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Own-other differences in the realism of some metacognitive judgments
The present study investigated differences in judgments of one's own and others' knowledge (the own-other difference). Consistent with the below-average effect (e.g., Kruger, 1999), our main results showed that the participants gave lower knowledge ratings of their own extent of knowledge than of another person's extent of knowledge (Experiment 1). Furthermore, lower and more realistic judgments w
cis-Bis(dimethyl sulfide)dinitratoplatinum(II) at 295 and 150 K
The title compound, [ Pt( NO3)(2)( C2H6S)(2)], crystallizes in the P2(1)/ n space group ( Z' = 2), with pseudo- square- planar coordination geometry. The complex forms dimers with pseudosymmetry C-i arranged in columns along the b- axis direction, with Pt center dot center dot center dot Pt distances of 6.3056 ( 3) and 4.2382 ( 2) angstrom ( at 150 K). Each column is surrounded by six other column
Middle ear pressure equilibration ability and spontaneous pressure changes in healthy ears with ventilation tubes.
New world, but not Old World, monkeys carry several genes encoding beta-microseminoprotein
It was shown by Southern hybridization that cotton-top tamarin and common marmoset, New World monkeys, carry three or more genes encoding beta-microseminoprotein, also known as PSP94. In contrast, the genomes of Old World monkeys, as represented by rhesus macaque and sacred baboon, contain a single gene. Clones containing three different genes encoding beta-microseminoprotein were isolated from a
Cooperative relay networks using fountain codes
We investigate a cooperative communications scheme with N parallel relays, where both the transmissions from the source to the relays and from the relays to the destination use fountain codes. Receiver for codes can accumulate mutual information, while traditional energy collection methods, such as repetition or cooperative space-time codes, only accumulate energy. As a consequence, using fountain
Early stages of osteoarthritis: the search for sensitive predictors
Nanoscopic properties of silica filled polydimethylsiloxane by means of positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy
Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) was performed on a series of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)/fumed silicon dioxide (SiO2) composites at temperatures between -185 and 100degreesC to study the effect of filler content and filler particle size on the free volume properties and the positron annihilation characteristics. The glass transition behavior of the PDMS/SiO2 composites was deter
Photoconversion of chlorophylls in higher-plant CP43 characterized by persistent spectral hole burning at 1.7 K.
The chorophyll-protein complex CP43 is a proximal-antenna subunit important for excitation energy transfers from peripheral light-harvesting antenna to the Photosystem II (PSII) reaction centre. We report persistent spectral hole burning at 1.7 K in the Qy(0,0) origin and Qy(1,0) vibrational satellite bands of chorophyll a (chl a) in CP43 isolated from higher plants. The isolated CP43 is known to
A model for the origin of the anomalous and very bright UV lines of Fe II in gaseous condensations of the star eta Carinae
We present a qualitative physical model of the origin of two very brightUV lines of Fe II at 2507-2509 Å, present in high-resolutionspectra of gaseous condensations (blobs) close to the central star ofeta Carinae. The spectra have been obtained with the Hubble SpaceTelescope (HST). The model is based on a type of Bowen mechanism withselective photoexcitation of Fe II by a broad HLyalpha profile,ge
Studies on radiative lifetimes in the 4d10ns2S and 4d10nd2D sequences of neutral silver
We have performed lifetime measurements in the sequences of2S1/2 and2D3/2 states for the alkali-like 4d10 ns,nd configurations of neutral silver. Selective stepwise excitations from the 4d10 5s2S1/2 ground state were performed using two pulsed dye lasers. Optical transients were recorded and evaluated with regard to the decay time. The lifetime results are compared with those of a theoretical stud
Cold but comfortable? Application of comfort criteria to cold environments
Fanger defined two physiological criteria that are basic requirements for people's perception of thermal neutrality and, eventually, thermal comfort. Mean skin temperature and evaporative heat loss are defined as functions of metabolic rate. The equations are derived from experiments in light clothing at or close to normal indoor climate. Relations between skin temperature and sweating on the one
Omvändelser åt olika håll
Comparison of a broad spectrum anti-aging nutritional supplement with and without the addition of a DNA repair enhancing cat's claw extract
Dietary supplements, designed to fortify the antioxidant status of human metabolism, are intended to provide nutritional support against the aging process. The strategy is based on the observation that environmental and metabolic sources of oxidatively generated free radicals damage key macromolecules, such as DNA, that in turn alter physiologic processes, and in turn may contribute to aging and a
Corrosion of reinforcement : field and laboratory studies for modelling and service life : proceedings of the Nordic seminar in Lund, February 1-2, 1995
"Foreword: The durability of building materials, especially the corrosion of reinforcement in concrete structures, has been a main research area in Scandinavia during the last decades. Results from many laboratories in the Scandinavian countries, and outside of Scandinavia, indicate that there are certain relationships between the service life and different concrete parameters, such as the water/b
The Politics of Foreign Policy Change : Explaining the Swedish Reorientation on EC Membership
This study addresses the problem of foreign policy change. While the 1990s has been characterized by remarkable changes in world affairs, political scientists have been slow to study the processes through which such changes take place. Drawing on the limited research that does exist in this field, the study presents an alternative explanatory model of foreign policy change, arguing that states ten
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Assessing the Importance of Letter Pairs in Initial, Exterior, and Interior Positions in Reading
Exterior letter pairs (e.g., d_k in dark) play a major role in single-word recognition, but other research (D. Briihl & A. W. Inhoff, 1995) indicates no such role in reading text. This issue was examined by visually degrading letter pairs in three positions in words (initial, exterior, and interior) in text. Each degradation slowed reading rate compared with an undegraded control. However, whe
Exploring Responsibility : Public and Private in Human Rights Protection
Popular Abstract in Swedish Distinktionen mellan offentligt och privat är en djupt rotad princip för organisering av samhället och dess olika sfärer, såväl inom stater som internationellt. Ett exempel på detta ser vi i utformningen av det internationella försvaret för mänskliga rättigheter som byggts upp sedan det andra världskrigets slut. Här syns distinktionen särskilt tydligt med avseende på atThe theory and practice of international relations are replete with dilemmas related to the distribution of responsibility for human rights protection. Institutionalized notions of public and private empower and shape knowledge of what the spheres of responsibility signify for different kinds of actors. This study examines how the public-private distinction is manifested in controversy concerning