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Stoppa plågsamma gudstjänstförsök! Om liturgireformer

The twentieth century was a century of liturgical reforms. Every century has spent great resources on the liturgy, but hardly any other century has spent so much effort on changing it as the twentieth. Yet no-one seems content with what has been achieved. Five motives for liturgical reform are discussed: repristination, active participation, pastoral adaptation, ecumenical convergence, and the sim

Classification of motor commands using a modified self-organising feature map.

In this paper, a control system for an advanced prosthesis is proposed and has been investigated in two different biological systems: (1) the spinal withdrawal reflex system of a rat and (2) voluntary movements in two human males: one normal subject and one subject with a traumatic hand amputation. The small-animal system was used as a model system to test different processing methods for the pros

University training of senior fire brigade officers. The new approach in Sweden

In Sweden a fundamental development has recently taken place in the training of future senior fire brigade officers. There are two main changes: the training period has been substantially increased and the theoretical part upgraded to university curriculum level with final requirements corresponding to a university undergraduate degree. The new educational system reflects the changing and expandin

The Icelandic noun phrase: central traits

Since Abney (1987), generative syntax has invested much interest in the structure of the Noun Phrase, producing numerous theoretical as well as descriptive studies. Within the field of Scandinavian Noun Phrase studies, Delsing (1993) was a groundbreaking work that has since been followed up by several important studies, including Vangsnes et al. (2003) and Julien (2005). This field of inquiry is e

Changes in numbers and distribution of breeding waterfowl in the Swedish mountain chain between 1972–1975 and 2009

During 1972–1975, the breeding waterfowl populations of the northern parts of Fennoscandia (south to 65° N in Sweden) were surveyed for the first time. In 2009, a new survey was undertaken in the Swedish part of the mountain chain. Censuses were performed from the air in transects of 5×5 km squares and in special areas. The distribution of the different species was largely similar between the two

Verb Raising and Referential Null Subjects in Övdalian

Within the Scandinavian languages, there is a notable variation regarding verb agreement. Holmberg & Platzack (1995) suggested that this basic feature is linked to both verb raising and the presence of a handful of syntactic phenomena, such as stylistic fronting, oblique subjects, transitive expletives etc. In agreement-rich languages such as Icelandic and Faroese, the finite verb thus raises


Kommentar till ledarartikel i vilken kritik riktades mot rapporten "Aktivister", avseende Göteborgshändelserna juni 2001.

Grått, tråkigt, totalkriminellt? Diplomatiska beskrivningar av Polen – en fallstudie

Den omtalade globaliseringen förknippas inte bara med snabba finansiella rörelser utan också med ökat antal möten mellan etniska och nationella grupper. Beskrivningen av en sådan ökad kommunikation är ett stående inslag i såväl debatt (Martin & Schumann 1997) som samhällsvetenskaplig teoridiskussion (Bauman 1998, Beck 1998). Samtidigt anses det etniska identitetsbegreppet ha försvagats eller f

The role of small leucine-rich proteoglycans in collagen fibrillogenesis.

Small leucine-rich proteoglycans/proteins (SLRPs) are associated with collagen fibril formation, and therefore important for the proper formation of extracellular matrices. SLRPs are differentially expressed in tissues and during pathological conditions, contributing to the development of connective tissue properties. The binding of SLRPs to collagens have recently been characterized, and may give