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Designing remedial education. Education meets psychiatry.
Education and psychiatry meet as a result of a teacher broadening her scope to encompass adult psychiatry. Eve Mandre sheds light on the silent knowledge inherent in remedial education by highlighting the individual factors involved and putting words t
On a variant of the Bernstein-Walsh Theorem, Complex Analysis and Differential Equations. Proceedings of the Marcus Wallenberg Symposium in Honor of Matts Esse'n Held in Uppsala, Sweden June 15-18, 1997. Editors: Christer Kiselman and Anders Vretblad. Uppsala: Uppsala University 1999, 255-262.
Three weeks intervention with low-glycaemic index bread improves insulin economy in women with high risk of type II diabetes
The particles we never exhale...
Between Autonomy and Interdependence: Trade Unions and Politics in Italy
Functions, Components and Relations in Systems of Innovation and Learning
Objectively best or most acceptable? Power hierarchies and knowledge types in the Swedish wind power development
The Kuznets Curve in contemporary Africa: Changing income inequality and structural transformation in Botswana, 1936-2010
Referring to optional visual information in unrestricted dialogue
Abstract in Undetermined Previous research of multimodal language processing have used visual information that was either explicitly or implicitly obligatory. This study investigates the use of optional visual information in a free dialogue task. The utterances were analyzed for the presence of deictic expressions, productivity, information content and effects of change over time. The main finding
REVEALS-based reconstruction of regional vegetation and land cover along climatically-sensitive transects in NW Europe: new insights into Holocene dynamics of plant-climate-human interactions
Epitaxial Growth and Design of Nanowires and Complex Nanostructures
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar epitaxiell växt av nanotrådar i III-V halvledarmaterial, i vilken guldpartiklar använts som frö, samt design av tredimensionella mer avancerade förgrenade strukturer baserade på dessa trådar. Växten utfördes via så kallad ?MetallOrganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy? (MOVPE), i vilken prekursormolekylerna till halvledarmaterialens komponenter tillförs This thesis describes the epitaxial growth of III-V semiconductor nanowires using Au seed particles, and the design of more complex three-dimensional branched structures from these wires. Growth was performed by metallorganic vapour phase epitaxy, in which precursor molecules for the semiconductor material components are introduced in a low-pressure vapour. Nanowires grow epitaxially (with control
No title
Smaksatt vatten - En förstudie och test
⁵⁶Ni, a doubly magic nucleus?
[abstract missing]
Electrophysiological indices of altered inhibitory control and error processing in patients with focal orbitofrontal lesions
Numerical analysis of turbulent convective heat transfer processes in a square-sectioned U-bend ducts
Nitrous oxide emission allowed from biofuel crops in Swedish systems
Xyloglucan-specific carbohydrate-binding modulesselected from a molecular library.
Personality traits, values, attitudes, and motivations underlying political ideology in Sweden and Italy: A comparison of three contemporary models
We tested three models of the underpinnings of political ideology, in Sweden and Italy, addressing: (1)political values, with underlying core values and traits, (2) right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation, with underlying traits and worldviews, and (3) attitudes to change, equality, and the system, with underlying motivations.