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Vessel morphology depicted by three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound as second-stage test in adnexal tumors that are difficult to classify : prospective diagnostic accuracy study

Objectives: To assess whether vessel morphology depicted by three-dimensional (3D) power Doppler ultrasound improves discrimination between benignity and malignancy if used as a second-stage test in adnexal masses that are difficult to classify. Methods: This was a prospective observational international multicenter diagnostic accuracy study. Consecutive patients with an adnexal mass underwent sta

Experiences matter: A longitudinal study of individual-level sources of declining social trust in the United States

The US has experienced a substantial decline in social trust in recent decades. Surprisingly few studies analyze whether individual-level explanations can account for this decrease. We use three-wave panel data from the General Social Survey (2006–2014) to study the effects of four possible individual-level sources of changes in social trust: job loss, social ties, income, and confidence in politi

Energi och förmåga - Analytiska perspektiv och empiriska erfarenheter inom drivmedelsområdet

In the report we analyse the concept of capability and compare it to relatedconcepts such as resilience. With starting point in a sociotechnical systemperspective as well as existing research on capability and vulnerability wedevelop an analytical framework that could be used to study the capability indifferent energy systems. We suggest that capability could be seen as composedof five “building b

Defence on Demand : A physiological perspective on phenotypic plasticity in anti-predator traits

Almost all species face some degree of predation risk, and, hence, evolution has produced a plethora of anti-predator defences. However, anti-predator strategies require resources, and the prevailing risk of becoming prey is influenced by many factors and rarely constant across time and space. Evolution has therefore favoured the development of phenotypic plasticity in anti-predator defences. The Almost all species face some degree of predation risk, and, hence, evolution has produced a plethora of anti-predator defences. However, anti-predator strategies require resources, and the prevailing risk of becoming prey is influenced by many factors and rarely constant across time and space. Evolution has therefore favoured the development of phenotypic plasticity in anti-predator defences. The

Effects of Temporal Expectations on the Perception of Motion Gestalts

Gestalt psychology has traditionally ignored the role of attention in perception, leading to the view that autonomous processes create perceptual configurations that are then attended. More recent research, however, has shown that spatial attention influences a form of Gestalt perception: the coherence of random-dot kinematograms (RDKs). Using ERPs, we investigated whether temporal expectations ex

Empowering communities with health promotion labs: result from a CBPR programme in Malmö, Sweden

The study describes findings from a community-based participatory and challenge-driven research programme, that aimed to improve health equity through a health promotion platform in an ethnically diverse low-income neighbourhood of Malmo, Sweden. Local residents, together with lay health promoters living in the area, were actively involved in the planning phase and decided on the structure and con

Low heritability but significant early environmental effects on resting metabolic rate in a wild passerine

Predicting the impact of climate change on biodiversity requires understanding the adaptation potential of wild organisms. Evolutionary responses depend on the additive genetic variation associated with the phenotypic traits targeted by selection. We combine 5 years of cross-fostering experiments, measurements of resting metabolic rate (RMR) on nearly 200 wild collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicol

Evaluation of TH-Cre knock-in cell lines for detection and specific targeting of stem cell-derived dopaminergic neurons

The focal and progressive degeneration of dopaminergic (DA) neurons in ventral midbrain has made Parkinson's disease (PD) a particularly interesting target of cell-based therapies. However, ethical issues and limited tissue availability have so far hindered the widespread use of human fetal tissue in cell-replacement therapy. DA neurons derived from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) offer unpre

Elevated temperature increases genome-wide selection on de novo mutations

Adaptation in new environments depends on the amount of genetic variation available for evolution, and the efficacy by which natural selection discriminates among this variation. However, whether some ecological factors reveal more genetic variation, or impose stronger selection pressures than others, is typically not known. Here, we apply the enzyme kinetic theory to show that rising global tempe

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Kronik/op-ed essay on developments among the 9/11 conspiracy theorists, '011 truth movement or 'truthers', and why they should be taken seriously even if they are totally wrong.

Body Text : Typografi och litteraturens kropp

Artikeln behandlar typografins roll i relationen mellan text och läsare med utgångspunkt i bland annat bibliografisk teori och Jean-Luc Nancys fenomenologiska tankar om skrift och läsande. I fokus för artikeln står frågan: Kan vi förstå boken med sin typograferade text som litteraturens kropp?In one of his fragments, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg explains that German books printed with roman type, instead of the then default gothic type, always give him a feeling that he needs to translate them – evidence, he says, of “the degree to which our concepts are dependent on these signs”. The article elaborates on this thought. It explores the relation between literature, text (abstract and mat

Social belonging as the main concern for achieving life satisfaction when adapting to parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a complex, progressive neurological condition that impacts daily life and reduces life satisfaction (LS). To achieve and maintain high LS, persons with PD (PwPD) must go through a process of change to adapt to their new life situation. However, our knowledge about this process is very limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the process of change, and the main

Environmental factors affecting cognitive function among community-dwelling older adults : A longitudinal study

Although neighborhood environmental factors have been found to be associated with cognitive decline, few longitudinal studies have focused on their effect on older adults living in rural areas. This longitudinal study aimed to investigate the role of neighborhood environmental factors in cognitive decline among rural older adults. The data of 485 older adults aged ≥60 years who were living in Unna

Organic and conservation agriculture promote ecosystem multifunctionality

Ecosystems provide multiple services to humans. However, agricultural systems are usually evaluated on their productivity and economic performance, and a systematic and quantitative assessment of the multifunctionality of agroecosystems including environmental services is missing. Using a long-term farming system experiment, we evaluated and compared the agronomic, economic, and ecological perform

Contestations of the Liberal International Order : A Populist Script of Regional Cooperation

A seemingly never-ending stream of observers claims that the populist emphasis on nationalism, identity, and popular sovereignty undermines international collaboration and contributes to the crisis of the Liberal International Order (LIO). Why, then, do populist governments continue to engage in regional and international institutions? This Element unpacks the counter-intuitive inclination towards

Environment and Mobility : A View From Four Discourses

Debate and literature on the link between degrading environments and human mobility has been increasing exponentially. There is little concrete evidence, however, of efforts or policies that support the management of environmentally influenced mobility. Through discourse analysis using Q-methodology, this research aimed to scrutinize the standoff between opposing views under a fresh lens. One-hund