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Your search for "*" yielded 532576 hits
Effective Consumption and Non-Keynesian Effects of Fiscal Policy
Fracture Mechanics Models for Strength Analysis of Timber Beams with a Hole or a Notch : A Report of RILEM TC-133
On-line monitoring of a two-stage anaerobic digestion process using a BOD-analyzer
Variation och rigiditet i ordföljdsmönster
To define family belonging - Starting points for family benefits in a comparative perspective
Subsidiarity as a procedural safeguard of federalism
Föräldrars syn på barns användning av övergångsobjekt. En intervjuundersökning av sexåringars föräldrar
Individual good, public bad, or societal syndrome. A cross-country study if income, inequality and health
Advancements in One-Line Modeling of T-Head Groins: (Genesis-T)
Corporate and nonformal learning. Adult education research in Nordic countries
Pensioner och demografi
Plural morphology in written child L2 French : like child L1 or adult L2?
Antropologi och Klimathotet
Synthesis and identificationof hydroxylated polybrominated diphenylethers in human blood
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Rezension des Bandes „Die Rousseau-Frage – ökologisch definiert”, herausgegeben von Udo E. SimonisDer Band ist hervorgegangen aus einer öffentlichen Ausschreibung aus Anlass des zehnjährigen Jubiläums des „Jahrbuchs Ökologie” im Jahre 2001 zur Fragestellung: „Hat der Fortschritt der Wissenschaften und Künste dazu beigetragen, die Umwelt zu schützen und zu bewahren?” Diese Thematik lehnt sich an di
Six Sigma, Lean Thinking ad Total Quality Management
Intertextual episodes in lectures as a potential enhancement of incidental learning from reading
Distributed Control with Low-Rank Coordination
A common approach to distributed control design is to impose sparsity constraints on the controller structure. Such constraints, however, may greatly complicate the control design procedure. This paper promotes an alternative structure, which is not sparse, yet might nevertheless be well suited for distributed control purposes. The structure appears as the optimal solution to a class of coordinati
A Source-Based Test-Bed for Fast-Neutron Irradiation
The "3He crisis" has resulted in a major effort worldwide to develop replacement neutron-detector technologies. Such technologies are in their infancy and need to be thoroughly tested before becoming mainstream. Neutron sources for controlled irradiation include accelerators, nuclear reactors and radioactive sources. Neutrons produced in nuclear reactors and at accelerators have a very high cost p