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Development of Empirical Equations to Predict Sweating Skin Surface Temperature for Thermal Manikins in Warm Environments.
Clothing evaporative resistance is one of the most important parameters for clothing comfort. The clothing evaporation resistance can be measured on a sweating guarded hotplate, a sweating thermal manikin or a human subject. The sweating thermal manikin gives the most accurate value on evaporative resistance of the whole garment ensemble compared to the other two methods. The determination of clot
A Bit-Serial Realization of a Lattice Wave Digital Intermediate Frequency Filter
A custom DSP chip for mobile radio systems like the American IS-54 system is presented. The application is a digital intermediate frequency filter which is intended to replace expensive analog filters. It is a lattice wave digital filter with fixed coefficient bit-serial arithmetic. A technique which is useful for area efficient layouts in high throughput real time signal processing is discussed
Final aspiration as a phrase boundary cue in Swedish: the case of att 'that'
The Swedish word att /at/ is associated with two grammatical functions: a) (part of) a subordinate conjunction and b) an infinitive marker. This pilot study, with 5 short spontaneous discourses from 3 male speakers shows a correlation between pauses after att, and aspiration of /t/ in att, where aspiration can be interpreted as a kind of final lengthening involving the release phase of the stop co
EU's New 'Differentiation Strategy' Vis-a-Vis Israel Is a Pro-Peace Strategy
Takahiko iimura: Video and Semiology
At the invitation of professor Jan-Gunnar Sjölin, following an initial suggestion from doctoral candidate Fred Andersson, Takahiko iimura visited our department during December 1st to December 4th 2003. A selection of mr iimura's video- and media-works from ca 1970 to the present day were screened on the evenings of December 2nd and 3rd. The screenings were attended by a great number of students a
Johan Nilsson
Emil Bønnelycke
Integer programming models for maximizing parallel transmissions in wireless networks
Images of forces
Personburen provtagare för tids- och storleksfraktionering av aerosoler i arbetsmiljö
Return migration and the end of working life. Immigrants returning from Sweden in the period 1979-1996
Temperature limit values for gripping cold surfaces
Objectives. At the request of the European Commission and in the framework of the European Machinery Directive, research was conducted jointly in five different laboratories to develop specifications for surface temperature limit values for the gripping and handling of cold items. Methods. Four hundred and fourteen experiments were run where male and female subjects were invited to grip for up to
Konkurrensrätt och parallellimport – Exportförbudsklausuler
En aspekt som kommit bort i diskussionen efter EG-domstolens dom i Silhouette-fallet var påståendet att Silhouette hade infört någon form av reexportförbud i sitt avtal med den bulgariske köparen. Silhouettes agent i Bulgarien hävdade att så var fallet, men de närmare omständigheterna kring försäljningen blev aldrig klarlagda. Frågan lyftes inte heller fram i den österrikiska domstolens begäran om
Transport Inventory Optimization
European observatory on social security for migrant workers. Swedish national report 2001
Occupational hygiene and stationary emission measurements of engineered nanoparticles during cleaning operations in a clean room laboratory
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A new System-on-Chip Curriculum at Lund University
Socware is the name for a new design cluster in Sweden, which intends to unify university, research institutes, and industry towards a common goal, namely System-on-Chip. One of the parts of the program is related to Research & Education where new Master’s and PhD student course curriculums are developed at Swedish Universities. This paper presents the initiative at Lund University. The curric