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Paul and the Missing Messiah
Diplomacy: Three Volume Set
This three-volume set includes seminal journal articles and book excerpts dealing with various aspects of diplomacy. Volume I deals with the theory of diplomacy, Volume II with the history of diplomacy, and Volume III with problems and issues in contemporary diplomacy.
Redesigning Daily Occupations (ReDO) - facilitating return to work among women with stress-related disorder
A Unificationist Theory of Scientific Explanation
What is the relation between scientific explanation and understanding? The thesis investigates a notion of understanding that is believed to be central to scientific explanation. The role of understanding in explanation is double: it is both an essential component, as well as a criterion, by which we select bona fide explanations from non-explanations. The model of explanation that is outlined in
Determinants of Bilateral Trade Protection
Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design 2nd Edition
Benefits and disadvantages of the Swedish child-care system: An invitation to cross-cultural studies
Calculation of dynamic heat and vapour resistance
Den globala migrationen och dess regleringar
Härlighet och frid: om Allhelgonakyrkan i Lund och dess församling
The MobiHealth Usability Evaluation Questionnaire
There is a need for high quality evaluation instruments when testing new mobile devices and services. The aim of this study was to describe the development of the MobiHealth Usability Evaluation Questionnaire. It was developed in a step-wise consensus process with close interaction between researchers, technology developers and end-users. The questionnaire ten dimensions: functionality, user inter
Detachment and Relatedness - The Tension of a Twofold Pedagogy in Confirmation Work in the Church of Sweden
Two approaches to moral education are discussed in the article: one aiming at detachment in terms of personal autonomy, one aiming at relatedness in terms of a conscious socialisation into a shared morality of a community. The philosophical features of the two approaches are related to their respective pedagogical implications in a study of the pedagogical guidelines for confirmation work in the c
Mean-Variance vs. Full-Scale Optimization: Broad Evidence for the UK
In the Full-Scale Optimization approach the complete empirical financial return probability distribution is considered; and the utility maximizing solution is found through numerical optimization. Using a portfolio choice setting of three UK equity indices we identify several utility functions featuring loss aversion and prospect theory; under which Full-Scale Optimization is a substantially bette
Polyglandular Autoimmune (PGA) Syndromes and associations to sarcoidosis
Popular Abstract in Swedish POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING (Svenska) I en klassisk monografi från 1855 med titel ”On the Constitutional and Local Effects of Disease of the Suprarenal Capsules” beskrev T. Addison det tillstånd som numera bär på hans namn. De 11 beskrivna patienterna innefattade alla huvudorsker till primär binjurebarkssvikt: autoimmunitet- rubbning i kroppens immunförsvar med pPolyglandular Autoimmune (PGA) syndrome type II in idiopathic Addison's disease: In a retrospective study of idiopathic Ad-dison's disease (median age at diagnosis 32.5 years, range 8-62; median observation time 17 years, range 0.5-41), 50% met the criteria for PGA syndrome type II. In PGA syndrome type II, 73% had ATD and 41% had IDDM. The full triad was present in 14%. The sequence of appearance
Criteria and Trade-offs in PID Design
Control design is a rich problem which requires that many issues such as load disturbances and set-point responses, model uncertainty, and measurement noise are taken into account. These issues are discussed for design of PI and PID controllers. The purpose is to give insight into the different criteria and their trade-offs, not to give specific tuning methods.
Minority rights: a guide to United Nations procedures and institutions
Areas of Iranian Women’s Voice and Influence
Synchrotron radiation studies of gas phase molecules; from hydrogen to DNA sugars
This thesis summarises experimental results on the molecular spectroscopy of gas phase molecules excited by synchrotron radiation in the VUV and soft X-ray regions. We have used three different detection techniques, photon in- duced fluorescence spectroscopy, photoionisation mass spectroscopy and near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy to study molecular deu- terium, hydrogen sulp
Skolpersonalens inställning till drogförebyggande arbete
Med skolpersonalens kunskaper och inställningar som utgångspunkt har förutsättningarna för drogpreventivt arbete inom grundskolan undersökts. För att uppnå en relativ bredd har skolor av skiftande storlek och socioekonomiska upptagningsområden i olika sydsvenska kommuner ingått i studien. Materialet bygger på intervjuer, enkäter och fokusgrupper som kompletterats med litteraturstudier. Resultatet