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Your search for "*" yielded 538388 hits

Improved iron bioavailability in an oat-based beverage: the combined effect of citric acid addition, dephytinization and iron supplementation

Background Iron deficiency in children is a major worldwide nutritional problem. An oat beverage was developed for 1- to 3-year-old children and different treatments were used to improve the iron bioavailability. Aim of the study To investigate the effects of citric acid addition, phytase treatment and supplementation with different iron compounds on non-heme iron absorption in human from a minera

The From The Heart study: a global survey of patient understanding of cholesterol management and cardiovascular risk, and physician-patient communication

Objectives: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality worldwide. A high level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) is a major CVD risk factor. Guidelines recommend effective cholesterol management and set LDL-C goals, yet deficiencies exist in physician implementation of these recommendations and in patient uptake of the advice. However, little is known of patient pe

Establishment and characterisation of a human clear cell sarcoma model in nude mice

We have established a new experimental model of human clear cell sarcoma, UM-CCSI, using serial subcutaneous transplantation of intact tumour tissue in nude mice. The heterotransplanted nude mouse tumours retained characteristic morphological features of the primary clear cell sarcoma. Immunohistochemical analysis showed the retained expression patterns of S-100 protein, melanoma-associated antige

Podocytes express ADAMTS13 in normal renal cortex and in patients with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

Congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is associated with ADAMTS13 mutations. The major site of ADAMTS13 synthesis is the liver. Expression in other tissues, and in TTP, has not been shown. In this study, ADAMTS13 protein expression was investigated in normal kidney and in renal tissue from two TTP patients, with a compound heterozygous mutation (P353L and P457L) and a homozygous mut

Lifetime and predissociation yield of N-14(2) b (1)Pi(u)(v=1)

The lifetime of the b (1)Pi(u)(v=1) state in N-14(2) has been determined experimentally using a laser-based pump-probe scheme and an exceptionally long lifetime of 2.61 ns was found. Semiempirical close-coupling calculations of the radiative lifetime, which include Rydberg-valence interactions in the singlet manifold, are consistent with this large value, giving a value of 3.61 ns and suggesting a

Prediction of patient outcome with 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose-positron emission tomography early during radiotherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer.

INTRODUCTION: It is difficult to assess the individual response of locally advanced cervical cancer to chemoradiation therapy during the course of treatment. We have investigated the predictive value of positron emission tomography (PET) with 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) early during treatment in relation to progression-free survival. METHODS: This prospective single-center clinical trial

Quantitative aspects of swallowing in an elderly nondysphagic population

The prevalence of swallowing impairment increases with age and is a major health care problem in the elderly. It has been assumed that age-related changes in nerves and muscles hamper muscle strength and coordination of swallowing. However, it is unclear what impairment is related to primary aging and what is the consequence of diseases prevalent in the elderly (secondary aging). In order to quant

Characterization of an IgA receptor from group B streptococci: specificity for serum IgA

Some strains of group B streptococci express a cell surface protein which binds IgA. This report describes some properties of such an IgA receptor and compares it with a previously described IgA receptor from group A streptococci. The group B receptor was released in an almost pure form from bacteria incubated at elevated pH, and could be isolated by IgA-Sepharose affinity chromatography. The sequ

Individuals with occupational allergy to detergent enzymes display a differential transcriptional regulation and cellular immune response

Background In spite of significant safety measures, allergy to industrial enzymes remains a major concern. The increasing prevalence of occupational allergy emphasizes the need to investigate the functional properties of enzyme-exposed dendritic cells (DCs), as DCs possess a potent ability to activate allergen-specific T cells. Objective This study aims at elucidating the molecular mechanisms unde

Studying dialogical selves dialogically: multiple-horizon analysis of critical moments in the working life of theatre actors in two cultures

The project reported on here, construed within the general ontological framework of hermeneutic inquiry, considers the methodological consequences of this basic approach. A specific methodology that was developed, capturing both subjective contents and discursive construction processes, is described. It consists of a Diary-in-group method combining personal diary writing with group conversations a

