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Förord: Två ungerska poeter

Introduction to a selection of the poetry of Hungarian writers Anna Szabó T. and Mónika Mesterházi (in translation into Swedish by Per and Anna Svenson). The introduction sketches the positions of the two poets within Hungarian poetry.

HCCI Operating Range in a Turbo-charged Multi Cylinder Engine with VVT and Spray-Guided DI

Homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) has been identified as a promising way to increase the efficiency of the spark-ignited engine, while maintaining low emissions. The challenge with HCCI combustion is excessive pressure rise rate, quantified here with Ringing Intensity. Turbocharging enables increased dilution of the charge and thus a reduction of the Ringing Intensity. The engine used

Harmoniserade tulltaxor. Införlivande tolkning och tillämpning av internationella regler för varuklassificering.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid internationell handel med varor utgår olika skatter och avgifter; dessutom kan varorna vara föremål för import- och exportbegränsningar. Genom frihandelsavtal kan dock bestämmas att vissa varor får importeras och exporteras tullfritt. De bestämmelser som således gäller för olika varor sammanfattas för skilda varuslag i tulltaxan. Varuklassificeringen har därför storIn international commerce, various taxes and charges are levied on commodities; besides, goods may be subject to import and export restrictions. However, free-trade agreements may stipulate that some goods can be imported and exported free of charge. The regulations pertaining to different types of merchandise are reflected in the customs tariff of a state or customs union. The application of many

A 1V SiGe Power Amplifier for 81-86 GHz E-band

This paper presents an architecture for a SiGe E-band power amplifier using a stacked transformers for output power combination. According to simulations, at E-band frequencies, the power combiner consisting of two individual single turn transformers performs significantly better compared to a single common 2:1 transformer with two turns on the secondary side. The power combination allows for a lo

Growth, Physics, and Device Applications of InAs-based Nanowires

This thesis is based on three different projects: 1) the epitaxial growth of nanowires using chemical beam epitaxy, 2) the study of electron transport through quantum dots and multiple quantum dots in nanowires at low temperature, and 3) the development of wrap gated nanowire field effect transistors. In the first part, a method of studying the diffusion of the source material on the substrate su

European Anti-Catholicism in Comparative and Transnational Perspective : The Role of a Unifying Other: An Introduction

The purpose of this volume is to show how different national contexts affected the proliferation of anti-Catholic messages over the course of four centuries of European history, from 1600 to 2000. Factors such as the legal status of various faiths and their opportunities for proselytising, the relation between state and church, transnational cultural relations, and the development of different med


Ofärd är en roman som utspelar sig i mitten av 600-talet. Handlingen är förlagd till Sverige och Frankerriket. Intrigen är fiktion, men skildringen av miljöer och personer vilar på historisk och arkeologisk forskning.

High Blood Cholesterol. Physician and Patient Perspectives.

Popular Abstract in Swedish De vetenskapliga bevisen för att högt blodkolesterol ökar risken för hjärtinfarkt medförde under 80-talet stort intresse för kolesterolsänkning både inom sjukvården och bland allmänheten. Syftet med avhandlingsarbetet var att studera hur läkare och patienter uppfattade och använde kunskaperna om högt blodkolesterol, och hur läkare och receptarier värderade sin egen och Scientific evidence of the causal relationship between high blood cholesterol and risk for coronary heart disease prompted extensive professional and public interest in practical application in the 1980's. Among other things, national guidelines for lipid lowering were published in Sweden in 1988. Mass media covered the topic extensively. The aims of this study were to analyze aspects of physician

Surface temperature measurement of flame spread using thermographic phosphors

A technique based on remote measurements of surface temperature in connection to fires is presented. Pulsed ultraviolet laser radiation at 266 nm and 7 ns duration was used to excite a thermographic phosphor, Mg4FGeO6: Mn, which was adapted on the surface of the investigated material. The laser-induced emission from the phosphor was recorded. A calibration of the phosphorescence lifetime and spect