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Torque Limited Path Following by On-Line Trajectory Time Scaling
April–September mean maximum temperature inferred from Hailar pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) tree rings in the Hulunbuir region, Inner Mongolia, back to 1868 AD
Life cycle costs for different ventilation systems in single family houses
New laser-based techniques for nanometre lithography and microscopy
This thesis describes the development of new laser-based techniques for nanometre lithography and microscopy. The potential of a non-intrusive scanned near-field optical microscope (SNOM) has been investigated. The probe consists of an optically trapped microscopic particle which is scanned in proximity to the object to be studied. Compared with conventional SNOM's, this probe would allow high-res
A humanist jeremiad against neurolatry.
Review of a critique of reductive materialism and excessive evolutionary explanations
Visualizing Big Data amounts : The Case of Google Flu Trends (GFT)
Introduction: Decolonizing Fieldwork by Transgressing Borders and Boundaries
Antenna currents for optimal Q, superdirectivity, and radiation patterns using convex optimization
The high Q-factor (low bandwidth) and low efficiency make the design of small antennas challenging. Here, convex optimization is used to determine current distributions that give upper bounds on the antenna performance. Optimization formulations for maximal gain Q-factor quotient, minimal Q-factor for superdirectivity, and minimum Q for given far-field are presented. The effects of antennas embedd
Nuclear magnetic dipole moments and electric quadrupole moments
Robustness of large-scale stochastic matrices to localized perturbations
Onset of mould growth – the effect of climate variability and different geographic locations
This paper presents a study on how climate conditions at numerous locations in Sweden affect the risk of onset of mould on wood sheltered outdoors. The results indicate that the risk is clearly higher in the south compared to the north of Sweden. These differences are mainly explained by colder and dryer winter periods in the north which is unfavorable for development of mould. The results also sh
Crisis, Crises and Deconstructed Labour Law
A sign-bit auto-correlation architecture for fractional frequency offset estimation in OFDM
This paper presents an architecture of an auto-correlator for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing systems. The received signal is quantized to only the sign-bit, which dramatically simplifies the frequency offset estimation. Hardware cost is reduced under the assumption that synchronization during acquisition does not have to be very accurate, but sufficient for coarse estimation. The archi
A comparison of two Scots pine tree-ring proxies and standardization methods - examples from the central Scandinavian Mountains
Television as Art Cinema: Lars von Trier's The Kingdom
Tal och tystnad om sexualiteter
Computer-aided control systems engineering - A tool for more realistic teaching
Technology, Institutions and Allocation of Time in Swedish Households 1920-1990
The modernisation of Swedish households during the twentieth century prompted a considerable productivity growth in household production, which reduced the time input for a fixed volume of routine household work by about 35 per cent 1920-1990. Much of that time was gradually transferred to the labour market, but no evidence can be found for an increase in leisure time. What has been termed a “Cowa