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Coronary microembolization causes long-term detrimental effects on regional left ventricular function.

Abstract Objectives. To investigate whether coronary microemboli have long-term effects on left ventricular (LV) function in an experimental model. Furthermore, to determine if first-pass perfusion and late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) patterns differs between small- and large-sized microemboli. Design. Six pigs underwent left anterior descending (LAD)-coronary microembolization with small-sized (

An Investigation into the Perception and Production of Slow Rhythms

Appreciation and production of musical rhythm is a human universal and, as with other human capacities, it is imperative to understand the extent of our capacity to perceive and produce rhythm. This thesis presents my work on the cognitive and perceptual aspects of rhythm perception and production at a slow tempi. In Paper I I establish that rhythm production, such as keeping the beat to a metron

An explicit link between Gaussian fields and Gaussian Markov random fields; The SPDE approach

Continuously indexed Gaussian fields (GFs) is the most important ingredient in spatial statistical modelling and geo-statistics. The specification through the covariance function gives an intuitive interpretation of its properties. On the computational side, GFs are hampered with the "big-n" problem, since the cost of factorising dense matrices is cubic in the dimension. Although the computational

Hydrographic and morphologic processes at Falsterbo peninsula - Present conditions and future scenarios

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den tilltagande växthuseffekten förväntas innebära en global vattenståndshöjning samt klimatförändringar. En sådan utveckling är ogynnsam för låglänta sandkuster som de runt Falsterbohalvön. I denna avhandling diskuteras framtida höga vattenstånd tilsammans med tänkbara konsekvenser för Falsterbohalvön. Dessutom har kustnära vågor och sandtransport samt grundvattennivåeFalsterbo Peninsula in the south-west corner of Sweden is low-lying and built up of unconsolidated sand. Vulnerability to high water levels and wave action is of concern for the 10,000 residents of the peninsula, especially in consideration of global warming as enhanced inundation and coastal erosion problems may ensue. Rational counteractions of such problems are possible only through sufficient

Efter Spanien: De svenska spanienfrivilligas återkomst

The contribution of the more than 500 hundred Spanienkämpar (“Spain fighters”), as the Swedish volunteers in theInternational Brigades were called in Sweden, has been analysed in quite a number of Swedish publications, most of which are unfortunately hardly known in Spain, where the subject has only sporadically been present in historical studies. This paper is based on a chapter about the Swedish

Mixed support for sexual selection theories of mate preferences in the Swedish population

Evolutionary theory predicts the existence of relatively stable sex differences in partner preferences with, for example, males being more concerned with traits predicting high fertility and females with traits predicting high resource availability. We tested three predictions using personal advertisements from both traditional newspapers and internet dating services. In accordance with prediction

A new IPSEpro library for the simulation of binary mixtures of real fluids in power cycle analysis

Increasing efforts to produce power from renewable resources and improve the efficiency of current industrial processes have turned the spotlight on organic Rankine cycles (ORC). The use of refrigerant mixtures in these cycles offers a wide range of possibilities for fluid selection and optimization. Moreover, zeotropic mixtures are reported to yield better cycle performances due to their better t

Kinship and altruism: A cross-cultural experimental study

Humans are characterized by an unusual level of prosociality. Despite this, considerable indirect evidence suggests that biological kinship plays an important role in altruistic behaviour. All previous reports of the influence of kin selection on human altruism have, however, used correlational (rather than experimental) designs, or imposed only a hypothetical or negligible time cost on participan

Temporal Variation of Ljungan Virus Antibody Levels in Relation to Islet Autoantibodies and Possible Correlation to Childhood Type 1 Diabetes

Viral infection may trigger islet autoimmunity, type 1diabetes (T1D), or both. Fluctuating population density of bank voles as a putative reservoir of Ljungan virus has been claimed to be associated with variations in T1D incidence rate (IR). We tested the hypothesis that Ljungan virus antibodies reflecting prior exposure(s) to the virus may be associated with islet autoimmunity, childhood diabete

Diabetes and pregnancy: women's opinions about the care provided during the childbearing year.

Scand J Caring Sci; 2009 Diabetes and pregnancy: women's opinions about the care provided during the childbearing yearBackground: The extended programmes for pregnant women with diabetes, needed to improve pregnancy outcome, might negatively influence the experience of expecting a baby. Aim: To investigate opinions about care during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period among women with d

Max-min fairness and its applications to routing and load-balancing in communication networks - a tutorial

This tutorial is devoted to the notion of max-min fairness (MMF), associated optimization problems, and their applications to multi-commodity flow networks.We first introduce a theoretical background for a generic MMF optimization problem and discuss its relation to lexicographic optimization. We next present resolution algorithms for convex MMF optimization, and analyze their properties. In the s