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A fast parallel solver for the forward problem in electrical impedance tomography

Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a noninvasive imaging modality, where imperceptible currents are applied to the skin and the resulting surface voltages are measured. It has the potential to distinguish between ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke with a portable and inexpensive device. The image reconstruction relies on an accurate forward model of the experimental setup. Because of the rela

Towards an efficient use of infrastructure and the built environment : Essays in transport and housing economics

Avhandlingen består av fyra artiklar som alla kretsar kring hur ett effektivt nyttjande av infrastruktur kan uppnås. Tre av artiklarna berör externaliteter i transportsektorn medan den fjärde artikeln rör bostadsmarknaden och hur en skattereform påverkade äldre småhusägares flyttbeteende. Externaliteter uppstår när de beslut som en person (eller företag) tar har effekter även för andra och detta iAll four papers in the thesis share a common theme: how to achieve an efficient use of infrastructure and the built environment. In the presence of externalities, pricing according to the (short-run) marginal cost is one answer on how this can be achieved and the first two papers estimates parts of the marginal cost of traffic. Paper I examines the effect of road and railway noise on property pric

The impact of work–family enrichment on subjective career success through job engagement : A case of banking sector

To survive in the current competitive era, organizations need continuous performance and development. The performance of any organization is linked with their employees’ performance. However, employees give their best when they see subjective career success in the organization. There are certain factors such as work–family enrichment (WFE) that affect employee’s subjective career success. The purp

Impact of substantive staging and communicative staging of sustainable servicescape on behavioral intentions of hotel customers through overall perceived image : A case of boutique hotels

Customers have become very sensitive regarding the innovative evaluation of servicesDue to competition in the hospitality industry, it is a challenge for hotel marketers to understand customers’ behavior. There is scant research in the hotel industry of Pakistan and especially on boutique hotels. This research seeks to measure the relationship between substantive, communicative elements of the sus

Opportunistic Multi-Layer Transmission over Unknown Channels

We use the received bit information rate (RBIR) to analyze the performance of multi-layer transmission when combined with hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ). The different layers are obtained from ordinary Gray-coded M-QAM and used for transmitting log2(M) codewords in parallel, exploiting that the different bits in Gray-coded M-QAM have very different reliability. The performance is analyzed

Transit detection of the long-period volatile-rich super-Earth ν2 Lupi d with CHEOPS

Exoplanets transiting bright nearby stars are key objects for advancing our knowledge of planetary formation and evolution. The wealth of photons from the host star gives detailed access to the atmospheric, interior and orbital properties of the planetary companions. ν² Lupi (HD 136352) is a naked-eye (V = 5.78) Sun-like star that was discovered to host three low-mass planets with orbital periods

Cost estimates of HIV care and treatment with and without anti-retroviral therapy at Arba Minch Hospital in southern Ethiopia

BACKGROUND: Little is known about the costs of HIV care in Ethiopia.OBJECTIVE: To estimate the average per person year (PPY) cost of care for HIV patients with and without anti-retroviral therapy (ART) in a district hospital.METHODS: Data on costs and utilization of HIV-related services were taken from Arba Minch Hospital (AMH) in southern Ethiopia. Mean annual outpatient and inpatient costs and c

Gene therapy for infantile malignant osteopetrosis : review of pre-clinical research and proof-of-concept for phenotypic reversal

Infantile malignant osteopetrosis is a devastating disorder of early childhood that is frequently fatal and for which there are only limited therapeutic options. Gene therapy utilizing autologous hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells represents a potentially advantageous therapeutic alternative for this multisystemic disease. Gene therapy can be performed relatively rapidly following diagnosis,