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Heat-treated high-fat diet modifies gut microbiota and metabolic markers in apoe-/- mice

BACKGROUND: High-fat diet has been known to have adverse effects on metabolic markers, as well as the gut microbiota. However, the effect of heat processing of high-fat diet, which leads to formations of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) has not been clearly distinguished from the effect of unheated fat. This study compared the effect of high-fat diet with heat-treated high-fat diet on adipos

Positive appeals are liked, but negative appeals work better

Charitable organizations often use directed charity appeals to solicit donations from potential donors. However, charity appeals can be written either in a positive frame (where the aim is to induce a positive mood), or in a negative frame (where the aim is to induce guilt and general negative emotions). Both positive and negative affect have been linked to an increased motivation to help and whil

Wave splitting in the time domain for a radially symmetric geometry

A decomposition of the field of the wave equation in three dimensions is suggested. This wave splitting decomposes the field into two components such that in free space simple propagation properties are obtained. The inhomogeneous region is assumed to have a phase velocity variation that varies only in the radial coordinate r from the origin. The suggested wave splitting is a generalization of the

Estimating the effects of the container revolution on world trade

The introduction of containerization triggered complementary technological and organizational changes that revolutionized global freight transport. Despite numerous claims about the importance of containerization in stimulating international trade, econometric estimates on the effects of containerization on trade appear to be missing. Our paper fills this gap in the literature. Our key idea is to

Continuum modelling of the mechanical response of paper-based materials

Popular Abstract in Swedish För att tillverka en pappersbaserad förpackning är det viktigt att materialet är tillräckligt hållfast. Förpackningsmaterial består ofta av kartong, aluminium och polymerfilmer där kartong utgör den största delen av förpackningen och bidrar mest till styvheten. Det säljs årligen mer än hundra miljarder förpackningar i världen och om kostnaden samt materi- alåtgång för aContinuum based elasto-plastic-damage models for paperboard have been established in this work. The thesis begins with an introductory section that describes the mechanical properties of paperboard and some of the converting processes during forming of a package. A short review of modeling concepts that have been applied to paperboard is presented and then some key aspects and assumptions develope

Unstable neck formation in Tensile Bars During High-Rate Tension

The time evolution of incipient necks is studied numerically for planar and axisymmetric bars subject to high-rate extension. The material is taken to be elastic-plastic and fully non-linear dynamic effects are accounted for. Two main types of growth of necks are observed; stable neck-development that results in fully developed necks and unstable neck-development that leads to weakly developed nec