Effect of solute hydrophobicity on phase behaviour in solutions of thermoseparating polymers

Abstract (1/2-em) Two-phase systems consisting of a polymer rich phase and polymer depleted phase, where the polymer is either ethyl(hydroxy ethyl)cellulose (EHEC) or Ucon (a random copolymer of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide), have been studied. Both of these polymers can be separated from an aqueous solution by either temperature increase or addition of cosolutes. The polymers are thermosepa

Pseudo-rotation mechanism for fast olefin exchange and substitution processes at orthometalated C,N-complexes of platinum(II)

Bridge splitting in chloroform of the orthometalated chloro-bridged complex [Pt(mu-Cl)(2-Me2NCH2C6H4)](2) (1), with ethene, cyclooctene, allyl alcohol and phosphine according to 1 + 2L --> 2 [PtCl(2-Me2NCH2C6H4)(L)], where L = C2H4 (3a), C8H14, (3b), CH2CHCH2OH (3c), and PPh3 (4a and 4b) gives monomeric species with L coordinated trans or cis to aryl. With olefins the thermodynamically stable isom

Long-term cognitive functional limitations post stroke: objective assessment compared with self-evaluations and spouse reports.

This study was part of a Swedish interdisciplinary research project targeting accessibility problems in public transport for people with cognitive functional limitations (CFLs). The objective was to describe and compare different assessment perspectives of long-term CFLs among community citizens having had CFLs in the acute stroke phase but with moderate physical limitations. Eighty-four participa

Free radical production and ischemic brain damage: influence of postischemic oxygen tension

It is now becoming increasingly clear that free radicals contribute to brain damage in several conditions, such as hyperoxia and trauma. It has been more difficult to prove that free radical production mediates ischemic brain damage, but it has often been suggested that it may be a major contributor to reperfusion damage, observed following transient ischemia. Recent results demonstrate that cereb

Periplasmic c Cytochromes and Chlorate Reduction in Ideonella dechloratans

The aim of this study was to clarify the pathway of electron transfer between the inner membrane components and the periplasmic chlorate reductase. Several soluble c-type cytochromes were found in the periplasm. The optical difference spectrum of dithionite-reduced periplasmic extract shows that at least one of these components is capable of acting as an electron donor to the enzyme chlorate reduc

Assessment of radical scavenging capacity of Agrimonia extracts isolated by supercritical carbon dioxide

The results on the extraction of natural compounds from Agrimonia eupatoria and Agrimonia procera by using supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) are presented. Two agrimony species were extracted in laboratory scale equipment at various parameters and it was found that in case of A. eupatoria the increase in extraction pressure and the addition of a co-solvent ethanol remarkably increases the yiel

Voluntary Environmental Reporting in Romania

Abstract in UndeterminedToday, thousands of leading companies issue voluntary environmental, CSR or sustainability reports with Europe holding more than 50 per cent of all reports published world-wide. It seems like voluntary reporting is here to stay for the time being. In contrast to the development and implementation of such practices in Western Europe, we do not have much knowledge about the s

Selective supercritical fluid extraction to estimate the fraction of PCB that is bioavailable to a benthic organism in a naturally contaminated sediment

Selective supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) at 40 °C, 120 bar and 60 min was utilised as a means to estimate the bioavailable fraction of PCBs to chironomid larvae in a naturally contaminated limnic sediment. This extraction methodology removed about 50% of the PCBs from the sediment. According to the equilibrium partitioning theory, organisms in that sediment should decrease their uptake from

Setal morphology and cirral setation of thoracican barnacle cirri: adaptations and implications for thoracican evolution

Thoracic cirripedes are sessile crustaceans that use six pairs of thoracic appendages (the cirri) to catch and handle food. We used scanning electron microscopy to examine the cirri, which include one to three pairs of maxillipeds in six species of thoracican barnacles, in search of correlations between cirral setation and feeding mode. The species studied comprise both pedunculate and sessile for