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Abstract in Romanian Lucrarea a fost gândită să pună în valoare următoarele aspecte: Momente şi aspecte din lupta ideologică şi politică a românilor, reflectate în presă; Idealul naţional şi poezia transilvăneană; Momente ale luptelor naţionale ale românilor oglindite de revista „Familia” în perioada mişcării memorandiste; Cronologie privind acţiunile culturale şi politice din ţinutul Albei Iulia,

Photobiology — The science of life and light, 2nd ed.

Photobiology: The Science of Life and Light, Second edition, is fully updated and offers eight new chapters for a comprehensive look at photobiology. The chapters cover all areas of photobiology, photochemistry, and relationship between light and biology, each with up-to- date references.The chapter authors (of which seven are new) have very different backgrounds, and have produced a truly cross-d

Mapping activities of artists in the past: A bibliometric study of the library of the Scandinavian Association in Rome to 1870

The purpose of this study is to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the library collection at the Scandinavian Association in Rome. Data were gathered from the library catalog and then submitted to frequency and co-occurrence analyses. By examining keywords, authors, and the language of the books found in the library, we were able to draw conclusions about its role as a social rather than an academ

Designing societal safety: A study of the Swedish crisis management system

Design is an activity aimed at solving an unsolved problem or improving an existing solution. In the area of societal safety, there are many activities that could be classified as design activities. For example when different actors are implementing measures to mitigate certain risk scenarios or when they are considering actions that could improve their capability to respond to various crises. We

A VLSI architecture of the Schnorr-Euchner decoder for MIMO systems

The lattice decoder is shown to approach the performance of Maximum-likelihood decoder for MIMO wireless systems with low complexity. A VLSI architecture of the K-best Schnorr-Euchner lattice decoder is proposed in this paper. The architecture is optimized on both algorithm and architecture levels, and supports a dynamic range of SNR [less-than or equal to] 30 dB. Compared to a conventional VLSI i

A Physical Two-Zone NOx Model Intended for Embedded Implementation

This paper offers a two-zone NOx model suitable for vehicle on-board, on-line implementation. Similar NOx modeling attempts have previously been undertaken. The hereby suggested method does however offer clear and important benefits over the previously methods, utilizing a significantly different method to handle temperature calculations within the (two) different zones avoiding iterative computat

Rank-One Convexification Approach for the Modeling of Magnetic Shape Memory Response

We present an incremental energy minimization model for magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs) whose derivation departs from the constrained theory of magnetoelasticity [1], but additionally accounts for elastic deformations, magnetization rotation, and dissipative mechanisms. The minimization of the proposed incremental energy yields the evolution of the internal state variables. In this sense, the

Exploring the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract

Popular Abstract in English Like earth is home for us, our gastrointestinal (GI) tract is home for microbes. All the bacteria that are living there are called “microbiota” and the total DNA they contain is called “microbiome”. The GI microbiota outnumbers human cells by factor of ten and the microbiome is at least 100 times larger than our human genome. A wide range of metabolic activities are perAbstract: Balanced microbiota of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is important for maintaining health of the host. Altered gut microbiota have been found to be associated with various life-style induced and other intestinal inflammatory diseases. Gut microbiota is viewed as a metabolic organ and considered as new target for therapies. This thesis describes the work on exploring the microbiota of th

Preparing for Preparedness - Shaping Crisis Planning Processes in Local Authorities

In the developed countries the public expect society to be prepared for, and step in, if something out of the ordinary happens. This public pressure appears to have increased the demand for crisis preparedness planning. In crisis management the local authority serves as the first line of defence and will more or less always be involved in responding to crises. It is therefore important to study ho

Tycho-Gaia and beyond: Combining data for precision astrometry

Popular Abstract in German Einführung in die Astrometrie Ziele Astrometrie ist das Forschungsfeld der Astronomie, das sich mit der Vermessung der Positionen von Sternen und anderen Himmelskörpern beschäftigt. Das klingt zunächst vielleicht trivial, aber die unglaublich großen Entfernungen machen astrometrische Messungen äußerst schwierig. Eins der Ziele ist es, eine dreidimensionale Karte der SteAstrometry aims at producing a three-dimensional map of positions and motions of stars and other celestial bodies in a consistent coordinate system covering the whole sky. This is best done from space, which provides a way of scanning the entire sky by a single instrument in a thermally stable environment. Space astrometry was pioneered by the Hipparcos satellite (1989–1993), and the successor mis

Rate-Compatible Spatially-Coupled LDPC Code Ensembles With Nearly-Regular Degree Distributions

Spatially-coupled regular LDPC code ensembles have outstanding performance with belief propagation decoding and can perform arbitrarily close to the Shannon limit without requiring irregular graph structures. In this paper, we are concerned with the performance and complexity of spatially-coupled ensembles with a rate-compatibility constraint. Spatially-coupled regular ensembles that support rate-

Hemicallotasis in Tibial Osteotomy using External Fixation. Patients, Pin Site Infection and Pin Site Care

Popular Abstract in Swedish Extern fixation är en metod för skelettfixation där perkutana pinnar och/eller vajrar fästes i skelettet och fixeras i en yttre metallram. Extern fixation används alltmer vid frakturläkning och förlängning/korrektion av deformiteter. En extern fixation ger stabilitet åt frakturer och osteotomier och möjlighet till gradvis förlängning/korrektion av deformiteter. BelastniExternal fixation has been more commonly used during the last decades for correction of bone and soft tissue deformities and in frcture healing. The most common complication of external fixation is pin site infection. Two hundred and nineteen younger and/or physically active patients (mean age 53 (18-75) years) suffering from knee osteoarthritis (OA) or knee deformities operated on by hemicallota