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Low lung function, sudden cardiac death and non-fatal coronary events in the general population

BACKGROUND: Many of those who suffer from a first acute coronary event (CE) die suddenly during the day of the event, most of them die outside hospital. Poor lung function is a strong predictor of future cardiac events; however, it is unknown whether the pattern of lung function impairment differs for the prediction of sudden cardiac death (SCD) versus non-fatal CEs. We examined measures of lung f

The long road to health and prosperity, Southern Sweden, 1765–2015. Research contributions from the Scanian Economic-Demographic Database (SEDD)

The Scanian Economic-Demographic Database (SEDD) at the Centre for Economic Demography (CED), Lund University was built to answer questions derived from previous research using macro data from 1749 onwards. It includes longitudinal micro data for a regional sample of rural, semi-urban, and urban parishes in southern Sweden from 1646 to 1968 for approximately 175,000 individuals. In addition to the

A comparative study between the two patch-test systems Finn chambers and Finn chambers AQUA

Background: Finn Chambers AQUA (FCA) is a development of the Finn Chambers (FC) test system in which the test chambers are mounted on a moisture-resistant adhesive patch. FCA has pre-fixed filter papers. Because the use of FCA does not require any extra taping or use of separate filter papers, a change from FC to FCA chambers may be beneficial for both patients and patch-test technicians. Objectiv

Rhinarium skin structure and epidermal innervation in selected mammals

The glabrous skin around the nostrils in mammals is called a rhinarium or planum nasale. Rhinarium skin has multiple epidermal domes that are generally assumed to form a tactile surface. The rhinarium is innervated by a branch of the trigeminal nerve which is associated with stimuli such as touch, chemical irritants and temperature. In this study, our aim was to correlate variation in rhinarium sk

Processes Underlying Glycemic Deterioration in Type 2 Diabetes : An IMI DIRECT Study

OBJECTIVE: We investigated the processes underlying glycemic deterioration in type 2 diabetes (T2D). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A total of 732 recently diagnosed patients with T2D from the Innovative Medicines Initiative Diabetes Research on Patient Stratification (IMI DIRECT) study were extensively phenotyped over 3 years, including measures of insulin sensitivity (OGIS), β-cell glucose sensiti

The EU and climate-related security risks : a community of practice in the making?

Climate change is increasingly acknowledged as a threat to states and societies, and several international organizations are now seeking to respond to climate-related security risks. The EU’s comprehensive approach to security suggests that the Union is particularly well-suited to respond to such risks, but the EU has not yet developed a coherent policy. This article addresses the gap between disc

Exposure to Particle Beta Radiation in Greater Massachusetts and Factors Influencing Its Spatial and Temporal Variability

Particle radioactivity is a property of airborne particles caused by the presence of naturally occurring or anthropogenic radionuclides. Recent studies have found associations between particle radioactivity and adverse health outcomes, including changes in blood pressure and lung function. However, the spatiotemporal distribution of particle radioactivity and factors influencing its variability ha

Sustainability Service In-Store: Service Work and the Promotion of Sustainable Consumption

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore, illustrate, and conceptualize how sustainability service is performed and the role it plays in the promotion of sustainable consumption. Design/methodology/approach – Theoretically, this paper takes a practice theory approach, conceptualizing the provision of sustainability service as a set of complex, socio-material, and performative practices. M