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Arbetsmiljöbrott - olyckor eller våld?

Denna uppsats har som syfte att undersöka arbetsmiljöbrottets rättsliga konstruktion och bakomliggande motiv. Uppsatsen avser också att kritiskt granska hur domstolarna förhåller sig till arbetsmiljöbrott som något annat än våld. Det dör ett stort antal personer till följd av arbetsmiljöbrottslighet i Sverige varje år. Med denna uppsats vill jag visa att händelserna trots detta i vissa sammanhang The purpose of this essay is to investigate the legal structure of the safety crime stated in chapter 3 paragraf 10 in the Swedish Criminal Code. The essay also aims to understand the motives behind safety crimes. The essay aims to critically examine how the courts relate to safety crimes as something other than violence. A large number of people die from work-related crime in Sweden every year. W

Kan socioekonomisk utveckling förklara demokratisering? En teoriprövande studie av Inglehart och Welzels moderniseringsteori

Demokrati har länge varit ett ämne för studier. Intresset för demokrati och uppfatt-ningen om det som ett föredraget styrelseskick har väckt intresset att försöka för-klara när och hur demokrati uppstår och upprätthålls. I detta arbete prövas en av dessa förklaringar, en av de senare varianterna av moderniseringsteori. Denna teori bygger på att socioekonomisk utveckling orsakar specifika förändrin

Assessing the Passive House regulations for future climate conditions in Swedish single family residential building

Global warming is a very much researched and debated topic in the current period as we can see the effects around us. The literature and discussions have pointed to a surface temperature rise of up to 10°C at the poles and around 4°C-7°C around the equator. The effect is more in the northern hemisphere than in southern hemisphere of our planet Earth. The effects of the warming of our environment o

Finlandssvenskar i jämförelse; Bakgrundsfaktorer till skillnaderna i mord- och dråpsstatistiken

Bakgrund; Enligt brottsstatistiken i Finland begår finlandssvenskar färre brottshandlingar. Till exempel begår mindre andel finlandssvenskar brott mot liv än vad finnar gör. Detta fenomen är inte utforskat i landet och därmed förekommer det inga teorier varför finlandssvenskar, enligt brottsstatistiken, är en mindre våldsam minoritet i Finland Syfte; Ställa upp sociologiska teorier och hypoteser

Branding the Others

In view of the fact that Western films are one of the most consumed forms of popular culture in the world market, this study argues that they are, therefore, integral to the nation branding process of non Western countries. Anchored in postcolonial theory, this research purposely turned to Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis model as a matching analytical framework. With an intention of revea

Cultivating Critique in Folds and Pleats - Posthuman Enactments in the Dress of Rick Owens

Taking as its epistemological starting point the proposed geological era of the Anthropocene, this thesis enquires the affective potential of avant-garde fashion in criticising, improving or transforming the supposed givenness of The Human as a historical concept. In order to do so, it inflects and departs from the tightly held onto-epistemological cannon of fashion studies and anthropology of dre

Northern wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) decrease oxidative stress at stop-over during spring migration

During migration birds are exposed to several challenges, one of these are the potential threat of getting oxidative stressed. Oxidative stress can be defined as when free radicals are produced in a vastly amount so antioxidants cannot detoxify them. This is the case at higher metabolic rate such as migratory flight, and probably during hyperphagia at stop-over. The aim of this paper was to invest

Too sick to migrate? Immune function and partial migration in Roach

Partial migration is a widespread phenomenon over various animal taxa where one part of the population migrates whereas the other part stays resident. Reasons triggering individuals to migrate while others stay are of high importance to understand ecological and evolutionary processes. Physiological parameters such as immune function have previously been shown to affect wintering decision in birds

Att få landa i sin kropp och tillsammans komma ut i bild

Användningen av aktivitetsgrupper har minskat inom vården samtidigt som intresset för komplementära terapiformer har ökat i samhället. Även om den kliniska erfarenheten visat på positiva resultat så saknas det idag en djupare kunskap kring personers upplever av basal kroppskännedom och bildterapi som rehabiliteringsmetod. Syftet med studien var att undersöka arbetslösas upplevelser av att ha delta


