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Is egocentric bias evidence for simulation theory
Revised simulation theory (Goldman, 2006) allows mental state attributions containing some or all of the attributor’s genuine, non-simulated mental states. It is thought that this gives the revised theory an empirical advantage, because unlike theory theory and rationality theory, it can explain egocentric bias (the tendency to over attribute ones’ own mental states to others). I challenge this vi
Bland döda delfiner, hundar och björnar : gravepigram över djur i antiken och barocken
Bortom empirin. Inför mötet med döden växte sig livet starkare
Väntetider i cancervården är en patientsäkerhetsfråga - Risken för cancerrelaterad morbiditet och sämre överlevnad behöver uppmärksammas.
Waiting times in cancer care is a patient safety risk that needs increased attention. Mechanisms and effects need to be clarified, waiting time statistics should be openly presented and evidence--based strategies should be implemented. Cancer patient pathways are implemented in Sweden during 2015-2018 and are expected to reduce waiting times for some patient groups, but cannot be expected to prese
När Michael Hardt och Antonio Negri 1997 avslutade skrivandet av sin bok Empire, var förvisso "globalisering" ett etablerat ord. Men de globala krafter och motkrafter som boken utmålade som grundläggande för vår tids ordning — imperiet och "mängden" (the multitude) — hade endast vagt visat sig. Vid bokens utgivning, tre år senare, hade en snabbt växande proteströrelse i samband med demonstrationer
Sten Rylander, Nelson Mandela - tolerans och ledarskap, Historiska media 2012
Geographic variation in resource allocation to the abdomen in geometrid moths
Antibody microarrays: technology and analysis if serum proteomes from cancer patients
Predictors of dropout from inpatient opioid detoxification with buprenorphine: a chart review.
Inpatient withdrawal treatment (detoxification) is common in opioid dependence, although dropout against medical advice often limits its outcome. This study aimed to assess baseline predictors of dropout from inpatient opioid detoxification with buprenorphine, including age, gender, current substance use, and type of postdetoxification planning. A retrospective hospital chart review was carried ou
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, isophytol, CAS Registry Number 505-32-8.
Sharing Secrets : Explaining International Intelligence Cooperation
Why has multilateral cooperation developed in the intelligence field? Prior research has deemed such cooperation unlikely, irrelevant or even dangerous due to low gains and high risks. However, multilateral intelligence cooperation both exists and seems to be on the increase. This study aims to explain this puzzling development. Drawing on institutional theory, the author advances a model of inter
Overview of 345 Supplements published 1934-2011.
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A very critical review of Henrik Jacobsens dissertation in medieval archaeology, "Romanske vesttårne, deres indretning og funktion. Vesttårne før 1300 i det middelalderlige Danmark øst for Storebælt" (Stockholm 1993). Alternative explanations are proposed.
Between men and animals: Homosexuality, bestiality and criminal law in Sweden 1864-1978
Flannery O'Connor's View of the Modern Alienation from Sacramental Religion
Mary Flannery O’Connor (1925-64) was born in Savannah, Georgia as the only child of the American Irish Catholics Edward Francis O’Connor, Jr. and Regina Cline O’Connor. In 1952 her first novel Wise Blood, in 1955 the short story collection A Good Man Is Hard to Find, and in 1960 her second novel, The Violent Bear It Away were published. She received several fellowships and titles of Honorary Docto
Interpretations of Gamma-Ray Burst Spectroscopy II. Bright BATSE Burst
Rapport. Arkeologiska undersökningar 1985, Stenbocksvallar, Barsebäck, Barsebäcks sn Skåne
Multimodal Transportation under the Rotterdam Rules: Legal Implications for European Carriage of Goods and the Quest for Uniformity
A constantly growing intercontinental trade and modernization of transport infrastructure transformed the traditional patterns of carriage of goods globally. The majority of manufactured goods nowadays are transported in by sea in containers; however, transportation by land precedes and follows the sea carriage. These developments have created the preconditions for the development of multimodal tr
A Monastic Conception of the Liturgical Year
The chapter presents the liturgical year, in particular the interpretation(s) of the liturgical year found in sermons and Biblical commentaries from the Benedictine abbey of Admont in the twelfth century.