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Rädsla för brott : en undersökning om Ljungbyungdomars rädsla för och erfarenheter av brott

This report presents results regarding fear of crime amongst young people in a small Swedish town, Ljungby. It also considers the experience of violence and other types of crime. A questionnaire was distributed to 320 students in upper secondary school during October 2001. The results from these questionnaires shows that female students more often than male students state that they are worried whe

Search for resonant (nu)over-tilde production at root s=183 to 208 GeV

Searches for resonant (ν) over tilde production in e(+)e(-) collisions under the assumption that R-parity is not conserved and that the dominant R-parity violating coupling is lambda(121) or lambda(131) used data recorded by DELPHI in 1997 to 2000 at centre-of-mass energies of 183 to 208 GeV. No deviation from the Standard Model was observed. Upper limits are given for the lambda(121) and lambda(1

Deglacial vegetation succession and Holocene tree-limit dynamics in the Scandes Mountains, west-central Sweden: stratigraphic data compared to megafossil evidence

High-resolution records of plant macrofossils, magnetic susceptibility, and total carbon content, complemented by pollen data, were obtained from a postglacial lake sediment sequence at alpine Lake Stentjarn (987 m a.s.l.), in west-central Sweden. Holocene vegetational and environmental changes were reconstructed from the data, with particular emphasis on the deglacial establishment of terrestrial

Formulation and in vitro/in vivo evaluation of combining DNA repair and immune enhancing nutritional supplements

Combining nutritional supplements to achieve synergistic benefit is a common practice in the nutraceutical industry. However, establishing. added health benefit from a combination of natural ingredients is often assumed, untested and without regard to the principle of metabolic competition between the active components. Here, we report on the combination of a cat's claw water extract (C-Med-100, c

In vivo effects of prostacyclin on segmental vascular resistances, on myogenic reactivity, and on capillary fluid exchange in cat skeletal muscle

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the local circulatory effects of prostacyclin in skeletal muscle. DESIGN: A prospective experimental study. SETTING: A university laboratory. SUBJECTS: Twelve adult cats. INTERVENTIONS: The study was performed on autoperfused, sympathectomized gastrocnemius muscle. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Arterial blood flow, total and segmental vascular resistances (arterial vessels o

Retinopathy and nephropathy in insulin-dependent diabetics: an inconsistent relationship?

The association between retinopathy and nephropathy was investigated in a retrospective study of 52 insulin-dependent diabetics with preproliferative or proliferative retinopathy and in 48 patients without or with background retinopathy. The duration of diabetes was 23.2 +/- 1.0 years (mean +/- SEM) and 22.0 +/- 1.2 years in the two groups. Patients in the retinopathy group showed a higher frequen

Business Angels in a Changing Economy: The Case of Sweden

The Swedish business angel market of 2004 is presented and compared to that of 1992 in order to determine the significance of the time factor. The presentation is carried out against the background of the macroeconomic changes that have taken place and how they have affected the informal venture capital market. The empirical findings reveal how the amounts invested have changed, which companies th

Sentential Object Complements in Modern Standard Arabic

Popular Abstract in Swedish Satser i objektsposition i modern standardarabiska. MODERN STANDARDARABISKA Arabiska talas idag av ca 200 miljoner människor från Marocko och Mauretanien i väster till Irak och Oman i öster. De talade varianterna av språket skiljer sig åt ganska mycket, men man har ett gemensamt skriftspråk. Den moderna varianten av skriftspråket kallas ofta modern standardarabiska ocThis dissertation comprises a corpus-based study of the form and function of sentential object complements in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). The study is motivated by the scarcity of investigations into MSA syntax as opposed to the syntax of Classical Arabic. Complements to three classes of complement-taking predicates (CTPs) ­ manipulation, cognition and utterance ­ are considered. The major part

Geographical variation of mortality from cardiovascular diseases. The Project 'Myocardial Infarction in mid-Sweden'

In this study, the geographical variation of the mortality rate in mid-Sweden was studied. Data on mortality from all causes and mortality from cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, ischaemic heart disease (IHD) and non-cardiovascular diseases for men and women 45-74 years of age living in 76 communities in mid-Sweden were obtained from the National Bureau of Statistics. After age sta

Combined alpha-interferon and ribavirin treatment in chronic hepatitis C: a pilot study

16 patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection were treated with a combination of interferon-alpha and ribavirin for 24 weeks in an open study. One patient declined further treatment due to depression after week 16 and did not complete further follow-up. A moderate decline was observed in hemoglobin and an increase in bilirubin level both reversible after discontinuing the treatment. 2

Inter-annual and seasonal variations of energy and water vapour above Pinus sylvestris in the Siberian middle taiga

Long-term eddy covariance measurements of energy and water fluxes and associated climatic parameters were carried out above a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest in the middle taiga zone of Central Siberia. Data from June 1998 through October 2000 are presented. With the exception of winter 1998/1999, data collection over this period were more or less continuous. A distinct seasonality in surface

Antimicrobial susceptibility testing in Sweden. III. Methodology for susceptibility testing

A subcommittee of the Swedish Reference Group for Antibiotics, SRGA-M, has worked with standardization of methodology for susceptibility testing. In vitro data obtained with the disk diffusion procedure were collected from 5 clinical laboratories, compiled and presented as histograms of inhibition zones, and compared with data [minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and inhibition zones] obtaine

Rapid high throughput assay for fluorimetric detection of doxorubicin - Application of nucleic acid-dye bioprobe

A double stranded DNA based fluorescence bioprobe for anticancer agent (doxorubicin) detection is described. This method provides a new way for sensitive DNA/drug interaction study by a homogeneous assay. The probe employs the long-wavelength intercalating fluorophore TOTO-3((R)) (TT3). The anticancer agent, doxorubicin, which interacts with the DNA-TT3 complex, was indirectly measured by the decr

Skoldaghem: Ett alternativ för elever i behov av särskilt stöd

Popular Abstract in Swedish Studien handlar om tio elever i behov av särskilt stöd. Den förhärskande tanken inom det svenska utbildningsväsendet är att elever med funktionshinder ska integreras i den vanliga skolan. Undantag får emellertid göras och eleverna kan t.ex. få sin skolgång på ett skoldaghem. Det främsta syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka hur sju elever med skolgång på skolThis thesis concerns ten pupils in need of special support. The overriding principle governing the Swedish educational system today is that pupils with functional difficulties should be integrated into ordinary schools, but exceptions may be made and the pupils can attend a special day-school. The primary aim of the present thesis is to study the progress of seven students, attending special day-s

UAMSHO: A Theological Study of the Proclamation of the Revival Movement within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania

This thesis presents a theological study of the revival (Uamsho) movement within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT). This movement is part of the East African Revival Movement that began during the late 1920's within the Protestant churches in Rwanda, after which it spread to Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. The introductory chapter begins with a presentation of characteristic feature