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Näringslivets miljöarbete och Sveriges miljömål. Erfarenheter och synpunkter från branscher och företag inför den fördjupade miljömålsutvärderingen
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Romanian translation of "From kanun to capacity building" (published in P. Siani-Davies (ed.) International Intervention in the Balkans since 1995), decribing democracy export and civil society projects as a means of creating security in the Balkans, and the confronation with local modes of social organization, such as the Albanian customary law "kanun".
Swedish Crime Fiction: The Making of Nordic Noir
Spanska tänkare under 1900-talet. En introduktion
Reliability-based design for soil tillage machines
Using classical design methods for tillage machines does not completely guarantee a safety and satisfactory performance, due in part to the randomness of tillage forces. This randomness is derived from the variability in soil engineering properties and the variations in tool design parameters and operational conditions. In this paper, a reliability-based design approach was developed, for the firs
Olympiaskolan och humanistisk bildning som livsstilsprojekt
I tre fallrapporter från forskningsprojektet Framgångsrikt skolledarskap i olika skolkulturer presenteras resultat från omfattande empiriska undersökningar vid tre skolor. I rapporterna beskrivs och problematiseras skolornas respektive kultur: den aktuella gymnasieskolans kunskapskultur, där bildning kommit att bli ett kännetecken; den utvalda f-9-skolans karriärkultur, utsatt för ett kraftfullt f
Cost Optimization by Incremental Production Improvements of Metal Cutting Operations
The focus of this project has been to find a method on how to do production improvements systematically in the case of manufacturing by means of metal cutting operations. Typically every company determines their cutting data with the help of previous experiences as well as recommendations made by the tool manufacturers. These chosen cutting data may be the optimal settings for the specific operati
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Modeling truly dynamic epistemic scenarios in a partial version of DEL
Dynamic Epistemic Logic is claimed to be a dynamic version of epistemic logic. While this being true, there are several dynamical aspects that cannot be reasoned about in Dynamic Epistemic Logic. When a scenario is fixed and a possible world model representing the scenario is constructed, the possible future ways the system can evolve are in some sense already determined. For instance no new agent
Kropp och politik: Hälsoupplysning som samhällsspegel
Sweden: Restoring the Model?
Since the mid-1960s Swedish industrial relations have undergone such fundamental changes that the very existence of a 'Swedish model' is now questioned. Nevertheless, given the continuing similarities between Nordic countries, and the differences between them as a group and other European countries, the notion of a 'Nordic model' of industrial relations still has descriptive and analytic value. Fi
Metabolic Engineering of Disaccharide Catabolism for Polysaccharide Formation in Lactococcus lactis and Streptococcus thermophilus
Exopolysaccharides (EPSs) produced by the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) Lactococcus lactis and Streptococcus thermophilus are important for the rheological behaviour and texture of a variety of fermented food products. Furthermore, EPSs from food-grade LAB have potential as food additives and functional food ingredients with both health and economic benefits. However, the production levels of EPSs fr
Arktis är ute på tunn is
Invertebrate Vision
Ten distinct eye designs have been identified in the animal kingdom. Whereas vertebrates possess only one, invertebrates possess all ten, from simple assemblies of photoreceptors to advanced compound and camera eyes, which support a sophisticated range of visual behaviours. Many invertebrates have exquisite sensitivity to light, can distinguish a broad spectrum of colours, detect subtle polarised