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Your search for "*" yielded 533491 hits

Neural Progenitor Cells in malignancy and injury of the brain. A Trojan Horse fro gliomas?

Popular Abstract in Swedish Gliom är en familj av hjärntumörer som är graderade beroende på hur snabbt och på vilket sätt de växer. Grad IV även kallad glioblastoma multiforme, är den mest elakartade av dessa. Patienter har en medelöverlevnadsprognos på ca 12 månader med behandling, såsom kirurgi, kemo- och strålningsterapi. Tumörerna är heterogena, vilket innebär att celler har flera typer av mutGliomas are neoplasms arising in the central nervous system (CNS), and constitute the most common primary brain tumor. They are classified depending on the grade and morphology, from grade I, pilocytic astrocytoma, to grade IV, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Glioblastomas constitute a great challenge in treatment due to their disseminating nature. Classical treatments such as surgery, radiation th

Ten-year probabilities of clinical vertebral fractures according to phalangeal quantitative ultrasonography

The objectives of the present study were to estimate 10-year probabilities of clinical vertebral fractures in women, according to age and bone mineral assessment using phalangeal quantitative ultrasound (QUS). Risks were computed from UK derived data on the incidence of a first symptomatic vertebral fracture and mortality rates for each year of age using Poisson models. The 10-year probability of

The stable carbon isotope composition of the terrestrial biosphere: Modeling at scales from the leaf to the globe

Global data sets of the stable carbon isotope composition of plant leaves, of CO2 in canopy air, and of CO2 in the background atmosphere were compiled and compared to results of a global vegetation model (BIOME4) that simulated, at these three scales, the magnitude, direction, and timing of fluxes of CO2 and C-13 between the biosphere and the atmosphere. Carbon isotope data on leaves were classifi

Complications of video-assisted gastrostomy in children with or without a ventriculoperitoneal shunt

The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that the presence of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt ( VPS) influences the frequency of postoperative complications after video-assisted gastrostomy ( VAG) in children. When using a power of 80%, a critical value for significance of 5% and an assumed population-based standard deviation of 0.4, it will be required to have a sample size of at least 14 chi

Purification, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray analysis of Bacillus subtilis ferrochelatase

Bacillus subtilis ferrochelatase (EC, the final enzyme in protoheme IX biosynthesis, was produced with an inducible T7 RNA polymerase expression system in Escherichia coli and purified from the soluble cell fraction. It was crystallized from polyethylene glycol solution using the microseeding technique. The crystals diffract to a minimum Bragg spacing of 2.1 A. The space group is P4(2) w

A new liquid-phase microextraction method based on solidification of floating organic drop

In the present study, a new and versatile liquid-phase microextraction method is described. This method requires very simple and cheap apparatus and also a small amount of organic solvent. Eight microliters of 1-undecanol was delivered to the surface of solution containing analytes and solution was stirred for a desired time. Then sample vial was cooled by inserting it into an ice bath for 5 min.

On fast Birkhoff averaging

We study the pointwise behavior of Birkhoff sums S(n)phi(x) on subshifts of finite type for Holder continuous functions phi. In particular, we show that for a given equilibrium state mu associated to a Holder continuous potential, there are points x such that S(n)phi(x) - nE(mu)phi similar to an(beta) for any a > 0 and 0 < beta < 1. Actually the Hausdorff dimension of the set of such points is bou

Rhodamine B, a fluorescent probe for acidic organelles in denervated skeletal muscle

We describe a very efficient method for fluorescent labeling of acidic structures in denervated skeletal muscle with rhodamine B. Rhodamine B at 50 ng/ml gave selective and distinct segmental labeling of denervated muscle fibers after 5-min incubation at room temperature. Labeling was also achieved at 4 degrees C. The labeling was disrupted by the ionophores monensin and nigericin, suggesting a la

Multivariable Adaptive Control

This thesis treats the problem of direct adaptive control of linear multivariable systems. The parametrization problem of adaptive control is discussed extensively. A pole-placement problem and a model-matching problem are formulated and interpreted in terms of model reference control. The problem is solved via a discussion on system invariants of multivariable systems as presented by Pernebo. The

Membrane extraction for sample preparation

Sample preparation techniques based upon liquid membrane extraction offer a high degree of selectivity and enrichment power and use small amounts of organic solvents. They also provide convenient possibilities for direct and automated interfacing with chromatography systems and other analytical instruments.

Reinnervation of syngeneic pancreatico-duodenal grafts in rats

BACKGROUND: Knowledge on the reinnervation of transplanted organs is scarce, and the aim of the study was therefore to evaluate to what degree syngeneic pancreas grafts were reinnervated in rats. METHODS: Syngeneic pancreatico-duodenal transplantations were performed in normoglycemic Wistar-Furth rats. Native and transplanted pancreas and duodenum were removed 4 or 40 weeks after implantation, and

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This thesis deals with the development of the DP (the Determiner Phrase) in bilingual first (2L1) and in adult second (L2) language acquisition of French. The thesis shows that the children and the adult Swedish learners acquire syntactic categories differently: the children follow a structural economy principle in positing as small categories as possible (Rizzi, 1998). The adult learners aim to

Mutation in the cystatin C gene causes hereditary brain hemorrhage

Hereditary cystatin C amyloid angiopathy (HCCAA) is an autosomal dominant disorder leading to massive brain hemorrhage and death in young adults (Jensson et al., 1987). A variant of a potent inhibitor of cysteine proteinases, cystatin C (Barrett et al., 1984), is deposited as amyloid fibrils in the cerebral arteries of the patients (Ghiso et al., 1986). We have used the full length cystatin C cDNA

Cdk6 blocks myeloid differentiation by interfering with Runx1 DNA binding and Runx1-C/EBP alpha interaction

Interactions between the cell cycle machinery and transcription factors play a central role in coordinating terminal differentiation and proliferation arrest. We here show that cyclin-dependent kinase 6 (Cdk6) is specifically expressed in proliferating hematopoietic progenitor cells, and that Cdk6 inhibits transcriptional activation by Runx1, but not C/ EBP alpha or PU. 1. Cdk6 inhibits Runx1 acti