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Knowledge Compromise(d)? Ways and values of coproduction in academia

Popular Abstract in English Knowledge can be many things; it can be metaphysical, enhancing the understanding of human beings and social relations. It can be hard facts, information, structure and ordering of nature. Knowledge can be inherent in the knowing subject – the emancipated subject, or it can exist as an entity independent of its founder. An apposite metaphor is knowledge as an end in itsThis thesis deals with the colonisation of the university by market forces. The object of inquiry is coproduction of academic knowledge between academic and non-academic actors in newly established universities and university colleges in Sweden. The development of knowledge as a main competitive advantage for commercial companies, and the shift in policies accompanying this development, provides a

Genetic variation in glutathione-related genes and body burden of methylmercury.

BACKGROUND: Exposure to toxic methylmercury (MeHg) through fish consumption is a large problem worldwide, and it has led to governmental recommendations of reduced fish consumption and blacklisting of mercury-contaminated fish. The elimination kinetics of MeHg varies greatly among individuals. Knowledge about the reasons for such variation is of importance for improving the risk assessment for MeH

Towards a finite element simulation of coating by means of thermal spraying

Metal sheet forming processes like deep drawing are applied in order to produce carriage parts in mass production. Therefore, forming tools are required that are well protected against wear. For such forming tools, wear resistant surfaces are, e.g., produced by thermal spraying of hard material coatings. The thermal spraying process itself is a highly transient thermo-mechanical process. In order

Restrained shrinkage of massive masonry walls

Restrained shrinkage of massive, one-storey, non-load bearing masonry walls with one-sided restraint has been simulated. A discontinuum model, including tensile and shear failure of mortar joints is employed to reproduce masonry behaviour in crack zones. Where cracking is not expected, masonry is modelled as an elastic continuum. The model is implemented in the commercial finite element programme

Genetic variation in ATP5O is associated with skeletal muscle ATP50 mRNA expression and glucose uptake in young twins.

BACKGROUND: Impaired oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle mitochondria contribute to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Furthermore, mRNA expression of genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation, including ATP5O, is reduced in skeletal muscle from T2D patients. Our aims were to investigate mechanisms regulating ATP5O expression in skeletal muscle and association with glucose metabolis

Mitochondrial ion circuits.

Proton circuits across the inner mitochondrial membrane link the primary energy generators, namely the complexes of the electron transport chain, to multiple energy utilizing processes, including the ATP synthase, inherent proton leak pathways, metabolite transport and linked circuits of sodium and calcium. These mitochondrial circuits can be monitored in both isolated preparations and intact cell

Particle separation using ultrasound can be used with human shed mediastinal blood.

Shed mediastinal blood collected by cardiotomy suction has been shown to be a large contributor to lipid microemboli ending up in different organs. The aim of this study was to test the separation efficiency on human shed blood of a new separation method developed to meet this demand. METHODS: Shed mediastinal blood collected from the pericardial cavity of 13 patients undergoing cardiac surgery wi

Inside the Internet

One may begin describing the distance course “IT and Learning- rehabilitation engineering” by saying that it was a great success. Looking back, it is evident that our experience from two years of working with Internet-based teaching prior to the present course was absolutely vital to its favorable outcome. It is difficult to switch from classroom-based to Internet-based teaching. There are mechani