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Varför stannar hon? - en textanalys av problematiken kring kvinnomisshandel

Kvinnomisshandel är idag ett etablerat samhällsproblem. Också i massmedia får detta problem stor uppmärksamhet. När kvinnomisshandel diskuteras kan det kännas som om kvinnan skuldbeläggs. Den kvinna som stannar kvar hos våldsmannen kanske inte får förståelse ifrån omgivningen lika lätt som den som bryter upp? Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en större förståelse om varför en del kvinnor inte lämnar

Mot en friskare arbetsplats

Uppsatsen baseras på en studie på en förskoleenhet bestående av tre förskolor, vilka angripit problematiken kring sjukskrivningar genom ett projekt, i syfte att skapa en friskare arbetsplats. Det empiriska arbetet grundar sig på tretton intervjuer bland de anställda på förskolorna och dessa analyseras med hjälp av Anthony Giddens, Ulrich Becks analyser av det samtida risksamhället samt Bosse Ange

Biståndets möjligheter En studie av biståndets roll i Ghana och Ugandas demokratiseringsprocess under perioden 1990-2000

Under perioden 1990-2000 har Ghana och Ugandas demokratiutveckling väsentligen skilt sig åt. Trots att de båda länderna delar många egenskaper och förutsättningar har Ghana demokratiserats medan Ugandas utveckling stannat vid ett enpartistyre. Denna uppsats tar sin ansatts i teorier kring vad som skapar goda förutsättningar för en positiv demokratisk utveckling. Enligt Gordon White rör dessa soci

Svensk säkerhetspolitik med sikte på försvarsberedningen och Försvarsmakten

Ändamålet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på vilka värden som svensk säkerhetspolitik grundar sig på samt att se om det existerar en konflikt mellan försvarsberedningen och Försvarsmakten. Detta allt utifrån en idéanalys av försvarsberedningen och Försvarsmaktens offentliga tryck. Bakgrunden till detta är den diskussion som uppstått i medierna kring Försvarsmakten. I medierna har vi kunnat ta del

EU- medborgarskap Utifrån ett individ- och arbetstagarperspektiv

The EU- citizenship was established in the Maastricht Treaty in 1993. This citizenship involves rights to free movement, election rights to the European Parliament, diplomatic protection and the right to petition to the Ombudsman. In my analysis I discuss the implications of the EU- citizenship for the individual. The development and legal status of the union citizenship is examined in order to gi

Vilka liberaliseringseffekter har brödupproren och situationen i Jordanien fått och varför? - en sammandrabbning mellan ekonomi och kultur

Denna uppsats utreder samspelet mellan politisk kultur och politisk ekonomi i Jordaniens politiska liberaliseringsprocess genom en litteraturstudie förankrad i kulturspecifik forskning. Det teoretiska huvudsyftet är att pröva Michael Ross teori om förhållandet mellan beskattning relativt offentlig service och politisk liberalisering, på en djupare nivå. Högre beskattning relativt offentlig service

Diplomati med klyvbar kärna - en kvalitativ studie av den ryska diplomatins grundval

Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the basis of Russian diplomacy, and by doing that develop the analytical instruments available, in order to improve the comprehension between the parties in negotiations. Descriptions of the national characteristics of Soviet and Russian diplomacy are made by an analysis of memoairs and other examinations of their negotiating behaviour. To ensure

Humana svenskar och främlingsfientliga danskar? - en studie i svensk medierepresentation av dansk migrationspolitik

The aim of this thesis is to study how Denmark and the Danish people has been represented in the Swedish press and which images of them that appears. For this purpose I make use of discourse analysis and discourse theory. By analysing three cases were the debate about the Danish migration policy has been scrutinized in Swedish newspapers I seek to discover different ways of looking at the world. T

En riktig kvinna En studie om traditionell kvinnlig genusidentitet, vad som befäster den samt kvinnans roll inom staten och nationen

