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Pheromone-mediated mating system in a moth species

Popular Abstract in Swedish Feromonmedierat parningssystem hos ett nattfly Min avhandlings huvudsakliga mål är att identifiera och bestämma faktorer som påverkar det feromon-medierade parningsystemet hos sädesbroddflyet Agrotis segetum. Dessa faktorer inkluderar både honkönets produktion av sexualferomon såväl som hankönets feromon-inducerade respons, men också andra överlevnads- och reproduktionIn a series of studies, carried out in the laboratory and in the field in southern Sweden, I have examined factors influencing the mating behaviour of the turnip moth Agrotis segetum. The reproductive potential of the sexes and the mating behaviour was studied. The reproductive potential of males is greater than that of females. Males are ready to mate every night, while females rarely mate more

Sorption hysteresis and scanning in a flooring screed implications for moisture induced degradation

Sorption isotherms (moisture content as a function of relative humidity (RH) at equilibrium) are an important tool in designing buildings to limit moisture related problems. Normally only a single sorption curve is used so that each moisture content uniquely corresponds to one RH. Sometimes two curves are used, one curve for absorption and one for desorption, as it is well known that sorption has

Engineering 2.0: An Approach to Support Cross-functional Teams in Overcoming Knowledge-sharing Barriers in PSS Design

The paper discusses the key enabling mechanisms introduced by Web 2.0 technologies that can support Product Service Systems (PSSs) development teams in increasing the quality of early design decisions. The paper collects success stories and lessons learned from two empirical case studies in the aeronautical supply chain, and from a set of questionnaires forwarded to major automotive manufacturers,

Felix Saul som musikaktör i Sverige. Ett bidrag till körsångshistorien

Född i Preußisch Stargard 1883 och avliden i Stockholm 1942 tillhör Saul en av de Sveriges musikaktörer som under första hälften på 1900-talet aktivt kämpade för att förmedla en kontinental musiksyn och att gestalta och utveckla det svenska musik- och framför allt körlivet enligt de nyaste trenderna söderifrån. Artikeln tar upp ett flertal intressanta aspekter om Sauls musikaliska verksamhet i Sve

A study of the stereochemistry and electronic transitions of cyclic and acyclic thioamides by crystallography, spectroscopy and computational methods

Popular Abstract in Swedish En studie av konformationer och elektronövergångar i ett antal rodaniner, ett tiourinämne och ett par ditiokarbamater m.h.a. kristallografi, spectroskopi och datatekniska beräkningsmetoder.Analysis of conformations and electron transitions of 3-(alkyl or aralkyl)-5-(methyl or phenyl)rhodanines with analogues and N,N'-bis[(S)-1-phenylethyl]-thiourea have been performed by X-ray crystallography, 1H NMR, molecular mechanics, ultraviolet spectroscopy and for the chiral rhodanines, enantiomer chromatography and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The magnitude of rotational barriers has bee

Density Functionals for Dynamic Linear Response in Finite Systems

This dissertation investigates a new method for obtaining excited-state properties of finite, many-electron systems such as atoms, molecules and nano-systems. The method combines the merits of many-body perturbation theory and time-dependent perturbation theory and yields approximate density response functions which preserve basic physical conservation laws. Furthermore, advanced density functiona

Do some cases of anorexia nervosa reflect underlying autistic-like conditions?

In a sample of 51 teenagers with anorexia nervosa (AN)-which included 24 cases constituting the total population of AN cases born in 1970-several had shown social, communicative and behaviour patterns suggestive of autistic-like conditions as children, long before the onset of AN. One of the three boys in the AN group had Asperger syndrome. Three of the 48 girls had histories suggesting high funct

Kringle 2 mediates high affinity binding of plasminogen to an internal sequence in streptococcal surface protein PAM.

Many cells express receptors for plasminogen (Pg), although the responsible molecules in most cases are poorly defined. In contrast, the group A streptococcal surface protein PAM contains a domain with two 13-amino acid residue long repeated sequences (a1 and a2) responsible for Pg binding. Here we identify the region in Pg that interacts with PAM. A radiolabeled proteolytic plasminogen fragment c

T-shape slot induced decoupling for closely spaced dual PIFAs in MIMO terminals

In this paper, an efficient technique to enhance the isolation between two closely spaced PIFAs for MIMO mobile terminals is introduced. The proposed decoupling method is based on a T-shape slot impedance transformer and it enables an inter-PIFA spacing of 1 mm to be achieved. The 10 dB impedance bandwidth and 20 dB isolation bandwidth cover the 2.4 GHz WLAN band (2.4-2.48 GHz), with a maximum iso

Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates in biological treatment of industrial wastewaters

In search of more environmentally friendly polymer materials, polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) have been considered as promising candidates. PHAs exhibit a broad range of material properties, can be produced from renewable resources and are completely biodegradable. Nevertheless, high production costs associated with traditional PHA production based on fermentation by pure microbial cultures have so f