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Uncertainty and Value Appropriation: An Assessment of Resource-based Theory

This paper addresses the notion of uncertainty in resource-based theory by examining value appropriation as a cause of profit differentials among firms. It is shown that assumptions made within resource-based theory concerning the level of uncertainty in factor and product markets challenges the theory’s internal consistency and limits its ability to explain how economic value is distributed betwe

Hard X-rays from a Laser-Produced Plasma: Source Characterization and Applications

Hard X-rays are generated by focusing 110 fs laser pulses onto solid metal targets, with intensities of about 1017 W·cm-2• Characteristic properties of this X-ray source are the small source size, the short pulse duration, the high brightness and a possibly interesting spectral composition. Several characterizing measurements were performed, including source size, spectrum and temporal behavior. T

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Abstract in Uncoded languages Da li kapitalizam gubi svoju progresivnost i postaje destruktivan? Da li je moguce da se cak blizi svom kraju? Ovakvo razmisljanje zvuci poznato, ali se o ovim pitanjima danas razgovara mnogo vise nego ikada pre. Majkl Hart i Samir Amin, obojica medu vodecim kriticarima savremenog kapitalizma, razgovaraju o buducnosti sistema, pokretima otpora sistemu i alternativama

Automated Design of Self-Adaptive Software with Control-Theoretical Formal Guarantees

Self-adaptation enables software to execute successfully in dynamic, unpredictable, and uncertain environments. Control theory provides a broad set of mathematically grounded techniques for adapting the behavior of dynamic systems. While it has been applied to specific software control problems, it has proved difficult to define methodologies allowing non-experts to systematically apply control te

Fast Algorithms for Iterative Adaptive Approach Spectral Estimation Techniques

This paper presents computationally efficient implementations for Iterative Adaptive Approach (IAA) spectral estimation techniques for uniformly sampled data sets. By exploiting the methods inherent low displacement rank, together with the development of suitable Gohberg-Semencul representations, and the use of data dependent trigonometric polynomials, the proposed implementations are shown to off