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The impact of new services and new control architectures on overload conrol
A system of innovation? Biomass digestion technology in Tanzania.
"Islam är tillståndet och lösningen": Några gemensamma tema inom nutida islamism
Pengar är inte alltid lösningen – Användningen av finansiell bootstrapping i små företag
On the Limits of Nonprofit Firms
DescriptionThis thesis consists of two papers. The first gives a game-theoretical treatment of the institutional homogenization of value-oriented firms. It explains why intrinsically motivated, value-oriented firms like non-profits may become similar to for-profit firms in terms of organization and norms. It highlights and explains the pairs: value-oriented and flat organizations in contrast to va
Nanobilder som konst
Fear, Insecurity and the (re)emergence of the Far Right in Europe
Den nya arbetsrätten och de kommunala skolbesluten
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Himmelska visioner
A number of medieval visions of the otherworld have been preserved in writing. This article studies six such visions from the seventh to the twelfth centuries. Whereas most studies focus on what such visions have to say about hell and purgatory, this study focuses on what they have to say about heaven.
Universitetssemantik och ordbokssemantik
Peter Weiss: Underground and Resistance
An introduction to the avantgarde films of Swedish-German writer and filmmaker Peter Weiss (1916 - 1982)
Kunskap till Praktik – stöd för en evidensbaserad praktik inom missbruks- och beroendevård.
Lidar remote sensing of the Parma Cathedral and Baptistery
Bedömning av ST-läkares kompetensutveckling
Hans Runemark 1927-2014
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Software engineering group work - personality, patterns and performance
Software Engineering has been a fundamental part of many computing undergraduate courses for a number of years. Although many of the tools and techniques used to undertake software engineering have changed, the assessment has typically stayed the same. Students are commonly tasked with producing a number of software artefacts, for example designs using the Unified Modelling Language (UML). We rece
Meaningful work in a demanding work environment - teachers at school
A large majority of teachers in Swedish 9-year compulsory schools and upper secondary schools find their work very meaningful, although they complain of serious problems in their work environment, especially on the psychosocial level. In the last 10–15 years, school has become one of Sweden’s major problem areas as far as the work environment is concerned. This applies to the work environment of b