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Lifetime measurements in TmI, TmII, and TmIII by time-resolved laser spectroscopy

Natural radiative lifetimes of eight levels in Tin I (4f(13)5d6p and 4f(12)5d682 configurations), two levels in Tin 11 (4f(12)5d6s configuration) and three levels in Tm III (4f(12)5d configuration) have been measured by using time-resolved laser spectroscopy. Free thulium atoms, as well as singly and doubly ionized ions, were obtained in a laser-induced thulium plasma and the investigated states w

Is there a need for rescreening of patients treated for genital chlamydial infections?

The present communication reviews reasons to perform rescreening of chlamydia-infected persons. It brings up difficulties to differentiate between relapse and reinfection. Studies on follow-up of chlamydia-positive cases after therapy are reviewed. It also highlights reasons for therapeutic failure, like compliance, pharmacological factors, including poor bioavailability, wrong dose regimens, lack

The use of implantable cardioverter defibrillators in Iceland: a retrospective population based study

BACKGROUND: Indications for implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) implantation have expanded considerably in recent years, resulting in steadily growing numbers of ICD recipients worldwide. The aim of this study was to review the overall experience with ICDs in Iceland. METHODS: This was a retrospective single centre study set at the University Hospital in Iceland. Data on all ICD implantat

Use of experimental design in development of a catalyst system

NOx storage and reduction experiments have been performed with stationary operation of a heavy-duty diesel engine rig. An optimization of the NOx reduction performance has been done using experimental design. The adjustable parameters in this study were cycle time, injection time, injection rate and bypass time (period of reduced flow through catalysts). NOx was reduced by 50-60% (3.3-4.1 g/kWh) w

The influence of virtual human model appearance on visual ergonomics posture evaluation

The objective of this study was to investigate whether the appearance of virtual human models influences observers when judging a working posture. A task in which a manikin is manually assembling a car battery was used in the experiment. In total, 16 different Pictures were presented to the subjects. All pictures had the same background, but included a unique posture and manikin appearance combina

Quantitative assessment of myocardial infarction: On the relationship between anatomy and electrophysiology using MRI and ECG

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid blodbrist till en del av hjärtmuskeln, t.ex. vid ett stopp i ett av hjärtats kranskärl, kommer delar av hjärtmuskeln att vara utsatt för risk att drabbas av infarkt. Hjärtinfarkt definieras som döda hjärtmuskelceller. Det är av stor vikt för en patient med kranskärlssjukdom att man kan skilja de delar av hjärtmuskeln som drabbats av infarkt ifrån de delar som inte dBoth presence and extent of myocardial infarction are important prognostic factors for mortality and quality of life in patients with ischemic heart disease. Thus, it is of great clinical importance to be able to diagnose and characterize myocardial infarction. One way to diagnose myocardial infarction is by using the 12-lead electrocardiogram(ECG). For estimation of infarct size and location from

Skapande av femininitet : Om kvinnor i missbrukarbehandling

Popular Abstract in SwedishDenna avhandling handlar om kvinnor i missbrukarbehandling och deras beskrivningar av sig själva som kvinnor, den s.k. femininitetsprocessen. Syftet är att beskriva och försöka förstå behandlingens betydelse i kvinnornas femininitetsprocesser och vilken innebörd rusmedel, män, den egna kroppen, moderskap och sexualitet har och har haft däri. Avhandlingen har huvudsakligeThis thesis is about women in drug abuse treatment and their descriptions of themselves as women - their process of becoming feminine. The aim of the thesis is describing and trying to understand the meaning of the treatment in the women's femininity processes and what significance drugs, alcohol, men, the own body, motherhood, and sexuality have and have had in the process. The emphasis is on the

Prospect for vaginal delivery of growth restricted fetuses with abnormal umbilical artery blood flow.

Background. The best mode of delivery in cases of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) with umbilical artery blood flow changes is not well elucidated. Objective. To evaluate outcome in IUGR with umbilical artery blood flow changes planned for vaginal delivery after a negative oxytocin challenge test (OCT). Methods. In 84 term singleton pregnancies with suspected IUGR and no unanimous indicati

Adenoviruses Use Lactoferrin as a Bridge for CAR-Independent Binding to and Infection of Epithelial Cells.

Most adenoviruses bind to the coxsackie- and adenovirus receptor (CAR). Surprisingly, CAR is not expressed apically on polarized cells and is thus not easily available to viruses. Consequently, alternative mechanisms for entry of coxsackievirus and adenovirus into cells have been suggested. We have found that tear fluid promotes adenovirus infection, and we have identified human lactoferrin (HLf)

Can severe language disorders be identified before age 3;6?

A new classification system indicating type and severity of language disorder was applied by five speech pathologists. They independently interpreted information from the initial language assessment of 39 children with developmental language disorder (DLD), who had been assessed by one of the present authors before age 3;6. Information about planned intervention was also collected. The children we

Long-term maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells does not require contact with embryo-derived stromal cells in cocultures

We recently established that two midgestation-derived stromal clones--UG26-1B6, urogenital ridge-derived, and EL08-1D2, embryonic liver-derived--support the maintenance of murine adult bone marrow and human cord blood hematopoietic repopulating stem cells (HSCs). In this study, we investigate whether direct HSC-stroma contact is required for this stem cell maintenance. Adult bone marrow ckit+ Ly-6

What can we do about osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is complex in genetics, pathogenesis, monitoring and treatment. Current treatment of osteoarthritis does not influence progression. Much could be gained by more effective low-tech-low-cost treatment. However, many patients have rapidly progressive disease, multiple joint involvement, and severe disease. We need to clarify the genetics of osteoarthritis, identify those at risk for pr