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Ett omaka danspar där båda vill föra? : en studie av relationen mellan politiker och tjänstemän i Oxie stadsdelsförvaltning
Rapport i forskningsprojektet "Stadsdelsreformen i Malmö - en demokratiutvärdering"
The Production of Civic Websites for Young People: Sweden
En väska, ett liv ... och en halv miljon till universitetet
Storföretaget Vittskövle 1500-1950
Framtidens räddningstjänstutbildning för brandingenjörer: Ett underlag för beslut om utvecklingsinriktning
Age discrimination and labour law in Sweden
Evidence for adaptive variation at the genes coding for cytosolic phosphoglucose isomerase (PGIC) in Festuca ovina L.
Popular Abstract in English Darwin’s masterpiece “On the origin of species” describes how populations (one group of individuals from the same species that can easily mate with each other and that occupy the same geographic area) evolve through the process of natural selection, which can be shortly abbreviated as the survival of the fittest. More specifically, the individuals within one population The gene (Pgi) encoding the enzyme phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) which plays a central role in the main pathways of carbon metabolism has been shown to be of adaptive significance in a wide range of different species. Earlier studies of enzyme electromorph variation in the grass Festuca ovina suggest that variation in cytosolic PGI (PGIC) may be involved in the adaptive response of F. ovina to th
An integrated raster-TIN surface flow algorithm
Att locka till naturvetenskap och teknik
Thread-level speculation as an optimization technique in Web Applications — Initial results
Web Applications have become increasingly popular as they allow developers to use an uniform platform for user interactions. The dynamic programming language JavaScript used in most Web Applications has performance penalties, that have been addressed by traditional optimization techniques. We have found that while the performance gain of such techniques are positive for a set of established benchm
Governance versus Ownership in Jointly Owned Local Government Organisations: The Case of VA SYD (Water and Sewage South)
Juridiken i hälso- och sjukvården
Introduction to Solid Mechanics, Exercises
Spreadsheet Use in Budgeting: A Dialectic Process Theory Perspective
Training for Evaluative Social Work and Social Care - Offers and Demands
During the last years evaluation has been on the agenda as a part of the discourse in social work and social services in Sweden. This demand on evaluation and the value of the social work is connected to the tough economic situation in the municipalities and their growing responsibility for the social welfare services. At the same time there are strivings to improve the quality of social work and
Flervalsfrågor eller öppna frågor? – En jämförande studie av olika tentamensformer
Denna artikel beskriver en studie av examensre- sultatet från två kursomgångar av en kurs i ämnet kravhanter- ing där tentamen innehåller både en flervalsfrågedel och en uppsatsdel. Analysen ger att en fjärdedel av studentpopulatio- nen hade fått högre betyg om enbart flervalsfrågorna hade använts jämfört med en kombination av flervalsfrågor och öppna frågor. Erfarenheterna av examinationskonstruk