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Your search for "*" yielded 538388 hits

Extensions of plane-based calibration to the case of translational motion in a robot vision setting

In this paper, a technique for calibrating a camera using a planar calibration object with known metric structure, when the camera (or the calibration plane) undergoes pure translational motion, is presented. The study is an extension of the standard formulation of plane-based camera calibration where the translational case is considered as degenerate. We derive a flexible and straightforward way

Three-dimensional model for analysis of stiffness and hygroexpansion properties of fiber composite materials

A three-dimensional model for stiffness and hygroexpansion of fiber and particle composite materials is presented. The model is divided into two steps, first a homogenization of a single fiber with a coating representing the matrix material, then a network mechanics modeling of the assembly of coated fibers that constitutes the composite material. The network modeling is made by a fiber orientatio

Pathogens in acute otitis media - impact of intermittent penicillin V prophylaxis on infant nasopharyngeal flora

Objective: To investigate whether intermittent short-term courses of penicillin V (PcV) administered as intermittent prophylaxis against acute otitis media (AOM) during upper respiratory tract infections altered the nasopharyngeal bacterial. flora and/or its susceptibility to penicillin. Methods: In a double blind, placebo controlled study 70 children (30 in the PcV group and 40 in the placebo gro

Mouse mammary tumor-like virus is associated with p53 nuclear accumulation and progesterone receptor positivity but not estrogen positivity in human female breast cancer

PURPOSE: The purpose is to compare the presence of proteins with known associations with breast cancer-progesterone receptor (PgR), estrogen receptor, and p53, with the prevalence of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-like DNA sequences in human female breast cancers. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: A cohort of 128 Australian female breast cancers were screened for MMTV-like DNA sequences using PCR. The presen

Experimental oscillator strengths for the spectrum of neutral manganese

We report laboratory measurements of oscillator strengths for 44 transitions in the Mn T spectrum covering the wavelength range 209-2780 nm. Nine energy level lifetimes have been measured using time resolved laser-induced fluorescence (LIF). The lifetimes have been combined with branching fractions measured by Fourier transform spectroscopy to obtain absolute oscillator strengths. In total, 24 of

Association of HLA-DQ5 and HLA-DR1 with sensitization to organic acidanhydrides

Background Organic acid anhydrides are low molecular weight industrial chemicals, able to cause rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma associated with specific IgE against hapten-carrier protein conjugate. Only a proportion of exposed workers develop IgE-associated allergy to acid anhydrides. Objective We determined whether genetic susceptibility, in particular, HLA Class II alleles may be a risk factor.

Compton scattering from the deuteron and extracted neutron polarizabilities

Differential cross sections for Compton scattering from the deuteron were measured at MAX-Lab for incident photon energies of 55 and 66 MeV at nominal laboratory angles of 45degrees, 125degrees, and 135degrees. Tagged photons were scattered from liquid deuterium and detected in three NaI spectrometers. By comparing the data with theoretical calculations in the framework of a one-boson-exchange pot

Structural basis for the biological specificity of cystatin C. Identification of leucine 9 in the N-terminal binding region as a selectivity-conferring residue in the inhibition of mammalian cysteine peptidases

The structural basis for the biological specificity of human cystatin C has been investigated. Cystatin C and other inhibitors belonging to family 2 of the cystatin superfamily interact reversibly with target peptidases, seemingly by independent affinity contributions from a wedge-shaped binding region built from two loop-forming inhibitor segments and a binding region corresponding to the N-termi

A high resolution AMS-injector for the Pelletron in Lund

A high resolution injector system has recently been installed at the Lund 3 MV tandem Pelletron accelerator. The new injector, designed mainly for Al-26 ions, will increase the experimental potential of the Lund AMS facility considerably. High quality energy- and mass-resolution is obtained by using a 90degrees spherical electrostatic analyzer followed by a 90degrees magnetic analyzer. The injecto

Ipsilateral local recurrence in relation to therapy and morphological characteristics in patients with ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast

METHOD AND RESULTS: A standardized histopathological protocol has been designed, in which different histological characteristics of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) are reported: nuclear grade (ng), growth pattern according to Andersen et al., necrosis, size of the lesion, resection margins and focality. Using this protocol a re-evaluation of a population-based consecutive series of 306 cases of DC

Supershell structure in trapped dilute Fermi gases

We show that a dilute harmonically trapped two-component gas of fermionic atoms with a weak repulsive interaction has a pronounced super-shell structure: The shell fillings due to the spherical harmonic trapping potential are modulated by a beat mode. This changes the "magic numbers" occurring between the beat nodes by half a period. The length and amplitude of this beating mode depend on the stre

The meaning of living with traumatic brain injury in people with moderate or severe traumatic brain injury

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) extensively affects the injured person's daily life. Research based on the perspectives of people with TBI can increase understanding of the challenges they face and the possibility of supporting them in managing their lives. The aim of this study was to elucidate the meaning of living with TBI as narrated by the people with moderate or severe TBI. The data were coll

Functional in vitro characterisation of the androgen receptor GGN polymorphism.

Superior androgen receptor (AR) function in subjects carrying a GGN repeat length of 23 (GGN23) has been indicated in vivo. Therefore, the activity of the AR carrying GGN23 combined with CAG22 was compared to the AR with GGN10, 24 and 27, respectively, in the presence of 0.1-100 nM testosterone or DHT. At 100 nM DHT, GGN24 showed 35% lower transactivating activity (95% [CI]: 20-50%) than GGN23. GG

Gossiping with bounded size messages in ad hoc radio networks (Extended abstract)

We study deterministic algorithms for the gossiping problem in ad hoc radio networks under the assumption that each combined message contains at most b(n) single messages or bits of auxiliary information, where b is an integer function and n is the number of nodes in the network. We term such a restricted gossiping problem b(n) -gossiping. We show that rootn-gossiping in an ad hoc radio network on

Heterologous expression of barley and wheat oxalate oxidase in an E-coli trxB gor double mutant

Oxalate oxidase catalyses the degradation of oxalic acid to carbon dioxide and hydrogen peroxide and is of commercial importance for clinical analyses of oxalate in biological samples. Novel potential applications for oxalate oxidase include the prevention of the formation of calcium oxalate incrusts in pulp and paper manufacture and rapid determination of oxalic acid in process waters. The potent

Duration of sexual abstinence: epididymal and accessory sex gland secretions and their relationship to sperm motility.

BACKGROUND: The data on the association between the abstinence period and sperm motility are conflicting. METHODS: Ejaculates from 422 men assessed for infertility were analysed according to the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. Seminal plasma neutral alpha-glucosidase (NAG), prostate-specific antigen (PSA), zinc and fructose were measured. Three groups were defined according to the leng

Thoracic epidural anesthesia and epidural hematoma.

This report involves a 74-year-old-male who developed a thoracic epidural hematoma with paraparesis on the second postoperative day in conjunction with thoracic epidural anesthesia established before surgery for acute abdominal aortic dissection. The finding indicates that laminectomy can be performed successfully as late as three days after diagnosis of the hematoma, with a complete restitution o