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Your search for "*" yielded 532935 hits

The unifying force of humor: on self-directed ethnic humor and the dedramatization of ethnicity

Drawing on an ethnographic fieldwork within the hotel and restaurant industry in a multiethnic workplace in Denmark, this paper draws attention to the informal social interaction between first-generation immigrants and native Danish co-workers. Elaborating on life oriented cultural concepts of cultural sociologybased on Erving Goffman, the paper explores immigrants’ use of so-called self-directed

A global synthesis of the effects of diversified farming systems on arthropod diversity within fields and across agricultural landscapes

Agricultural intensification is a leading cause of global biodiversity loss, which can reduce the provisioning of ecosystem services in managed ecosystems. Organic farming and plant diversification are farm management schemes that may mitigate potential ecological harm by increasing species richness and boosting related ecosystem services to agroecosystems. What remains unclear is the extent to wh

Biological predictors of insulin resistance associated with posttraumatic stress disorder in young military veterans

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with increased risk for Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (cardiometabolic disease), warranting research into targeted prevention strategies. In the present case–control study of 160 young (mean age 32.7 years) male military veterans, we aimed to assess whether PTSD status predicted increased markers of cardiometabolic risk in otherwise h

Psychological factors influencing restrained behaviors during armed conflicts – A review of findings and challenges

Severe unrestrained behaviors during armed conflicts, such as the massacre in My Lai or abusive transgressions such as the torture-like behaviors occurring in Abu-Ghraib prison, often lead to increased difficulties to decrease hostilities or to gain a peaceful ending to a military conflict. Therefore, it is of highest relevance to understand which individual, situational and organizational factors

Utan stöd utifrån är den fred som var så nära plötsligt mycket långt borta igen.

Oavsett vilket scenario det blir ställer söndagens folkomröstning många saker på sin spets. En viktig fråga är om en fredlig samlevnad överhuvudtaget är möjligt i ett land där drygt hälften av befolkningen inte är redo att försonas. En annan aspekt är hur det internationella samfundet agerar. Hittills har det stött fredsprocessen såväl genom medling som ekonomiskt. Bland annat har Sverige erbjudit

Dissecting Embeddedness in International Retailing

Embeddedness, and its constituent types, has been employed as a conceptual framework to explain the processes of host market acculturation in retail internationalisation. The retail industry is not, however, a homogeneous business sector. Differences exist between retail sectors, retail formats and governance modes in how retail business models evolve and how a retail business operates in a market

Redox Chemistry of Hemoglobin-Associated Disorders

This Forum addresses oxidative reactions of hemoglobin (Hb) and explores the underlying mechanisms of some of these reactions that contribute to the pathophysiology associated with hemolytic anemia and Hb-based oxygen therapeutics. A special focus of this Forum is on the understanding of naturally occurring mutations in human Hb and how these mutations were influenced overtime by variety of oxidat

Household Livelihood Diversification and Gender: Panel Evidence from Rural Kenya

There are high hopes that livelihood diversification could contribute to goals of poverty reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This study uses household panel data collected in 2008 and 2013, combined with a mixed methodology to examine the regional and gender disparities, as well as the determinants of change in livelihood diversification in the regions of Nyeri and Kakamega in rural Kenya. The

In Search of Transcultural Memory in Europe

This volume is one of the outcomes of the network project In Search for Transnational Memory in Europe (ISTME), which was financed during four years 2012-2016 by a grant from COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) as COST Action IS1203. The Centre for European Studies (CFE) at Lund University was grant holder for ISTME, and the Centre’s Head Prof. Barbara Törnquist-Plewa was chair.

The nanoparticle protein corona formed in human blood or human blood fractions

The protein corona formed around nanoparticles in protein-rich fluids plays an important role for nanoparticle biocompatibility, as found in several studies during the last decade. Biological fluids have complex compositions and the molecular components interact and function together in intricate networks. Therefore, the process to isolate blood or the preparation of blood derivatives may lead to

Towards an almost quadratic lower bound on the monotone circuit complexity of the Boolean convolution

We study the monotone circuit complexity of the so called semi-disjoint bilinear forms over the Boolean semi-ring, in particular the n-dimensional Boolean vector convolution. Besides the size of a monotone Boolean circuit, we consider also the and-depth of the circuit, i.e., the maximum number of and-gates on a path to an output gate, and the monom number of the circuit which is the number of dist

Zero-group velocity modes in plates with continuous material variation through the thickness

Lamb modes with zero group velocity at nonzero wave numbers correspond to local and stationary resonances in isotropic plates. Lamb modes can be utilized for nondestructive evaluation of the elastic properties and thickness. One example of an application is the testing of plate-like concrete structures. In this example, continuous variation in the material velocity through the thickness may occur.

Cleanliness and consumption : exploring material and social structuring of domestic cleaning practices

In line with increasing international trends of energy efficient devices on the market and in households, domestic consumption of water and energy should be decreasing. However in Sweden, domestic per capita water consumption is not decreasing rapidly and energy consumption is actually increasing. This suggests that physical contexts are not the only factor shaping resource demand. People are also

Modal Analysis of the Ultrafast Dynamics of Optical Nanoresonators

We propose a semianalytical formalism based on a time-domain resonant-mode-expansion theory to analyze the ultrafast temporal dynamics of optical nanoresonators. We compare the theoretical predictions with numerical data obtained with the FDTD method, which is commonly used to analyze experiments in the field. The comparison reveals that the present formalism (i) provides deeper physical insight o

Intelligent computer reporting 'lack of experience' : A confidence measure for decision support systems

The purpose of this study was to explore the feasibility of developing artificial neural networks that are able to provide confidence measures for their diagnostic advice. Computer-aided decision making can improve physician performance, but many physicians hesitate to use these 'black boxes'. If we are to rely upon decision support systems for such tasks as medical diagnosis it is essential that