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Undersökning av luftfuktighetens förändring över tid och dess påverkande faktorer i fjärrvärmekulvert: Analys av mätdata från Öresundskrafts fjärrvärmenät

Fjärrvärmen är en mogen uppvärmningsteknik som under lång tid har byggts ut i Sverige. Stora delar av fjärrvärmebolagens kapital består av ledningarna som är nedgrävda i marken. Att ha kunskapen om statusen på sina fjärrvärmeledningar är viktigt för att kunna undvika kostsamma skador och bedöma förnyelsebehov. För de äldre delarna av fjärrvärmenätet, där ledningarna är förlagda i kulvertar har det

Rethinking Partnerships: Exploring the EU’s Development Cooperation in Central America via Critical Discourse Analysis and Expert Interviews

The European Union (EU) is the largest provider of development aid in the world, considering the funds given by its institutions and Member States. Development cooperation has been a central policy theme since the Treaty of Rome in 1957, thus constituting a significant sphere of the EU’s foreign affairs. In this context, the concept of partnership covers a meaningful role, and has lately gained mo

Ätstört beteende och kroppsuppfattning hos ungdomar – vilken roll spelar interoception?

Ätstörda beteenden tenderar att öka under tonåren och samexisterar i regel med negativ kroppsuppfattning. Föreliggande studie ämnade undersöka hur ätstört beteende samvarierade med kroppsuppfattning och interoceptiv uppmärksamhet hos tonåringar, att undersöka om interoceptiv uppmärksamhet medierade mellan ätstört beteende och kroppsuppfattning, samt att utröna om könsskillnader förelåg. Till grund

M&A-transaktioner på fastighetsmarknaden - Varför sker de och vilka effekter ger de?

Under 2021 genomfördes ett stort antal M&A-transaktioner på fastighetsmarknaden i Sverige jämfört med tidigare år. Syftet med studien är att studera motiv till M&A-transaktioner på fastighetsmarknaden, hur dessa skapar värde för fastighetsbolagen samt vilka effekter de ger på marknaden. Studien genomfördes genom att läsa litteratur och tidigare forskning på ämnet samt studera M&A-traThis study aims to research the motives for and value creation from M&A transactions in the Swedish Real Estate Market. All transactions in the period 2017-2021 were analyzed in detail. Interviews were conducted with companies that participated in these transactions, the purpose of these interviews were getting official motives and value creating factors from M&A transactions. Finally, 17

Increase of biogas production by incorporating residual streams from agriculture

För att utöka biogasproduktionen i Västra Götalandsregionen (VGR) kan restströmmar från jordbrukssektorn fungera som en storskalig leverantör av biomassa. Produktionen av biogas minskar beroendet av fossila bränslen och rötresten som bildas kan också återföras till jordbrukssektorn, vilket skapar ett slutet kretslopp. I detta examensarbete granskades utökningen genom en kartläggning av biogasproduTo expand the biogas production in Region Västra Götaland (RVG), residual streams from the agricultural sector can function as a large-scale supplier of biomass. The production of biogas decreases the dependence of fossil fuels and the digestate that is formed can also be returned to the agricultural sector, creating a closed loop. The expansion was assessed in this thesis by the investigation of

White inside: a critical examination of how structural whiteness in the Dutch climate movement obstructs climate justice

Despite attention for lack of racial diversity in climate movements in the Global North, there is little examination of other manifestations of whiteness. This thesis examines how structural whiteness – as a norm and as a power structure – shapes the Dutch climate movement’s relation to climate justice and how these impacts can be countered. Understanding racial justice as central to climate justi

Testing the prehistoric settlement predictors: A performance evaluation of environmental variables in north-western Scania

This paper goes over the process of evaluating the environmental variables, which are most likely to predict the locations of prehistoric settlements in a Scanian setting. This is accomplished by selecting variables which have shown to be successful in previous similar study areas and testing the spatial correlation between each variable and known settlement presence. This is followed by an ov

Contagion, Contention, and Content: Political Mobilization on Telegram in the 2020 Belarusian post-Election Protests

This study aims to scrutinize the role of the social media application Telegram as a protest mobilizing structure during the 2020 post-election uprising in Minsk, Belarus. The purpose is to strengthen the understanding on how protest mobilizations online relate to offline protest participation in authoritarian states, and how the usage of social media in social movements impact, and is influenced

Learning-Based Controller Design with Application to a Chiller Process

In this thesis, we present and study a few approaches for constructing controllers for uncertain systems, using a combination of classical control theory and modern machine learning methods. The thesis can be divided into two subtopics. The first, which is the focus of the first two papers, is dual control. The second, which is the focus of the third and last paper, is multiple-input multiple-outp

Long-Term Risk of Hospitalization for Somatic Diseases among Survivors of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Background: Survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) may be at increased long-term risk of hospitalization for somatic diseases. However, large population-based cohort studies with risk estimates for survivors successfully cured without experiencing a relapse or requiring hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) are lacking. Methods: Danish and Swedish patients diagnosed wit


OBJECTIVE: Few studies address results from use of new technology and patient participation in hypertension management. The PERHIT Study is a multicentre randomised controlled trial with the aim to evaluate the effects of a person-centred approach using a web-based, interactive self-management system through the patient´s own mobile phone on blood-pressure and well-being. Primary aim is the degree

The Discount Dilemma: The Announcement Effects of Seasoned Equity Offerings on the Short-Run Performance of South African-listed Firms

The rationale behind the SEO and the correct pricing are of utmost importance to the success of the SEO, the share price performance, and any subsequent corporate projects the firm wishes to undertake. The primary objective of this research paper is to investigate how the share price of South African-listed firms is affected by the management team’s decision to announce the intention to undertake

Can Universal Basic Income be a Sustainable Welfare instrument? A systematic literature review analysing implementations in eight countries and perceptions of Universal Basic Income since 2015

The current climate crisis together with growing global inequality requires a transformation of the economic systems. Sustainable Welfare is an emerging concept in which the welfare system seeks to meet everyone’s basic needs while staying within the planetary boundaries and decoupling the welfare-growth nexus. In this context, Universal Basic Income (UBI) is seen as one approach to support Sustai

CULTURE AS SOFT POWER IN THE EU : A Thematic Analysis of Creative Europe as A Tool of Soft Power to Increase Europeanness

In the following paper Creative Europe 2014-2020 becomes subject of study as a tool of soft power by using Thematic Analysis as the method to analyse three fundamental documents: the Regulation on Establishing Creative Europe, the Creative Europe Sub-programme 2014-2020 Guidelines and the Creative Europe 2014-2020 Mid-term Evaluation. The goal is studying how the program can help the development o

En rättssociologisk studie om sugardating och unga som säljer sex

The aim of this paper is to examine sugardating and youth selling sex in a digital context in Sweden. To achieve this, a study was carried out based on qualitative semi-structured interviews. These were conducted with actors from authorities and organisations who, in their profession, face these issues, concerning their view on affiliated social- and legal norms. The collected data was coded thema

“It would be easier for me to list those in my social circle that don’t knit” - A qualitative study of young women knitting in Denmark

Knitting is a craft that has existed for many years giving it a rich history. The popularity of knitting has never been steady and has risen and fallen throughout the years, albeit now readily associated with older generations. It is safe to say that knitting is currently going through a revival in Denmark, especially young women have picked it up, seemingly taking the popularity of knitting to ne