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Dissecting the Moral Use of History. The Reception of "Bloodlands" and "The Black Book of Communism"
A proposed blood treatment apparatus includes : a blood treatment unit (8), a pair of fluid pumps (14, 15) and a pair of blood pumps (1a, 1b). The blood treatment unit (8) is configured to receive untreated blood and fresh blood treatment fluid, and emit treated blood and used blood treatment fluid. The fluid pumps (14, 15) are configured to pass blood treatment fluid through the blood treatment u
Att definiera, identifiera och kvalificera kunskapsutveckling i historia
Paperpresentation kring kunskapsutveckling i historia och centrala historiska, historiedidaktiska och pedagogiska begrepp i anslutning till denna.
Atomic spectroscopy with ion accelerators and laser-produced plasmas
[abstract missing]
"Under vederbörlig uppsikt" : Hyresvärdinnan som auktoritet och tjänstekvinna i europeiskt 1880-tal
Acoustic Noise from Electronically Controlled Electric Machines - Frequency Characteristics of the Induction Machine
Det som Sverige såg
Recension av Göran Gunner: Folkmordet på armenier sett med svenska ögon.
Nuclear Reactor Containments – Evaluation of Prestress Losses and Prediction Models
Turbulent methane/air premixed flame structure at high Karlovitz number
Hela världens moder. Om Livia som genetrix orbis.
Tankemönster är en samling essäer författade till Eva Rystedts ära, när hon lämnar posten som professor i antikens kultur och samhällsliv vid Lunds Universitet. De 31 bidragen spänner ämnesmässigt över ett brett fält – från renässansmåleri till antik skatteplanering, från hämndbegär till tidsuppfattning – och anknyter tematiskt till två områden vilka går som en röd tråd genom Eva Rystedts egen for
Methodology for Examination of Respiratory and Cardiovascular Effects of Airborne Nanoparticles Abundant in Indoor Environments
No title
Improving Teaching – done in a context
Hydraulic design of a collector loop including overheat protection by partial evaporation
Life cycle cost optimisation in the building process- application on indoor climate systems
Extraction of temporal information from texts in Swedish
This paper describes the implementation and evaluation of a generic component to extract temporal information from texts in Swedish. It proceeds in two steps. The first step extracts time expressions and events, and generates a feature vector for each element it identifies. Using the vectors, the second step determines the temporal relations, possibly none, between the extracted events and orders
Analysis on Homogeneity Effects in HCCI Combustion using simultaneous OH- and Formaldehyde LIF Measurements
The social psychological worlds of Swedes and Turks in and around retirement
Numerical methods for load prediction in acoustic fatigue
Acoustic fatigue can occur in structural elements of an aircraft exposed to very high sound pressures. To deal with acoustic fatigue, mainly empirical methods have been applied and often late in the design phase. Current design guidelines have several limitations. First, they do not say anything about the load intensities. The load levels can be determined either experimentally or numerically. Exp