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Informal Economy as Rational Habit and State Criticism. An interview study on path dependence in and perceptions of Ukrainian and Belarusian petty corruption

This paper examines the continuity, change and adaptation of blat – as a Soviet time, informal, economic transaction network, that existed as a response to a non-functional economy. The analysis is based on 33 in-depth interviews conducted in 2009 during a pilot field study in Ukraine and Belarus. The main focus is on individuals’ descriptions, justifications and explanations of their ongoing info

Inclusion Through Design - Engaging Children with Disabilities in Development of Multi-Sensory Environments

This paper is based on outcomes from SID (, a three-year project where twenty-four children with profound intellectual disabilities visited three MSE centres. SID's aim was to develop and demonstrate the potentials of interactive design in and for MSE practices together with the children and the pedagogical staff. In the project, we developed artefacts that were designed to

Value-Added Services in the New Swedish Electricity Market

The experience from electricity market reform in Sweden is reviewed and new approaches to promote improvements and investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy are discussed. On the first of January 1996 a new Swedish Electricity Act went into force, making it possible for consumers and retailers of electricity to choose between competing suppliers. Introducing competition fundamentally c

Europe as a Recycling Society. European Recycling Policies in relation to the actual recycling achieved

The objective of this paper is to provide a classification of recycling policy measures in relation to the actual recycling levels achieved in the EU Member States and in the European Environment Agency member countries. The paper covers the following five waste streams: packaging waste, waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), municipal solid waste (MSW), biodegradable municipal waste (B

Effects of Electron-Electron and Electron-Phonon Interactions on the One-Electron States of Solids

Publisher Summary: This chapter discusses two major developments that have taken place over the past decade. First is the enormous wealth of energy band calculations that have had tremendous success in explaining the properties of specific solids, but in which the connection with first principles is not always apparent. Second is the spectacular progress of many-body theory applied to the solid st