Green building certification has had major impact on commercial real estate in recent years. The most common certification systems in Sweden are Miljöbyggnad, LEED, BREEAM and GreenBuilding. The purpose of these is to create buildings that are environmentally sustainable. The systems manage indoor environment to varying degrees. Since people spend most of their time indoors, health and well-being

Non-linear electronic entanglement witness based on current cross correlations

Demonstration of entanglements of mobile electrons in solid state conductors using minimal entanglement linear witness from electrical current correlations has been given. However, detection of maximally entangled states and some mixed states is lacking if the witness is based on two cross correlation measurements only. This thesis is trying to detect them with the same number of measurements by i

Between a rock and a hard place : the impact of wind power development in northern Sweden on Sámi reindeer herding in the context of climate change

The Swedish government has committed to a steep increase in renewable energy production, with the aim that Sweden's energy supply should become entirely renewable by 2040. One of the renewable energy forms that is currently under expansion is wind power, with approximately a third of existing installed capacity in the four northernmost provinces. In these provinces, however, the wind power dev

Implicit påverkan – Kan priming av mångfald ge effekt på social intelligens?

The study aims to investigate whether diversity can affect people's social intelligence. The study has been conducted with an experimental design, where two experimental groups were primed with a text describing a workplace with a high degree of diversity respectively non-diversity. A control-group read a neutral text. The texts were followed by the self-assessment test Tromsö Social Intellige

Mapping the present-day chemical abundance structure of the Solar neighbourhood: O & Si

Vår galax, Vintergatan, innehåller bortåt 200 miljarder stjärnor av varierande åldrar och storlekar. Under en mörk och klar natt kan man se ungefär 2000 med blotta ögat. Detta är en liten del av det stora hela, men tillräckligt för att stimulera människors nyfikenhet. Vad är de gjorda av, och varför är de där de är? Enkla frågor, som har väldigt komplexa svar. Genom att kartlägga strukturen och deContext. Large scale chemical abundance gradients in the Galactic disks, small-scale abundance structures, and the mean chemical abundance values in the Solar vicinity, are important constraints to Galactic chemo-dynamical formation and evolution models. The formation and evolution of stars, and interstellar gas and dust depends on the distribution and evolution of matter in the Galaxy. Therefore,

Servicefönster i järnvägsanläggningen - En studie om varför nyttjandet ser ut som det gör

The railway is an important part of the Swedish infrastructure. For several years there has been an increase in traffic as well as in the demand for a well-functioning railway system. However the increased traffic does at the same time set higher demands for availability, reliability and punctuality. In order to meet these demands and to perform maintenance work in an efficient and predictable way

What creates successful FM within the public sector? Literature review and a case study from a strategic point of view

The Facilities Management industry is the largest business services market in Europe and it is growing fast. At the same time, the industry has matured and added substantial responsibilities beyond the basic maintenance and operational functions that formed the basis of the field and is now described as an emerging multi discipline market. Despite its large share of the market, public FM has got l

Konstens slut? - En idéhistorisk studie gällande Arthur Dantos argument för konstens slut från 1984 till 1998.

The following paper examines the philosopher and art-critic Arthur Danto’s well-known thesis concerning ”the end of art” in relation to its influences and contemporary historical context. Inspired by Hegel’s philosophy of history and art, Danto’s argument was based on the idea that Western art history, construed as a grand narrative, had come to an end in the second half of the twentieth century.

Differences in phenotypic plasticity in Mytilus Edulis from Öresund and the Baltic Sea

Kan strandkrabbor påverka blåmusslors tillväxt? Kunskapen om hur organismer anpassar sig till olika miljöer är av stor betydelse för att kunna förstå deras evolutionära historia och för att kunna förutse hur de kan komma att påverkas av ett förändrat klimat. Vissa organismer kan anpassa sig till förändringar i miljön genom att anta en ny fysisk skepnad, något som kallas för fenotypisk plasticitet

Degradation of Commonly Used Plastics into Nanoparticles

The impact of degraded nanosized plastics Large amounts of plastics are released into the environment worldwide every year. An estimated 4 to 12 million metric tons (Mt) of plastic waste, generated on land, entered our oceans in 2010 alone. Of the 6300 Mt of plastic, generated in 2015, around 79% of which was collected in the natural environment. The enormous amounts of this release have been ide