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System dynamics applied to the modeling of software projects

System dynamics is an approach to the modelling and simulation of nonphysical systems. In the past, typical application domains were social, biological, and economical systems. Recently a new application domain has emerged: software development. The report summarises the major results of a study performed to review worldwide activities in the field of system dynamics modelling and simulation appli

Prevalence of faecal ESBL carriage in the community and in a hospital setting in a county of Southern Sweden.

The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing bacteria in patients at various hospital wards and in a group of relatively healthy volunteers, in order to obtain greater knowledge on how common these bacterial strains are in hospital settings and in the general community. Participants (n = 427) were enrolled at a University Hospital and

Genomic characteristics of soft tissue sarcomas.

Studies on the molecular mechanisms behind soft tissue sarcoma development have disclosed that these malignancies are as genetically heterogeneous as they are clinically and morphologically diverse. Much of the genetic information on soft tissue sarcomas is still limited to the genomic level, as detected by chromosome banding analysis or comparative genomic hybridization. Based on the results of s

New domino logic precharged by clock and data

A clock-and-data precharged dynamic (CDPD) circuit technique in CMOS is presented. It gives a fast one-clock-cycle decision to multilevel logic and has small clock loads, low peak current, small area and low power-delay product. The technique is highly flexible in logic design. For the given example, a 324bit binary-lookahead-carry chain, the speed improvement can be as high as 40–50% compared to

Patterns of multiple myeloma during the past 5 decades: stable incidence rates for all age groups in the population but rapidly changing age distribution in the clinic.

OBJECTIVE: To define age-adjusted incidence trends in multiple myeloma (MM) in a well-characterized population during a long period, given that some, but not all, studies have reported increasing MM incidence over time and that clinical experience from some centers suggests an increased incidence mainly in younger age groups. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We identified all patients (N=773) with MM diagnos

Towards a theory of lexical meaning as ontologies and construals

The purpose of this paper is to propose a framework of lexical meaning, broadly along the lines of Cognitive Semantics (Langacker 1987a). The paper focuses on interpretations of adjective-noun (ADJ N ) combinations in English. Within the proposed model, all aspects of meaning are to be explained in terms of properties of ontologies in conceptual space, i.e. properties of content ontologies and sch

Chimney grafts preserve visceral flow and allow safe stenting of juxtarenal aortic occlusion.

OBJECTIVE: Chimney grafts have proven useful for urgent endovascular repair of juxtarenal aortic aneurysms. Stenting of juxtarenal aortic occlusive disease is not routinely advocated due to the risk of visceral artery obstruction. We report on the potential applicability of chimney grafts in 10 patients with juxtarenal aortic stenosis or occlusion. To our best knowledge, chimney grafts have not be


Three types of Gafchromic films have been studied to investigate their potential for use as a visually readable dosemeter for persons acting as first responders in connection with radiological or nuclear emergencies. The two most sensitive film types show a pronounced variation in sensitivity by photon energy and are therefore not suitable for use in cases of unknown exposures. The third film type