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Implementation of the Biofuels Directive in the European Union

The implementation of the Biofuels Directive (2003/30/EC) in the 25 member states is assessed against the background of implementation theory in this paper. The aim is to identify and analyze implementation problems for the purpose of suggesting a way forward for biofuels policy in the European Union. Three main patterns of policy implementation are observed: effective implementation, formal compl

From rough to final designs by incremental set-inclusion of properties

Design of buildings is a complex task in which ideas are sketched and communicated, by representations that are incrementally elaborated from the early rough sketches to the final design. We claim, that today’s model–based design tools are restricted from fully supporting this process as they are founded on the principle that objects are instances of static types. Such systems do not offer work wi

Branch cross-correlation in presence of spatially selective interference Expressed in Terms of the spherical vector wave expansion of the electromagnetic field

Abstract in UndeterminedIn this paper we present an analysis of the cross-correlation coe±cient between signals at two antennabranches (ports) in the presence of spatially selective interference and additive white gaussian noise. Morespecifically, we look at a ±45 slanted polarization diversity arrangement, which is rotated around the axisperpendicular to the plane containing the antennas. Results

TECH-lex : teknisk ordlista för V

Tech-lex består av en ordlista med trafiktekniska begrepp (Traflex) som efter hand kompletterats med övriga tekniska facktermer relevanta för forskning och undervisning på V-huset, LTH. Ämnena är trafikteknik och trafikplanering inkl vägbyggnad, brandteknik, miljö, fysisk planering med fastighetsrätt samt bostadsfinansiering. Ordlistan Traflex är ursprungligen en databas som kompilerades för att