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Nuns and Sisters in the Nordic Countries after the Reformation. A Female Counter-Culture in Modern Society.

Female religious communities, and later also convents, accompanied the return of the Roman Catholic Church to the Nordic countries in the middle of the nineteenth century. These religious communities were mostly so-called active orders or congregations, who helped in parishes or ran private schools, orphanages or nursing homes. In the 1930s there were nearly 1,400 Catholic sisters working in Scand

Poly(ethylene-graft-ethylene oxide) Preparation and Properties in Polymer Blends

Popular Abstract in Swedish I det moderna samhället är vi helt beroende av polymera material, från barndomen med blöjor och nappflaskor till ålderdomen med artificiella ögonlinser och höftleder. Dagens sjukvård skulle inte klara de höga hygieniska kraven om inte engångsartiklar såsom gummihandskar, påsar för blodtransfusion och katetrar fanns. I många applikationer är polymerernas ytegenskaperna mThis thesis describes the preparation, characterisation and properties of poly(ethylene-graft-ethylene oxide) (PE-PEO). The grafting reaction was carried out with the grafting onto method using the carboxylic acid groups of poly(ethylene-co-acrylic acid) (PEAA) as reactive sites in an esterification reaction with poly(ethylene oxide) mono-methyl ethers (MPEO) of varying molecular weights: 750, 200

Simplicity vs. complexity in the logistics discipline - a paradigmatic discourse

Today one could argue that most of the logistics research available has a strong connection to the positivistic paradigm where there is a great emphasis on simplicity in both the research conducted and in the solutions produced. The overall ability to design, plan and control is promoted by the researchers to a great extent. Consequently, firms invest money, time and resources in solutions, based

Fänad i helgade grifter : svensk djurgravpoesi 1670–1760

Popular Abstract in SwedishDjurgravpoesi är en form av tillfällespoesi och en subgenre till den vanliga begravningspoesin, som skrevs över människor. Den som skapade förutsättningarna för att denna diktart skulle få fäste i Sverige var änkedrottning Hedvig Eleonoras hovpoet Erik Lindschöld; hans gravdikter över änkedrottningens tikar är sannolikt skrivna på 1670-talet. Här börjar en linje som går This dissertation examines a hitherto neglected genre in Swedish poetry of the 17th and 18th centuries: the animal epitaph. From 1670 to 1760 a considerable number of such poems were composed by several of the leading poets of the day. In this dissertation, besides tracing the history of the genre back to its origins in the ancient Greek epigram, I am chiefly concerned with the functions that the

Narratives by district nurses about elder abuse within families.

Twenty-one district nurses (DNs) narrated 44 cases of elder abuse within families. A phenomenological-hermeneutical analysis revealed that the experiences were complex and often included families providing care for an elderly person. The abuse seemed to be related to the inability of one party to meet the care demands required by the elderly, by him- or herself, or by the situation. It also seemed

Analysis of Prefetching Schemes for TV-on-Demand Service

TV-on-Demand service has become one of the most popular Internet applications that continuously attracts higher user interests. With rapidly increasing user demand, the existing network conditions may not be able to ensure low start-up delay of video playback. Prefetching has been broadly investigated to cope with the start-up latency problem which is also known as user perceived latency. In this

Speeding in Time: Philosophy and Metaphor in a Presentation of Okhrannaia gramota Part One 6

In Pasternak's writings there is a tension between philosophy and poetry. The question posed here, and based on extracts from the autobiographical "Ochrannaja gramota" ("A Safe-Conduct", 1931), is whether the dense and multiple metaphor in Pasternak’s work can be understood as having a heuristic function, of expressing original thought and contributing to new understanding, or whether it is confus