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Social segmentation på den svenska bostadsmarknaden
Socialtjänstlagstiftningen i politik och förvaltning. En studie av parallella normbildningsprocesser.
Inblick: Glöden förtärde dem
Bargaining in Collusive Markets
Aqueous biphasic systems. Properties and applications in bioseparation..
Human Factors and Safety in Aviation
An Inquiry into Cultural Semiotics: Germaine de Staël's Autobiographical Travel Accounts
Popular Abstract in Swedish Kultursemiotiken studerar möten mellan kulturer. Begreppen Kultur, Extra-kultur och Icke-kultur utvecklades av Tartuskolan under 1970-talet, och användes i deras studier av den ryska kulturen och dess relation till Västeuropa. Särskild vikt lades vid Peter den Stores försök att göra Ryssland mer likt Väst. Målet med denna avhandling i kultursemiotik är att vidareutvecklCultural semiotics studies encounters between cultures. Notions such as Culture, Extra-culture and Non-culture were developed in the 1970s by the Tartu school and were used in their studies of Russian culture and its relation to Western Europe, with special focus on Peter the Great's attempt to Westernize Russia in the eighteenth century. The aim of this dissertation in cultural semiotics is to fu
Psykiatrins förändrade former
Art Tatum
Political Interaction in the Old Regime. Central Power and Local Society in the Eighteenth-Century Nordic States
Relates the first 15 years of research within the Norma Research Programme at the Law Faculty
Marknaden för populuxetryck efter sekelskiftet 1800
Around 1800 and thereafter there was a rising consumption of books and other print material in Sweden. Almanacs, handbooks and fiction, especially for women, children’s books, ABC- and conversation cards and other prints such as, games, pictures for cutting and music was advertised in newspapers and booksellers catalogues. In this text the production and commercialisation of these products is look
A proposed segregation of the genus Cetraria sensu lat. into presumed monophyletic groups based on strict mycological characters.
Aspects of meaning in everyday occupations and its relationships to health-related factors
Popular Abstract in Swedish Människors behov av och rättighet till meningsfull sysselsättning är en angelägenhet som engagerar flera samhälleliga instanser och yrkesgrupper. Arbetsterapeuter har utvecklat speciella kunskaper om hur sysselsättning och meningsfull aktivitet kan användas i terapeutiskt syfte för handikappade, skadade och sjuka personer som förlorat sin förmåga till ett självständigt The general aim of this thesis was to explore aspects of meaning connected with the performance of everyday occupations. Further, the aim was to investigate relationships between occupation, meaning, and health-related variables among adult and elderly subjects with and without chronic pain. Another aim was to develop appropriate methodology and theory for this research area. Due to the explorativ
From Microtraining and Open Educational Resources (OER) to Master Cources on Geographical Inforamtion Systems (GIS)
With today’s rapid changes in socio-economy and technology, knowledge and learning are critical issues for most companies and private and civil service organisations. The needs for competence development range from short informal courses to formal educational programs at university level. Informal learning is less predictable. It is nevertheless a very natural way of learning, although it is often