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Contextual analysis as support for successful innovation in complex environments

In order to survive and thrive, organizations need to adapt, re-invent themselves and therefore innovate. However many intentional efforts to bring about innovation do not succeed. In order to be successful, innovation requires the support of individuals throughout the environment in which it is emerging. However, in many cases such support is not forthcoming for a variety of reasons. In this pape

The development of electrical imaging techniques

The development of direct current resistivity imaging techniques has been rapid in the last years. This applies to data acquisition as well as inverse modelling techniques, and has lead to a greatly expanded practical applicability of the method. Resistivity imaging is now becoming widely used in environmental and engineering applications where increased knowledge about the subsurface is sought. T

Decoding Ahmadinejad's rhetoric on Israel

The purpose of this chapter is to analyze three persistent charges that Israeli and Western officials persistently leveled against Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad since 2006: 1) that he has threaded to 'wipe Israel off the map the map'; 2) that he is a Holocaust denier; and 3) that he is developing nuclear weapons, presumedly to use against Israel. Although Iran repeatedly has denied all 3 ch

The rise of the Swedish food sector after WW II- What, why, how and who?

Very little radical or really new innovation within the food sector in Sweden is visible today, although the stores are jammed with food in a variety of packages, designs and sizes and under different brands. Most products appear to be based on technologies introduced years ago, and the diversification consists mainly of line extensions, i.e. incremental development. It looked different after the

The transition of welfare state commitment : understanding the dynamics of contraction in state welfare

In the 1990s a contraction in state welfare in Sweden has been on its way and still seems to be so by joining forces. With focus on understanding the dynamics involved in the contractionprocess this paper aims to discuss the transition of welfare state commitment in Sweden. On the general level it should be seen as an attempt to adress the enigmatic and puzzeling questions of: How to explain chang

Studying archaeological fieldwork in the field: Views from Monte Polizzo.

Ethnography of Archaeology is a new but fast growing field of interest and approach, investigating the practice and materiality of professional archaeology. Often the focus is on archaeological fieldwork, as the present volume illustrates. This contribution addresses the question of what kind of experience project members have on an archaeological excavation project. Besides the way a project can

The significance of quality labelling single-family houses for the residents experience of the indoor environment

The purpose of this licentiate thesis is to investigate the following hypothesis in a case study: "Occupants of buildings with a quality labeled indoor environment experience a better indoor environment than occupants of buildings with normal planning and construction." The aim of the case study is to compare the outcome of using a quality system for indoor environment with a normal quality system

The effects of Large Scale use of active accelerator pedal in urban areas

Within the framework of the Swedish national trial with Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) in urban areas, the effects of large scale use of “active accelerator” were evaluated. 284 cars were equipped with the system for a period of 5-11 months in the city of Lund. The driving data of all equipped vehicles were logged with regard to time and speed, both before and after activating the system. Driv

Findings from European benchmarking exercises on e-learning:value,impact and going beyond

Benchmarking is becoming a more and more commonly used method for quality assurance and enhancement in higher education today. The aim of this study was to explore the impact and value of benchmarking e-learning in universities. Two European benchmarking initiatives, E-xcellence+ through the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities and the e-learning benchmarking exercise through the

Johanssonian Investigations : Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday

During the last decades, Ingvar Johansson has made a formidable contribution to the development of philosophy in general and perhaps especially to the development of metaphysics. This volume consists of original papers written by 50 philosophers from all over the world in honour of Ingvar Johansson to celebrate his 70th birthday. The papers cover traditional issues in metaphysics and the philosoph