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Physical System Modeling with Modelica
The Persistent and Increasing Problem of Unequal Representation in Malawi- A Statistical Argument for Redistricting
Blekingestugan på Kulturen i Lund
Multiple sclerosis: identification and clinical evaluation of Novel CSF biomarkers for diagnosis and monitoring of disease progression and therapeutic effect
Varför räcker inte näringslivets modeller till? Värdeskapande processer inom skola, förskola och socialtjänst
Multi-Targeted Ethnography : Dispositions for Reaching New Audiences
Stadsplanering och transporter – Vad är stadsplanering och vad kan stadsplanering påverka?
Renovating qanats in Syria and Iraq; a retrospective of contemporary qanat rehabilitations between 2000 and 2010
Measurements of the isotopic composition of galactic cosmic rays
[abstract missing]
A refined time-frequency reassignmnet technique applied to dolphin echolocation signals
Special features of the EU common foreign and security policy
Imaging Measurements of Flow Velocities using Laser-Induced Fluorescence
Imaging velocity measurements along a line through a flowing gas are described. Laser-induced fluorescence from I 2 molecules, used to seed the flow, was utilized. A method of alternating counter-propagating beams from a single-mode dye laser, acting in the wing of the Doppler-shifted molecular absorption profile was used. Some improvements to the technique are also suggested.
Project Status of the Polish Synchrotron Radiation Facility Solaris
Abstract in Undetermined The Polish synchrotron radiation facility Solaris is being built at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. The project is based on an identical copy of the 1.5 GeV storage ring being concurrently built for the MAX IV project in Lund, Sweden. A general description of the facility is given together with a status of activities. Unique features associated with Solaris are outl
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Regular column on theatre in the weekly newspaper Arbetaren (The Worker).
Accuracy and realism in confidence in children´s event recall in response to two different types of questions
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Brain Talk : discourse with and in the brain : papers from the first Birgit Rausing Language Program Conference in Linguistics, Lund, June 2008
Brain Talk had as its theme, different aspects of language processing in the brain. The contributions focussed on the importance of context for the neurocognitive processing of language and speech in various communicative situations. The present volume, the first in the Birgit Rausing Language program conference series, contains papers from the Brain talk conference. They have been grouped in to
Factors contributing to fear of falling in people with Parkinson's disease
A Self-Tuning Filter for Fixed-Lag Smoothing
The problem of estimating a discrete-time stochastic signal which is corrupted by additive white measurement noise is discussed. How the stationary solution to the fixed-lag smoothing problem can be obtained is shown. The first step is to construct an innovation model for the process. It is then shown how the fixed-lag smoother can be determined from the polynomials in the transfer function of the