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Har det någon betydelse hur man bor på äldre dar?
Recension av Berit Bengtsson, Kampen mot §23: Facklig makt vid anställning och avsked i Sverige före 1940
Coordinating for creativity
Multiple environmental stressors intruding into the urban dwelling
Teaterns röda fana
Regular column on theatre in the weekly newspaper Arbetaren (The Worker).
An experimental investigation of the port to channel flow pressure distribution of the smaller and larger plate package heat exchangers
Scandinavian Disjunctures: Disability, citizenship and sexuality in Denmark and Sweden, from 1925 to the present day
The project is inspired by ongoing discussions about citizenship and exclusion. We contend that research on sexuality and disability can contribute in important ways to debates about autonomy and inclusion in society. In order to analyse the complex problems around these questions we study discursive and political differences between Denmark and Sweden from 1925 to the present. In Denmark, it is p
Relations between scattering data and material parameters in complex media
The symmetries of scattering data of a bianisotropic, homogeneous and dispersive slab are investigated. It is demonstrated how these symmetries can be used to reveal the symmetries of the medium parameters (four three-dimensional susceptibility kernels). The underlying physical experiment is a transient electromagnetic plane wave obliquely incident upon the slab. The analysis is based on time-doma
Tidsvariabel robusthetsanalys
Direct and inverse scattering of transient electromagnetic waves
New Age: konsumtionsvara eller värden att kämpa för? - Hemmets Journal och Idagsidan i Svenska Dagbladet analyserade utifrån Mary Douglas grid/group-modell och Pierre Bourdieus fältteori
This dissertation is focused on the differences that can be observed in New Age material published between 1974 and 1995 in two different Swedish publications, one weekly magazine and one national morning paper. It is shown that the main parts of the readers of these two publications are polarised according to socio-economic status. I start from an assumption that the material I have analysed embo
Convex programming-based resource management for uncertain execution platforms
An approach to constrained resource allocation for real time software components executing on nondeterministic hardware is considered. A model for resource consumption based on execution rate is investigated together with an event-based measurement and parameter estimation scheme. Finally, an algorithm for real time constrained optimization of resources is presented together with results from a ca
Den gröna asfalten. Skåne som exklusivt och exkluderande golflandskap
A RHEED and AFM study of the CBE growth of InAs and InP dots on (001) GaP
Osteologisk analys av de brända benen i stensättningen från Älvros : Fornlämning nr 7, Älvros sn, Älvros kyrkby 4:9, Härjedalens kommun, Jämtlands län
Offentlig forskning och utveckling och tillväxt
Vardagsrevidering: ett rehabiliteringsprogram för kvinnor med stressrelaterad ohälsa
Rhetorical business : A study of marketing work in the spirit of contradiction
Popular Abstract in English This book investigates marketing work in professional service organizations from a rhetorical perspective. It comes to the conclusion that this work is accomplished by self-reflexive marketers who are reminiscent of the ancient sophists – a diverse group of itinerant advisors whom came to Athens around the fourth century BCE for business reasons. Marketers travel – as dMarketing has traditionally been understood from the perspective of marketing management. This causes problems when we study marketing practices because the normative discourse of marketing management is not particularly useful for describing the day-to-day work of marketing practitioners. This calls for marketing research from new perspectives. Rhetorical business – A study of marketing work in t