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Regulation of PKCalpha and the role of PKC in neuroblastoma cell migration

Popular Abstract in Swedish Protein kinas C (PKC) är en familj serin/treonin kinaser som har en viktig roll i regleringen av olika funktioner i cellen. PKC kan delas in i klassiska (alpha, betaI, betaII and gamma), nya (delta, epsilon, eta and theta) och atypiska (zeta and iota/lambda) isoformer beroende på skillnader i hur de regleras. När PKCalpha är inaktivt bidrar intramolekylära bindningar tiMembers of the protein kinase C (PKC) family of serine/threonine kinases play critical roles in cellular regulation. Depending on differences in regulation, PKCs can be divided into classical (alpha, betaI, betaII and gamma), novel (delta, epsilon, eta and theta) and atypical (zeta and iota/lambda) isoforms. When PKCalpha is inactive it is maintained in a closed conformation by intramolecular inte

Clinical recording of laser-induced fluorescence spectra for evaluation of tumour demarcation feasibility in selected clinical specialities

Laser-induced autofluorescence spectra from humans were recorded in vivo at three different clinics in a study aimed at investigating the capability of this method to discriminate between malignant tumours and normal surrounding tissues. For the recordings a mobile trolley with the necessary equipment was constructed for use in an examination room or in an operating theatre environment. Laser ligh

Does aspirin protect against Alzheimer's dementia? A study in a Swedish population-based sample aged >= 80 years

Objective. It has been reported that aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) may protect against dementia of Alzheimer's type and/or vascular dementia. However, co-morbidity and the dose of aspirin may be critical. A major indication for low-dose aspirin is prophylaxis after stroke and transient ischaemic attacks, conditions that may obscure an anti-dementia effect by the d

Thin Film Engineering of Indium Tin Oxide: Large area flat panel displays application

Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) thin films with a variety of microstructures were deposited using a large area conventional DC magnetron sputtering system for flat panel displays manufacturing. Highly uniform ITO films with an average thickness of ∼100 ± 3 nm on the ∼0.6 m2 substrate area were obtained. Film structures with small amounts of crystalline sites were produced by room temperature deposition, an

Paul and Roman Stoicism: Romans 12 and Contemporary Stoic Ethics

Exemplifying a rather widespread attitude among Pauline scholars, it has recently been argued on the basis of Rom. 12 that Paul differed sharply from the Stoics in his moral teaching. The present article aims to show that such a claim does not hold if and when the sources of Roman Stoicism are taken into consideration. A comparison of Paul’s moral teaching in Rom. 12 and contemporary Stoic ethics

Digenic inheritance of a ROM1 gene mutation with a peripherin/RDS or rhodopsin mutation in families with retinitis pigmentosa

Two families with retinitis pigmentosa showed inheritance of an Arg-16-His ROM1 gene mutation with either an Arg-13-Trp RDS mutation or an Arg-135-Trp RHO mutation. The phenotypes of double and single heterozygotes were determined to examine the hypothesis that digenic inheritance may increase disease expression. In the family with ROM1 and RDS mutations, single heterozygotes were normal but one d

Restless legs - vanligt sjukdomstillstånd som ofta missas. Möjligheter till framgångsrik behandling finns idag

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is characterized by intense restlessness and unpleasant creeping sensations deep inside the lower legs. The symptoms appear when the limbs are at rest and are worst in the evening and at night. They force the patients to keep moving their legs, and sometimes to get out of bed and wander about. Periodic limb movements of the extremities (PLM) are common during sleep thu

Magnetic Moments in 90Mo - a Discriminating Test of the (g9/2,p1/2) Shell Model

New magnetic moments presented here allow stringent tests of the truncated shell model calculations performed in the region below the N = 50 neutron shell. The experimental g-factors for selected medium-spin yrast states in Mo-90 were determined via the IMPAD technique using the (Ni(Cl,3p))-Ni-58-Cl-35 reaction. The results of g(5-, 2549 keV) = +1.10 +/- 0.28, g(11-, 4842 keV) = +0.42 +/- 0.13 and

Folding thermodynamics of three beta-sheet peptides: A model study

We study the folding thermodynamics of a beta-hairpin and two three-stranded beta-sheet peptides using a simplified sequence-based all-atom model, in which folding is driven mainly by backbone hydrogen bonding and effective hydrophobic attraction. The native populations obtained for these three sequences are in good. agreement with experimental data. We also show that the apparent native populatio

Greater diversity of hepatitis C virus genotypes found in Hong Kong than in mainland China

A hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotyping PCR assay based on type-specific primers was expanded to include genotype 6a as well as genotypes 1a, 1b, 2a, and 3a. The nucleotide sequences of a 194-bp fragment in the center of the HCV core gene showed that the homologies between genotype 6a and genotypes 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, and 5 were 81.2, 82.1, 73.8, 77.3, 81.4, and 78.9%, respectively. A high degree of

p38 MAPK Signalling in Endothelial Apoptosis

Endothelial apoptosis plays an important role in atherosclerosis, and a direct proapoptotic effect of chemotherapeutics on the tumour vasculature, emphasizes the great potency of antiangiogenic therapy in the treatment of cancer. We investigated signalling pathways in endothelial apoptosis induced by the inflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF), the main target of which is the endo

Geometric and electronic structure of PdMn bimetallic systems on Pd(100)

An experimental and theoretical study of PdMn bimetallic systems formed on Pd(100) is presented. It is shown that a flat Mn monolayer can be formed at 90 K. A comparison of calculated Mn 3d density-of-states and experimental valence photoemission and x-ray-absorption results suggests that the monolayer is antiferromagnetic, in line with earlier predictions. A similar comparison for the Pd(100)-Mn-

Self-rated health in relation to age and gender: influence on mortality risk in the Malmö Preventive Project.

Aims: A study was undertaken to examine whether poor self-rated health (SRH) can independently predict all-cause mortality during 22-year follow-up in middle-aged men and women. Subjects and methods: Data are derived from a population-based study in Malmo¨ , Sweden. This included baseline laboratory testing and a self-administered questionnaire. The question on global SRH was answered by 15,590 me

Specific production of very long-lived core-excited sulfur atoms by 2p(-1)sigma* excitation of the OCS molecule followed by ultrafast dissociation

A core-excited sulfur state with a lifetime almost one order of magnitude longer than in molecular 2p core-hole states is selectively produced by ultrafast dissociation of S 2p -> sigma* excited OCS. Clear evidence for this is provided by strong atomic peaks (20% of the total intensity) in x-ray fluorescence but very weak ones (2%) in the corresponding resonant Auger spectrum. Corroborating the as

A New us Isomer in 136Sb Produced in the Projectile Fission of 238U

The neutron-rich isotope Sb-136 has been produced following the relativistic projectile fission of U-238 in an experiment performed at the Fragment Separator at GSI, Darmstadt. Delayed gamma -ray spectroscopy of the fission products has been performed after isotope separation. A new isomeric state in Sb-136 has been populated, and its lifetime measured as T-1/2 = 565(50) ns. Realistic and empirica