa)

The herbivore-induced response of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) was examined through assays with Spodoptera littoralis larvae and analyses of important secondary substances. In food preference experiments, larvae preferred young undamaged alfalfa plants over plants that had been damaged by feeding larvae 5 and 7 days earlier, while no difference in feeding preferences could be detected 1, 9, and 14 da

Thermal effects of steel toe caps in footgear

This study investigated cold weather safety footwear and the possible thermal effects of steel toe caps in footwear. Two models of boots were used. Both models were manufactured in two variants - with and without steel toe cap. The boot insulation was measured with an artificial, heated foot (AHF). One model was used in experiment with subjects (n=6). Cold exposure consisted of sitting for 60 minu

Fosterbarns perspektiv på socialtjänstens företrädare

Artikeln gör en åtskillnad mellan omvärldens barnperspektiv och barns eget perspektiv. Med hjälp av ett antal mindre studier belyses barns perspektiv och socialtjänsten och de socialsekreterare, som de mött i samband med samhällsvård. Dessa visar att barn har olika synpunkter och erfarenheter beroende på var i omhändertagandeprocessen de tillfrågats, om de är nöjda eller missnöjda med placeringen

Processability in Scandinavian second language acquisition.

This paper reports on a test of the validity of Pienemann's (1998) Processability Theory (PT). This theory predicts that certain morphological and syntactic phenomena are acquired in a fixed sequence. Three phenomena were chosen for this study: attributive adjective morphology, predicative adjective morphology, and subordinate clause syntax (placement of negation). These phenomena are located at s

Excited state dynamics in alternating polyfluorene copolymers

We present the excited state dynamics of the low band gap alternating polyfluorene copolymer, DiO-PFDTBT. The copolymer structure is an alternating sequence of donor and acceptor units consisting of 9,9-dioctyl-9H-fluorene and 4,7-di-thiophen-2-yl-benzo[1,2,5]thiadiazolyl units. Calculations have predicted that the first excited state has charge transfer character, while the second strongly allowe

Was it there all the time?

The complement system is old, yet it may still have something new to teach us. For many years, research has existed which shows that C3d, in addition to its established role as an adjuvant, could have an immunosuppressive activity. Being true, it suggests that a common mechanism may be used both by organisms and by their pathogens to prevent unwanted immune responses.

Compressibility of lubricants at high pressures

Results from a high pressure chamber; recently developed at Lund Institute of Technology, are presented. The compressibility variation with the pressure of five different lubricants is investigated for pressures up to 2.7 GPa. The density variation for each lubricant is presented as a curve fit. The results show that at high pressures when the lubricant has solidified, the density varies linearly

A genetic basis of susceptibility to acute pyelonephritis.

Background For unknown reasons, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are clustered in certain individuals. Here we propose a novel, genetically determined cause of susceptibility to acute pyelonephritis, which is the most severe form of UTI. The IL-8 receptor, CXCR1, was identified as a candidate gene when mIL-8Rh mutant mice developed acute pyelonephritis (APN) with severe tissue damage. Methods and

Quantum Chemical Study of Photoinjection Processes in Sensitized TiO2 Nanoparticles

Results from quantum chemical INDO/S-CI calculations of the absorption properties of anatase TiO2 nanoparticles sensitized by catechol and benzoic acid are reported. Experimental observations that catechol causes a strong shift in the TiO2 absorption threshold, while benzoic acid does not, are explained from the calculations which indicate that only catechol introduces electronic levels in the TiO

Glioma stem cells: Evidence and limitation.

Gliomas, in particular the high-grade anaplastic glioma and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), are manifested by morphological, genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity. Most of the studies hitherto have been performed on bulk glioma cells, with limited understanding on the origin and the relative contribution of particular glioma cell populations to glioma growth and progression. Recent studies have demo

Correlation potential in density functional theory at the GWA level: Spherical atoms

As part of a project to obtain better optical response functions for nanomaterials and other systems with strong excitonic effects, we here calculate the exchange-correlation (XC) potential of density functional theory (DFT) at a level of approximation which corresponds to the dynamically screened exchange or GW approximation. In this process, we have designed a numerical method based on cubic spl