This thesis is an attempt to understand how the traditional female gender identity is constructed and what kind of structures that are maintaining it. I also study how this identity is reflected in young women's conception of themselves and in their views upon whether they should sign in to the military service or not. The theoretical framework that I use mainly consists of theories about gen

Exil hederskultur-ett narrativ

Drawing on a broad theoretical framework that includes theories about globalisation and honourculture, this thesis aim is to demonstrate that globalisation and honourculture, constitute a conceptual network, i.e a structural relational matrix in which concepts are embedded. Being part of conceptual network, these concepts are related to each other ontologically. The idea of conceptual network, and

Primed for Peace? Reflections on Theoretical Explanations for use of economic power in a New World Order

The paper concerns the study of the relationship between international relations and the use of economic sanctions in the immediate post-cold war period. Interdependence, Neo-Realism and Democratic Theory are investigated from the perspective of answering the change in policy in western democracies. I second theoretical cut is given on the post-9/11 world order as a glimpse to what may come in th

EU - en nyliberal hegemoni? En studie av den nyliberala diskursen i Fördrag om upprättandet av en konstitution för Europa

The fact that we apprehend certain phenomena as more convenient than others generate questions about what constitute and decide what we think of as normal and appropriate. The aim of this thesis is to explore the immense conception of power and authority through a narrower approach that focuses on the EU. With this in mind I examine the penetration of the neo-liberal ideology in the Treaty establ

Att börja från noll. En studie i storstadssatsningens försök att öka det politiska deltagandet hos Malmös invandrare

This thesis title starting from zero alludes to storstadssatsningen's democratic work being accomplished among immigrants in Malmö. My thesis examines which types of political participation storstadssatsningen were trying to increase. The goal was to turn the immigrants into political participants, but in many of the projects the democratic work had to focus on building a ground for democratic

Assessing materials from an environmental perspective: Designing a material selection tool for the product development process of an organisation: How to adapt the tool to a company's conditions and needs?

The overall environmental impact of a product is influenced by decisions made during product development, e.g. on alternative materials. Different tools exist on how to select materials. However they are seldom adapted to a company's needs. The research question of this thesis is dedicated to this issue: Designing a material selection tool for the product development process of an organisation

Norway and its impact on the European Union: the Internal Energy Market and the licensing and gas directives.

This work is meant to provide theoretical and empirical elements in order to understand the current situation of Norway which given the chance to be part of the European Union (EU) has rejected it twice. However it does not mean that this European country is totally isolated from the integration process. Since 1960 they are part of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) organisation founded by

The EU as a normative power: attempts of exporting regional co-operation to the Western Balkans

This study departs from the constructivist approach to research the Manners` concept of the European Union as a "normative power" or norm exporter. The focus is diffusion of the regional co-operation model that EU has been promoting as a foreign policy goal. Study presents motives and policies behind that objective. Conditionality of regional co-operation is also the distinctive feature

Civil Society in Authoritarian Regime: The Analysis of China, Burma and Vietnam

Thousands of associations with a variety of social, economical and political goals have been in recent years emerging in China, Burma and Vietnam, in spite of, or rather by authority of, the authoritarian regime. The existence of numerous associations under authoritarian rule is rather a new phenomenon which aroused contradictory views among the observers - hopes on the formation of civil society

Sverigedemokraterna i Kävlinge och Svedala kommun

In the rural districts of Sweden, especially in Skåne, the political party Sverigedemokraterna is gaining more and more territory. The aim of this thesis is to examine if the presence of Sverigedemokraterna has had an effect on the other political parties in Kävlinge and Svedala municipality, with focus on images and collective identity. The aim is also to examine what influence Sverigedemokratern

Konstituerandet av "ras" i relation till klass, genus och sexualitet. En komparativ diskursanalys av "ras" under åren 1964 och 2004

"Race" is often used as a marker to exclude people from a society. What is interesting is not so much what terms that are used to describe people, but by what meaning they are associated with. For this thesis articles published in daily magazines have been the material used. An argument driven in the essay is that identity and oppression is not constituted from one subject position, but